20 reviews liked by tenar

Finally finishing the original trilogy feels so surreal... I loved this conclusion to the Liberl arc. I was in tears finally saying goodbye to the entire cast in this grand finale. I will miss them. Especially Kevin! I really loved this guy. I hope he pops up again soon!

i got this on my birthday and i was playing it spending ages making my character and i scroll past the ugly buck teeth mouth option and my dad tells me that should be the one i pick
the darkness in my heart grew that day

hearing simlish paramore in this game as a child changed my life

This game is so annoyingly unique. It's got such a fun control scheme and the world, the story, and the mechanics are all so tightly executed. I want to play more games like this but there just aren't any. It's maddening.

Side note: The importance of impact (sound design? gamefeel?) is everything here. The combat is all about circling and positioning. If hitting an enemy in the back wasn't so meticulously satisfying the whole game falls apart.

I'm happy for you / I'm sorry that happened

What primarily grabs me about Horizon is A) the sense of nuance and, more importantly, empathy imbued in its writing, specifically in its Witcher-esque quests, and B) its astoundingly well-realized post-apocalyptic setting. Oh, and Aloy is pretty wicked awesome, too. Regardless, all of it combines into a game that you never truly burn-out on, so enthralling is its world and robot-trapping gameplay.

not as terrible as i've heard a lot of people say, the clothing lock doesn't bother me because you can have multiple muses anyways without loosing your progression, but it is indeed not a fully-fledged style savvy/girls mode "spiritual successor". it only takes about 12 hours to see the credits roll at which point you may find yourself thinking, was that really it? no, it wasn't, because you can now start the endgame grind for more points to collect the rest of the clothes if you're that kind of person. but at least for me personally i wish the setting/story and NPC characters were better fleshed out for the price point of this game. the repeated dialogues and lack of any connection between the areas or overarching story definitely makes it lose several pieces of charm that style savvy had going for it, but in the end this game is more focused on its online features than the solo-play so i wasn't expecting that going in.

tl;dr - if you spent 100s of hours on style savvy you will probably be disappointed, but i'm happy enough to play a new dress up game with updated graphics, in exchange for less sovl

wow. incredible. they had a lot of pressure on them considering the success of the first 2 games, and they fucking superseded expectations

Biggest mistake of my life was starting FFX-2 immediately after finishing FFX because wow holy shit I went from crying to utter disbelief

Still good for the series, though it does fall somewhat into the 'worldbuilding' situation that plagues FC which means that the first 25 hours of my 42 hour playthrough was basically spent introducing the key players and the city-state of Crossbell. I don't dislike the worldbuilding that Trails is renowned for but I much prefer the followups to the first entries in each Trails Saga where the plot is generally driving the game from the 1st or 2nd chapter. I don't think that the twist at the end of the game is super well pulled off, even if I can't necessarily think of anything wrong with the revelations it spills out, I just think that the reveal at the end of FC was far more surprising and well done. Like I'm gonna play the next game but Zero's story just sort of ends and goes 'hmm what about this and this plot thread?' and you're like 'yeah i guess', while FC ended and enthralled me enough to immediately buy and start playing SC.

Combat is basically an improved version of 3rd, which up to this point had the best combat in the system. They re-did the entire quartz system to try and stop every character from spamming Black Gehanna, by heavily nerfing your "higher element quartz" which was good. EP Cut has had it's effect halved meaning so your 40-50% EP reduction has turned into a 15-20% by games end - sounds worse on paper but it also theoretically increases the number of quartz you have by 1, because you don't need to dedicate a slot to EP Cut. The "gem" quartz that you start acquiring in end-game aren't just better versions of the normal quartz anymore either. They're weird, game-changing effects that fundamentally change how you might approach some fights. It's great! By the end of the game I had a pretty eclectic mix of builds as a result. Good stuff.