Unbelievably Underappreciated

The best games with the least fans. Disproportionately underplayed and underrated, in my own opinion.

I wouldn't add a game here unless I honestly think you should play it.

What's your excuse for not playing these yet?

One day the world will die and you will never have explored dreams.
Where are the fans for the best puzzle game since Baba is You?
You'll look back and regret not playing this sooner. Too bad, you had a chance.
Really, why are you reading this? Just play it. Stop looking for a reason.
It doesn't matter how cool modern games are if we aren't going to get more experiences like ESA.
The best goddam golf game ever released and you played, what, Golf with your Friends? It's too late, it's offline. You actually missed this one.
Walaber will put his heart into games until there is nothing left and you forgot about Jelly Car. I'm so sad.
We don't deserve Patrick Traynor. We really, really don't.
Such a good Zach-Like that Zachtronics had to shutter its doors.
how and why did this not become popular in the west? and if it did, why is it completely forgotten here?
Forgotten, forgotten, forgotten.
We really had it all, didn't we?
Incredible piece of art. I was absolutely shocked that it has about 0 presence on this site after I first played it
How did two Zachlikes go unnoticed in 2022? How disappointing.
You haven't even heard of Submachine? I'm so ashamed of you...
No. Just play it.
Stop acting like you are bad at puzzle games and try playing something difficult.
No matter how hard anyone tries, no one will really play Chulip. For example, you will never play it. See?
No one shall expel us from the paradise that Skutnik has created for us.
It's too late for the devs of Qbeh-1. But you can still play it.
You actually read this and chose not to even play it? It's a one-sitting game. Come on. What does it take?
How dare you let Nifflas be forgotten while he's still alive.


This game has every goddamn right to be a cherished classic.


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