More toon link is cute, but this ain’t it chief

A lot of neat ideas, but the surrounding package is uninspired, boring, and slow. A “by the numbers” Zelda game, if you will. Sky islands are cool, but that’s about it

The last fun modern Battlefield game. I really wished EA supported the game longer, instead of jumping ship to push the disaster that was BF V

Custom map creators peaked with this game. Halo 3 Forge set such a high bar that other MP map creators haven’t been able to match the ease and shareability that H3 had. Bungie also made it really easy to discover new maps thanks to their weekly map spotlight.

Pros: gunplay is super tight, abilities are fun to use, a lot of player customization, incredible art direction, and some pretty fun raids.
Cons: expansions have erratic levels of enjoyability (lightfall was terrible but Witch Queen was pretty great), consistently terrible monetization, broken MP matchmaking, lazy weapon/ ability balancing, and missions built on repetition.
I enjoyed my time with the game, but it’s not one that I’m ever itching to get back into.

I can’t in good faith give this a high score, but it does slap in a so-bad-it’s-good sort of way.
“Don’t worry mr. President, everything is under control. Just leave it to us!”


Probably the most fun I’ve had playing a gimmicky racing game. Lacks the charm that carries Mario kart, but the maps and the tightness of the controls kept me coming back. Hopefully a remaster comes along soon. RIP Bizarre Creations, gone too soon.

The best of the series imo. A lot of choices when it comes to creating a racing team, and the item holding mechanic can lead to big brain plays. Really hope Nintendo decides to give this game a proper sequel soon

Short, simple, to the point, easy to grasp, hard to master, outlandish humor, and a subtle story- yep this game has it all.

It’s just still so good after all these years. And it never gets easier

Kind of a weird game in its lore context, and even weirder behind the scenes, but there’s a lot of genuine creative going on here. Port this to the Switch you cowards

One of those games where I wish I could experience it for the first time again

Superior version of AC2 imo. Too bad the multiplayer servers were gutted: it was one of the most creative game modes I’ve ever played