this game is great i don't think its nearly as bad as some people i know say it is, the theming i feel is beaten over your head but it works really well with the core theme of the game being about dreams and what people have to do to achieve them.

the gameplay in 5 is some of the most fun i've ever had with the franchise up until this point, kiryu, saejima and shinada are so fun to play as especially with how strong kiryu is in this game. shinada is also a really interesting character and there's nothing really like him in terms of how he plays and his story which is about a dream being taken from someone and in spite of that he still gave other people dreams. shinada's story really really good and i hope he gets brought back in a future game.

overall yakuza 5 was amazing and honestly i could write more but i think what i did write is enough. 9.5/10

there is only one good level in this game and its the final one the other levels suck ass. this spot is NOT COOL.

this game just sucks dawg idk what to say

the soundtrack makes me cum but everything else is okay

everything about this was surprisingly solid, really enjoyable gameplay and the story was good too, 8/10 for now

it starts off slow and drags a little but once it gets going around halfway through episode 3 and once episode 4 starts it gets really good, im loving this story so far

NEON FUCKING DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how do you have the best gameplay in a mainline game so far with the stupidest fucking story and twists ever

this game is really good but the title defense part is made for masochists i dont understand how people think its fun its so dumb

gf said this was one of the best games ever made and i think she was right

pretty alright rougelite that couldve been so much better if it Wasn't in that genre and was just a short 3d brawler, the combat is fine but fairly simple with some cool things you can do. the key issue is that theres almost NO variety with the enemies until the end of the game. all of the enemies follow the same attack patterns and have almost the same movesets. the story is pretty alright but im not too familiar with hellboy stories outside of the first 2 live action movies, the music was also pretty decent and overall the game as a whole is decent, if it wasnt a rougelite and the enemies had actual variety itd be better. 7/10