possibly one of the most disappointing sequels i've ever played

Conflicted on this game because I love the theme of the story but it has some of the highest highs and lowest lows of the series (the final boss illustrates this perfectly). Overall a solid Yakuza game, but still not the best.

good game but a bit of a disappointing follow up to RE2make

its good but my game crashed and i lost 6 hours of progress so i am done with this game

more like this future redeemed xenoblade 3

Could've been a masterpiece, in the right hands. CBU3 were not the correct choice for this, as much as it pains me to admit, considering they made one of my favourite games, FFXIV. It's a shame it turned out this way.

I think this somehow is as good as the base game, even better in some ways. The worst part about it is Ada's voice. god damn change that shit now

This game's story and combat is where it suffers most. The combat is still extremely simple and it feels like the gadgets and abilities all overlap, to the point where you only have really 3 or 4 actual abilities.

The story felt a lot more rushed... but also too slow at times. Kraven just isn't an enticing antagonist, whereas Venom is. Guess who's in the story for like 2/3rds? And in general, I think the story of the first one is just way better constructed and has more hitting moments.

Otherwise, this is better than the first in every way. I hope the 3rd one can really swing it out the park for the last entry.

A really enjoyable story that's held back by it's combat so badly. I really liked the setting too, I think they did Edo period Kyoto justice. However there are just some bizarre decisions made in this remake, like changing the faces of some characters. I think this almost kind of ruins what the original game was trying to do - such as Hanpeita. The weird troop system with the abilities is just downright bad too and the fact only 2 of the styles are good and they're the most boring ones is disappointing. One day we'll get a great Edo period samurai game, but today is not that day.

Solid game, probably the best action combat in a Yakuza dragon engine game. It has a weird ass upgrade system and the story is padded a bit but honestly, it was worth it for the final chapter. That shit made me cry like a wee babby.

This was genuinely awesome. I almost feel like this is essential playing for Ragnarok, and I think I like the story here a bit more than I do the actual main game. The conclusion to Kratos' story was extremely well done and using Norse mythology's Valhalla to do it was a smart choice.

My only problem was I think there could've been more variety in the roguelike aspect, but honestly - I can't believe this DLC was free.

Someone described this as "uncharted but for kids" and I have to agree. I mean that as an criticism. Which is a shame, because R&C is one of my favourite series

it's fun for what it is, a little inbetween demo/dlc from 7 remake to rebirth, but idk the plot didn't do anything for me. Everything that happened (apart from who showed up) was obvious. Yuffie is fun to play and a good character though

This game was a great time. I heard mixed things and I understand where they're coming from. The combat was extremely simple and it doesn't really evolve past the 10 hour mark that much. The exploration is very linear. And having just finished it, the ending is quite weak and rushed. Especially because they decided to lock the true ending behind LOTS of side quests, where the true ending still feels weak and rushed anyway.

Everything ELSE however was amazing. The worldbuilding all throughout the story kept me so engaged, some of the characters were really interesting. I can't even begin to mention how good the soundtrack and artstyle were. Both were outstandingly gorgeous.

I can't wait for Sabotage studios next game in this world.