needed some platinum dopamine

incredibly underrated game. I’m so glad I found this hidden gem, it’s such a fun time being able to choose from a huge roster of marvel characters to join your party but also being able to insert your own customised character into the fold!??

turn based games were not really for me but if you’re a fan of marvel there’s no way you won’t enjoy this

i do love me some b-horror movie stories and i played this with my girlfirend who hates both horror and video games and she actually had a fun time

isaac clarke be looking so goofy in this. i miss his old character model but the fact he has a voice and speaks is a nice addition in this one.

i loved this remake so much, i decided to go for the plasma cutter run first and i have to say best weapon in any game...ever??

the necromorphs are some of the creepiest designs i've ever witnessed and seeing them remade in all their updated glory is definitely a treat.

i could see myself replaying this game at least once a year everything about it is absolutely delicious.

let's all pray for a remake of the second one

definitely not the strongest entry but the one i played the most. that plane sequence is insane though.

platinum #20 ✅

biased take but such a fantastic game set piece and story wise
really made me fall in love with these characters as a kid and revisiting after all these years just confirmed my feelings towards it

platinum: ✅ #19

highly recommend crushing mode
definitely does not hold up gameplay wise plus story is pretty basic

Platinum: ✅ # 18

really fun gameplay and setting

absolutely beautiful atmosphere

meh story (although i did cry a few times huh who said that)

soundtrack was also really good

i totally get the price discourse but as soon as i heard this was coming to the PS5 i had no doubt it would be a day one pick up for me.

I played through the last of us countless times on the PS3, it blew my mind back and still does to this day.

Experiencing one of my favourite stories and games with the insane graphics on the PS5 was so satisfying and the facial expressions and animations impressed me so much i would often just be staring in awe at what i was witnessing.

also Joel’s new face (?) looks so good , much prefer it over the original one.

my first time playing any entry in the resident evil series was back in 2019 when this remaster first came out. i wasn’t much of a survival horror player - rather just watched playthroughs on youtube. I remember having an absolute blast playing it back then and this time wasn’t any different.

Playing the ps5 update was incredibly satisfying, beautiful to look and controlled like a dream. The atmosphere of Racoon City Police Department is so eerie and i found myself exploring every square inch of it. Each level is designed so well the deeper you go underground.

The pure adrenaline you feel after finding a clue or completing a puzzle and running back to the objective only to be scared by and zombie rounding the corner was so fun. And of course being chased by Mr X when you are least expecting it.

The sound design was also incredible. I was also surprised by how quickly i was to jump straight into Claire’s story as soon as i finished Leon’s part. Just fun characters that i wanted to spend more time with.

I plan on playing through all of the games in the series, i think this is really a great starting point into the franchise aswell.