addicting asf lol, every character is well acted. the music makes everything seem so cool and intense. i love the art style, the characters and environment are rlly colorful and well done. the story was alright, kind of long winded but satisfying.

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I really love the story of Code Veronica. It adds a lot to the lore and the character development of Chris, Claire, and Wesker. The gameplay is typical of grandma’s recipe Resident Evil, which is fine with me but can be clunky of course. It’s fun with challenging boss fights and puzzles. The environment isn’t as scary as other RE games but I still enjoyed it. However, I got softlocked at the end of the game prior to the second Alexia boss fight. This was due to Claire having all of my high power weapons and not being able to get them back into Chris’s inventory. Really easy mistake to make on the first play through apparently. Bad game design imo as I had no idea I would not need them as Claire or that I wouldn’t be able to get them back. However, I really do love the story and the gameplay up to that point.

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This is a fun RE game but definitely not one of my favs. Some sections get to be bland and tedious. This installment felt more like psychological horror than survival horror, which was completely fine however the execution was a bit off. The atmosphere was boring compared to other RE games. The story is pretty cool and I enjoyed the expansions to the lore. The whole multiple endings thing is cool, but meeting the conditions for either ending requires making a specific decision in episode 3, meaning the second half of the game has to be played through completely twice to get the complete story. I feel like I will probably pick it back up in the future to get the other ending, but there are certain sections in the second half of the game that are so tedious that I probably won't be playing this one again for a minute

The campaign was pretty fun, not dissimilar from re4, re5, revelations, etc. Storywise it lacked quite a lot. The story can be forgettable at times and there were holes in the narrative especially with Jake and Sherry’s story. Parts that are supposed to be emotional can feel rushed or just generally lack depth. I wish the game that finally brought all these characters together had done a better job.

Super fun game, got addicted and beat it in just a few days haha. This game’s music is definitely the best aspect, every song is so good and helps enhance the mystery as well as the action moments. Nothing major, cool aesthetic and fun story.

I really enjoyed this game. Miles is a well developed character and his portrayal was well executed and unique. The story was a bit short and underwhelming but the setting, visuals, and gameplay make up for it. Very enjoyable game, got me excited to play Spider-Man 2.

One of my new favorite games of All Time. Storytelling, visuals, gameplay, were exceptional. I got emotional at so many points in the story and cried a few times even. I enjoyed the combat, not too simple that it becomes boring but not unnecessarily complicated either. Visually this game stunned me more than once. This is a must play for current gen gaming.

I really enjoyed this sequel and the new mechanics added to the game. Visually looks exactly the same as the first game which I think is great, continuing in the same art direction makes sense as the first game nailed it. The story was good and answered a lot of the questions I had from the first game. Definitely would say I had a lot more frustration on this game than I did for the first one, very challenging and rewarding levels.

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The story of this game left some to be desired. The first game had such an incredible story that set up the events of this game but ultimately overshadowed this narrative. The story is far from bad tho! I really enjoyed learning more about B.J.’s background and childhood. Each new character felt alive and the interactions between characters was just as good if not better than the first game. Gameplay was improved upon in almost every way. My favorite part of this game was the setting. Walking through the streets of American cities that I’ve really been too was surreal, and cool. My biggest complaint is the lack of a bossfight, the last fight felt like build up to a climactic final boss so the actual death of General Engel was somewhat underwhelming.