extremely linear gameplay, the story is literally about going for a giant walk. combat is kind of fun and the sphere grid is really cool, (even though if you actually look it up its just a really complicated straight line, but that doesnt matter becuase it FEELS good in the moment). did not bother with the post game because a lot of parts seem very bad (the lightning???)

lots of split second decision making, and a ton of stuff can go wrong you wont understand why for a while, pretty frustrating to make bad decisions in game deciding moments, and some games can be ruined while you have no agency over it, learning how to cope with every possible situation can take a ton of time (hundreds to thoughsands of hours) but other than that its extremely satisfying to kill people and exectute your gameplan successfully.

played like 10 times as a kid but i dont have an adult opinion on it

one of the greatest competitive games out there, however its extremely hard/frustrating to learn, fox and falco are so powerful they kind of controll who you can and can not main.

im not a FPS kinda guy but overwathc is very fun. Theres some great characters and even characters you dont need to shoot, but i dont really feel satisfied when i win, and queuing up for a game is very annoying and takes too long nowadays.

sakurai kind of lost it here with his balancing in this game. A lot of options in this game that feel like you should be able to punish have extremely high priority, and low lag and while they are punishable, its very frustrating to learn how to cope with all the spam and could take HUNDREDS of hours. Sakurai's design with the new characters also seems to be just put an extremely powerful move thats easy to hit, so that new people can have more fun.

adds a lot of depth to the original portal, more mechanics, feels like more of a complete game than the original. very satisfying game. i should replay it

short but fun puzzle game. very worth the time

lacks a ton of gameplay depth compared to somethign like terraria, most of the gameplay comes from building which i dont care much for. I prefer more exploring and combat oriented games. i think it would be better if the world went downn like 2000 blocks with complicated dungeons and stuff, and a greater sense of progression