I played the demo back in don't know when and hated.

Tried again few years later and... wow this is incredible.

This drinks heavily on some Hollow Knight chalice but damn maybe that's why the final product is good. Just feels some tiresome to travel to place A to place B sometimes, but in a overall sense this is a really good metroidvania experience.

Being totally honest... I finished this game in 2023 and I already forgot everything about it.

More like F.I.S.T.I.N.G. (Fun Intense Smooth combat and worldbuilding but The story Is Not so Great)

Beautifully crafted multiplayer adventure, excellent for a couch co-op; the whole music themed levels are amazing too. I hope we get a sequel to anything like this.

This is certainly a heaven for rhythm enjoyers.

Sometimes a 6 star rating is needed.

Please, don't ever forget this song. . . . Or me. . . .

Not sure if the cum gel was needed.


É tipo quando você jogava o jogo lendo a revistinha pra pegar macetes só que o jogo em si é a revistinha com os macetes e você vai montando o detonado ao mesmo tempo.

If this game had Boo in it, the FIFA series would be just a footnote on the soccer gaming genre.

Como pode um jogo me destruir e me salvar tantas vezes.

I still firmly believe that I will wake up as Bayek of Siwa one day

Gotta say that I realised that Delicious Last Course = DLC just a couple days ago.

This little mf can fit a damn truck in his mouth but only two stars 🤷‍♂️ anyway I would ride again, wonderful game.