9 reviews liked by turtlecontroler

this game at any point in history has either been extremely good or really horrible and to be honest i doubt i would enjoy it at all without having had friends to play with, but actually having friends for it made it pretty special.

This game came at the perfect time because I was getting tired of the medieval style of the Souls games, and the Gothic and Lovecraft art styles sold it to me! The bosses were awesome. Each area felt unique and different, and it had the perfect difficulty! The DLC is what brought this game to a 4.5/5 because that DLC expanded the lore and gave the most memorable bosses. My biggest complaint is the chalice dungeons because you had to grind all of them to get 100%. I should have spread them out, but it is still a grind. The framerate can get nasty sometimes, but you will get used to it. I loved 100% this game and would love to play it again.

I never had this much fun with a multiplayer game ever. PlayStation finally found its core multiplayer game!

when im in a worst dlc competition and Dragon's Dogma 2: Portcrystal - Warp Location Marker walks in

Quite good, music's good, gameplay is fun, characters are really good, especially the vergil dlc, though the story is quite sleepy, at least in my opinion.

One of the greatest experiences in a Final Fantasy game.

Such a great narrative that helps us push forward our limits, our destiny and to accept ourselves.