You really feel like you're in the anime. The art direction and fights are great. Plus, getting to fly/run around at Mach 15 is hilariously fun. My biggest negative has been that the control system is...a lot. And how they introduce it to you is overwhelming. I wish they'd found a better way to do that.

A ton of fun and the first souls-like to actually hook me. I hope this helps encourage more developers to engage in the spirit of a souls-like without just taking the grimdark. Lost a star because it has some sputtering on Switch that's frustrating.

A simple, yet ridiculously engaging game that's perfect for a morning commute or other 10-15 minute break.


Truly a remarkably fun game. It hooks you in with easy-to-learn, hard-to-master gameplay. Then, it provides you with small drops of story that come as you engage with the roguelike elements. It's a great first roguelike for people interested in dipping their toe into the genre.

It's an infinitely playable, really addicting roguelike. If that's not your jam, look elsewhere. If it is, I'm sorry, you're going to play a LOT of this.

Truly the only negative I have for this is that there's SO much variability that you'll often find yourself at an unbeatable boss because that's just the luck of the draw. But you can always get it next run, right? Might as well try one more run just to see.

You're going to hate how much you love these little dudes.

It's a solid idle game. A little change of the trees and it could be incredible. But damn is it a lot of fun as is.

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(Pixel Remaster: Switch Version)

Wow. It's a great story with wonderful gameplay. Yeah, it's aged, and some of the writing is a bit suspect (how many times will Kain get brainwashed? Or how many times will your friends sacrifice themselves?). But, like, it's really good. You're going to have fun.

(Pixel Remaster: Switch)

Playing this with an eye to where RPGs have gone you really see how much was there from the start. I definitely recommend playing the remaster with boosts, so you're not confined to grinding and suffering from the MP mechanic. But otherwise, it's absolutely a game you should play if you like RPGs.

Look, is it a good fighting game? No. Does it have a fun and engaging story mode? No. Is it a surprisingly solid button masher and nostalgia gem? Yeah, pretty much.

It's not exactly great, but it's a nice afternoon romp to 100% and think, "Wow. As a kid, I loved this. Kids really have no taste."

A nice, fun (and really pretty) puzzle game. However, unfortunately, it's clunky on Switch.

A fun romp with a really beautiful story. The only drawback I had while playing was that the emotional beats really got to me as an older sibling. I can't imagine not having fun running around and playing with your friends in this game.

A short and fascinating puzzle game that forces you to think outside the box (cocoon?). 99% of the puzzles are intuitive--but the 2-3 that aren't will frustrate you to no end (in a good or a bad way).

A genuinely fun game. Be ready for musicals, new enemies, interesting platforming puzzles, and to have a smile on your face the whole time. Highly recommend.