New genesis I will never forgive you

Earns its title as a classic in the hack n' slash genre. Fun, impactful combat, memorable characters, and a very solid soundtrack.

My favorite game of all time. I could seriously write a series of essays about the different things I love about this game. Every last aspect of No More Heroes resonates with me in some shape or form, be it its characters, game-play, music, I mean seriously, I don't think you've lived until you've experienced cutting the heads off of multiple guys at once with the swing of a Wii remote and watching as your Wii chugs, struggling to handle all the blood effects while beam katakana sounds play from the remotes crusty old speaker. I'm glad this game exists, I wouldn't be the same person I am without it.

Solid time killer. It gets pretty boring for me after completing one or two games in a sitting, but still good in short bursts.

Funny little goblin game. thank you Szymanski

Unique game-play, good music, an honestly really touching ending. Good times.

An amazing comeback for this series. Really my only complaints is that it's REALLY easy (I lost maybe 35 pikmin at most throughout my entire playthrough), and a good chunk of the dialogue feels a little unnecessary. Still, I can easily see myself giving this several replays like I have with the previous entries.

Absolutely could have been a great game but there's a good few things holding it back for me. Your guns don't feel like they have much power behind them, the damage they do feels balanced, but enemy feedback is lackluster. On the topic of feedback, it's easy to die in this game if you're not keeping a close eye on your health bar. It's kinda hard to tell when you take damage when your only indication is a hardly noticeable red outline and the grunts Seven makes. The parkour is serviceable, if a little floaty. Really just didn't feel that fun to play overall.

Still one of the best fps games of all time. Nothing has come close to matching this game's feeling or vibe but that's mostly due to the fact almost nobody makes games on the build engine anymore. Still, a fantastic game, a must play of the genre.