19 reviews liked by ubag

got mind fucked and probably need to be smarter to digest the philosophy and theory the whole story is written around

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"The sun and rain keep flowers alive." - Edo Macalister

This game is so tedious I had to restart three different times because I would just dread picking the game up again until weeks later and forget what I played. Eventually I said fuck it and just played with the gamefaqs guide just to get through the story. Maybe I'm just a dumbass but some of these puzzles, especially the Lost & Found puzzles, were just impossible to solve organically. To be fair, I am also really bad at solving puzzles and have a general distaste for maths in general.

The game is also paced really slowly especially in the first half. It took me a while to actually invest into the plot because of how nonsensical and surreal it all seemed. And it didn't help that moving around in this game feels so slow with how you are unable to full stride in all areas in the game, the map being kind of big, going to a new screen takes 5 seconds (going up and down 5 stories of the hotel gets old fast), and the sprint option being locked behind the step counter.

The plot starts to become interesting though when the connections to The Silver Case/ Kill the Past starts trickling through. However by that time I was so over the puzzle solving and walking around that it was hard for me to sit down and fully enjoy some of the lore drops. Half the cast also starts feeling meaningless by that point as well such as the wrestlers who never show up in the story again. I get that we were experiencing the random Sumio clones' memories but it really did feel like the only things that mattered happened in the last 5 chapters.

Despite all of the shortcomings of this game though, I am glad I played it. The dialogue is at its funniest when it was being meta and actually made me laugh at loud sometimes. The music did an excellent job providing atmosphere (I also just really like Debussy). And the opening and intro movies are probably one of the best pieces of visual media I have experienced in my life. My favorite part of the game is the guidebook with how real it made the resort feel with it's about 50 pages of fake lore. As soon as I had access to it, I spent a good solid hour reading through the whole thing and I loved every minute of it. They had a whole indigenous tribe mythos which was truly captivating and really gave that sense of "paradise" like being somewhere such as Hawaii would evoke. Another standout page in the guidebook is the one with alcoholic drinks on it. Made me want to print out that whole page just to make all the drinks which I will probably do in the near future. I would totally stay in a resort like Flower, Sun, and Rain and I'm mad that it isn't a real place.

The quote from Edo I used in the beginning of this review sums up how I feel about this game. It has its ups (sun) and downs (rain) but at the end of it all the game was truly a unique experience (flower) that I feel like would stick with me. That quote is my favorite piece of the dialogue in the game and it really made me meditate on my own experiences. Imperfect game but the imperfect can be considered perfect by virtue of its imperfection. I can say for certain that I enjoyed my stay in the Flower, Sun, and Rain hotel on Lospass Island.

cant believe i read cuck porn kms #miyuki tho

I played this with my boyfriend for like 30 minutes on his jet engine sounding PlayStation 4, I had all the best gear, and I still sucked ass at it and so we went back to playing Rainbow Six Siege and having gay sex.

lend me 50,000 yen

aesthetically very reminiscent of jrpgs of its contemporary from the late 90s with a cool as fxck aesthetic ala racing lagoon. chapter select is depicted as dj deck cant get any cooler than that. the way the assets are put together throughout the vn with the portraits of the characters, backgrounds, and dialogue placed/layered throughout the screen gives off the feeling of a real time evidence board mixed with surveillance recordings; fitting for a story about solving crimes. plot being broken up by cases with an accompanying evidence report chapter is a good way for the story to maintain mystery while also delivering just enough information so the player isn't too lost. it is almost like the player themselves is also a detective trying to figure it all out. it got to the point where i became one of the characters with how seamless i would wake up and log on to the computer to read my emails and feed my pet turtle. dialogue got me actually laughing out loud and the ost is effective. however, its age shows with how clunky the controls were during the exploration and puzzle bits which took a bit to get used to but became second nature eventually. i welcomed how slow the game was sometimes but i do understand that it is not for everybody. imperfect game but the imperfect can be considered perfect by virtue of its imperfection (lol) so thank you Grasshopper Manufacture Inc. recommend if u wanna be cool tho cuz only cool people played this game

i googled the nearest cliff to jump off after finishing this game

This review was written before the game released

My brother who worked at Square Enix stated in his death bed that Square Enix will have the dragons unlocked via NFTs.

Also that 7R Part II will have sex between…

And then he died. R.I.P. Joshee Joe.

Wife caught me doing the spanking QTE

They don't make gay cyberpunk fiction like this anymore

what the fuck did i just play? all i know is that it was amazing.