168 reviews liked by unforcedwill

Stellar Blade lives up to the hype as it delivers a well written and captivating story along with a main protagonist that has the potential to be one of PlayStations best icons when it's all said and done.

The future is bright here!

I am a frisbee god.
Seahorse with bubble bridge?
Sorry, but you're wrong, dog;
I'm using the frisbee.

I am a frisbee god.
Spike pit spanning the ledge?
Though I should walk the dog,
I'm using the frisbee.

Chinchilla's head goes thunk,
I dance to frisbee funk.
I am a frisbee god;
I'm using the frisbee.

Animal Well shines as it keeps its promise on delivering a great and visually stunning puzzle platformer experience that is constantly feeding the player some of the best mysterious and thought provoking levels that I've ever experienced.
This is one of those games that came just at the right time and has set a whole new foundation on the metroidvania genre going forward.

This was an incredible experience that I'll be thinking about and revisiting for a very long time.

Story 4 | Gameplay 4.8 | Audio 3 | Visual 4.3 | Details 3 | Entertainment 5

Total 4

Still gotta finish it but after about 50 hours the thing that stood out the most was the feeling of discovery. The atmosphere and ambience is also top notch. Just a good world to get lost in for a while.

The best Call of Duty game, and if anybody disagrees, fight me.

Mr. Krabs origin story was one hell of a ride!!!

In all seriousness, Another Crab's Treasure was a unique and refreshing souls-like experience that gives fans of the genre hope that there is some original thought that can go into these games afterall...

The Perfect Way to End an Amazing Trilogy.

5 lists liked by unforcedwill