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Snigglegros finished Battle Crush
Is there a Double Jump in this game? Not really, you can jump as long as you have enough stamina while not on the ground, but its not like you actually get extra height off it. More like bunny hopping than Double Jumping.

Battle Crush is a Battle Royale Moba. You have teams of 3, land on an island, grab loot, engage in battle, the whole shebang. The map is pretty small so you will probably always be fighting. You either knock opponents out by knocking them off the edge when they have no stamina to jump back or just knock their health bar to 0 then hit them a knockback move while they are in their fatigue state.

Im not really much for battle royales, so this isnt very fun to me. I kind of wish it was just a 3v3 moba/team death match thing. I think there rotating game modes(?(stupid if there are)) so maybe there will be?

It has some fun designs though. Baseball team of dinosaurs, small girl poseiden, sexy baby medusa, and they have a cool line of hip hop skins. I like the designs quite a bit, and the art style of the characters; but yeah, poop game.

2 hrs ago

Snigglegros commented on Snigglegros's review of Islands of Insight
For anyone curious, this game is currently free to keep on Steam until June 27th at 1pm. And if the strange always online nature of this game might turn you off, they are adding an offline mode on July 9th. I wholly recommend this game for anyone who likes to do puzzles (ranging from casual to hardcore).

11 hrs ago

Snigglegros commented on Snigglegros's review of Super Mario 3D World
@SoulCakeLive gotta respect someone who has the patient of a saint

1 day ago

Snigglegros commented on booIean's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
i saw someone on twitter call Kai Cenat the rword because he didnt switch to fingerprint shield and a bleeding rapier. So it seems like some of them dont care.

Rellana was like the only boss I actually thought was cool and fightable. She gives you way more breathing room than most of the other main bosses.

2 days ago

Snigglegros commented on Snigglegros's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
@bunyn I know, but doing that while dodging their 20 fireball tracking spell is far beyond my capacity, and not really worth it. I understand if they are pretty useless to kill, why complain, but I hate them so 💁‍♀️

2 days ago

Snigglegros finished Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Did they add a Double Jump to your character with this DLC? No, but Torrent still can.

Full Spoilers Ahead so 💁‍♀️

Shadow of the Erdtree is more Elden Ring, for better and worse. I think the exploration is better because its more condensed area and less repeated stuff. This DLC also has some of the best/cool looking areas in the game for sure. The finger areas, the scary ass woods, the blue fields, the green fields; all that shit is crazy looking and beautiful. There are only 3 of each side dungeon in this so they don't wear out their welcome too much. They also benefit from being more interesting visually because they swapped out the caves and mines for these ice jails and lava blacksmith forges. The catacombs are still here, and they still have plenty of clever tricks. I'm a Catacombs fans, I think they are the perfect amount of Fromsoft pranking on the player and the ones in here continue to be fun.

The legacy dungeons are alright. I only really think 3 of them are cool in the base game (Haligtree, Raya Lucaria, and Farum Azula) and I don't really find them in this DLC that interesting. They are serviceable, they work. The scary mansion in the scary forest in the best one here on a thematic stand point, but still kind of lacking in density.

I played this DLC with my fists character, so I was running Caestus and Heavy Star Fists into this. I was hoping to get the martial arts weapons and then also the beast claws once I learned about them. The martial arts are dope and the Beast Claw weapon is really cool, but I think I still enjoy the Caestus the most. I wish Fromsoft really brought back the Bone Fists from DS2 in this (considering other stuff in this dlc.....).

I find that there is quite a bit of lowkey references to their past work, or maybe Im just seeing stuff I want to see where it isn't. They also might just be stretches, but like, there is enough for me to be like 🤔. The draining water by pushing the circle lever, the storeroom is kind of like the Grand Archives, the place that has Manus in the title, the item that lets you form change into a dragon, and the Putrescent Knight has a vaguely Humanity head (and his arena is basically the Midir boss room). I think I saw more, but I can't remember them all.

Okay, Bosses. I find most of the bosses annoying and too much. Fromsoft is hitting the fucking absolute end of what they can do without huge gameplay shake ups I feel like. I do acknowledge that I am pretty sure my fist build was ass for most of these bosses and that I am washed up, but I do think the bosses are getting too ridiculous. I can kind of just point this out within this own DLC with Rellana. I think she is a good way to make something kind of crazy, but the difference with her is she gives you plenty of time to sip estus and just think in general. She does have a string that can be like 8 attacks long, but she will often pause for a bit to let you get some composure back. I feel like I could understand what her attacks were and what to do the easiest. Romina is a good one too. I really didn't have the patient for any of the other main bosses. Most of them are sooooo fucking cool and just look fucking amazing, but fuck me main I dont want to fight them! Commander Gaius feels like bullshit, maybe they do want it to be a "jousting" type fight, but I had fists so that shit was impossible. The Scadutree Avatar arena is too fucking big and he goes too far away with annoying ranged attacks.

The last boss is actually like way too much I think. If its the final boss they do for this genre for a while, I think that its a good just final stamp, but fuck man. I genuinely cannot see myself ever solo fighting this boss and feels like the boss that most needs summons. This really feels like a Raid boss, which is cool, but how the fuck am I supposed to do this with my build? I know the point in Elden Ring more so than older titles is to swap builds around, but i;m not really gonna do that unless I make a new character. I made a punch character, she's gonna punch.


The fucking group fight where you fight Leda and her allies (and you summon Thollier and Anbach) is probably one of Fromsoft's best though. It's kind of like Abyss Watchers in the way it gets chaotic from people fighting, but I think it works much better in that these are NPC's you have met and interacted with. They have each picked sides and are fighting against each other for their ideals. It is kind of sad how they all kind of vaguely worked together but now have to fight. The music for it is the third song from the OST that I actually went "woah" during.

I hope that if Fromsoft continues to make stuff in this genre that they cut down on the world size like this DLC. I would still prefer if it was small than that, but whatever. I would like if they took the platforming stuff they took from this added it to the more linear design of older games that could be cool.

2 days ago

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