I have bought this game 6 times and I am still playing it. Nuff said.

The most powerful game I have ever experienced. A masterclass in emotion, stakes, drama and darkness in a game. There were times when I wasn’t “enjoying“ playing the game but that was because the things that I witnessed and had to do were so hard to fathom. Guess what , I still played on because this is an expertly made game with no equal in the space to date.

Wanna lose hours of you life to hand crafted, beautiful pixel farm life? This is the game for you. Looks simple but steers you through deep systems that fit so well together. Definitely a just one more day (oops it’s 4am) type of game.

A game that hols so much nostalgia for me. The remake is second to none in terms of quality. The look,feel, and sound of the game are all revolutionised but still give me that, sitting two feet away from my tiny tv in my bedroom, feeling. Oh and Mr X can do one!

Traversal like only Insomniac can do it. Let me just swing over here and see what happens, oh wait there is a great story and hunners of suits to collect?! And unskippable stealth sections…ok, no those bits. A gem of a game.


Short, sweet, and furry. Solid platforming mechanics, a lovely but bleak world to roam through an a button to meow. Nice game.

Superb! Characters, story, design all top class. The first boss fight is the most superhero as thing in all of gaming.

A very strange game for me. Loved the premise, game design , and setting but couldn’t get into it. Put 10 - 15 hours into it on multiple attempts but fell off every time.

The absolute GOAT of survival games. Can’t get enough of a snowy setting in a game, even if it is trying to murder me. This is the game I have bought the most ( apart from Skyrim, of course)