ok so like, at its basic core it's still ridge racer and that's great. it's just they cut out all the content to sell as dlc so you're left with this utterly anemic package with nothing to do. If you have a Vita and want ridge race just play 2 PSP or R4.

Menu theme is great tho

Simply a masterpiece. One of the best audio/visual presentations in gaming, surprisingly well written storylines, and easily the best playing of the early Ridge Racer
I wish I was Reiko Nagase

It's got a kinda cool battle system going on but it has a bad case of "free preorder bonus game" jank

John Johanas heard Perfect Drug and went "holy shit this would bang as a boss song" (he was right)

pure evil vibes here, love it
try the keyboard controls, the deliberateness of tank controls with strafe buttons adds a lot imo

loses a fair bit of the edge of the original with the higher quality models and faster gameplay, so it's mostly a kind of mediocre top down shooter. the renewed ending and new story content has some great stuff going on tho

a perfect time capsule into what mid-2000s pop culture was running with, for better or worse. the sheer level of freedom given to the player is really something though, especially considering the game is held together by duct tape and dreams

I actually kinda fuck with the more linear mission based design, the difficulty balance is EXTREMELY out of wack tho

what can you say, it's more Postal 2. I like the apocalyptic setting I guess
the gamergate shit is pretty cringe but because it's Postal you can blow up the major cameo and piss on his corpse so who's to say if it's bad or not

they weren't kidding this game is dogshit. that's hours of my life I will never get back

I put it on to see how it looked and before I blinked the credits started rolling
imagine a call of duty campaign with none of the budget and enemy AI that's borderline nonexistent, least it plays like call of duty tho I bet the multiplayer was fun at least

like 80% of this game kicks ass, Raven knows how to make a sick ass shooter. Man that other 20% is boring as shit tho, worth trudging through it tho


every time david makes a bad tweet just gotta remind yourself he made dusk he can say what he wants
I should probably mention something about the sublime level design that's so tight you won't even notice the lack of a map or the fantastic weapon selection or the atmospheric quake-esque graphics but those all speak for themselves really

For all its marketing posturing about how it's a REAL fps unlike those call of duties, it does kinda fall into a lot of the same trends of other 7th gen shooters and it hampers it a fair bit more because when it cuts loose it is great fun racking up MadWorld-esque combos

This game went through development HELL but honestly it's maybe my favorite post-NMH pre-TSA Grasshopper game? The combat is incredibly fun, looks fantastic given that it's GhM's first HD game on UE3, and Garcia Hotspur is just the coolest guy. Can't go wrong with Steve Blum putting on a Mexican accent