just a perfect complete package of a game honestly

Every time I replay it I like it a fair bit less - there are some great bits though, and I appreciate some of what it was trying to do even if it doesn't quite land

Brilliant fucking game, stellar boss fights and a great self-reflective and deeply personal story

Honestly loved it even more on a replay. I think some people were disappointed because they were expecting it to "matter" to the larger KtP universe more but that game already exists in TSA and that's great - NMH3 to me is one last all out balls out blowout to send off Travis Touchdown and it mostly succeeds. With its constant collaborations from buddy Tony Astro doing a boss track to the numerous guest character designers it feels like a celebration of creativity and art.
And the COMBAT, it's so good. Easily the best melee combat GhM has done, it's so smooth and slick with enough little tricks you can do to add some depth.

No other Unreal Engine 3 game has this much visual swagger and the combat was, until NMH3, GhM's best. Story depth on the other hand isn't quite there despite wearing the skin and tropes of Kill the Past - there is some stuff to chew on but not a whole lot. It looks hella cool tho so who cares really

If you're buying a PS3 day 1 you could certainly do worse ig, it's got some cool stuff but is VERY launch title-y

does pick up a bit in the latter half but man it's kind of a lame followup, drops a lot of the unique stuff 1 had going on and is just kind of a generic futuristic military shooter

Best Resistance game easily, combat feels great and it's very well paced

if you can stomach some truly GARBAGE writing it's a decent time, the extremely generous auto aim helps give it a nice run n gun feel. kind of falls apart in the last level tho

This game like, exists I guess. I mean it's functional.

If you asked me what the best game on the PS1 was I would not hesitate to say Metal Gear Solid. Just a total masterpiece on every level

only giving it four stars is painful cause there's so much about FFT that makes me go "yeah this is the best game ever made" like the open-ended job system, story and characters, art direction, music, etc but it's impossible for me to overlook that the gameplay balancing swings wildly from crackheaded (fun) to crackheaded (frustrating). Genuinely I think given a similar treatment to the recent Tactics Ogre remaster (minus the ugly sprite filter) it absolutely could live up to it's legacy, highly recommend using one of the quality of life rebalancing mods for the PSP version until then.

Who remembers this one? Riiiiiiiiidge Racer!

There's not really any reason to go back to this considering Revolution is just the same thing with more and the formula has been far improved, but there's solid foundation here. It's EXTREMELY arcadey tho (read: kinda bullshit hard)

Honestly my single favorite Ridge Racer; just a massive wealth of content from across the series, a perfected driving model, killer soundtrack, and a perfectly put together single player mode to take you through all of it

sadly one of the last, but one of the best. Progression feels a little confusing at times, but it's so gorgeous at 1080p 60fps at launch day on the PS3 I don't mind at all