Excellently paced, story falls slightly flat though where it swings for emotional moments that don't land

it's just the best action game ever made really, totally different from anything else out there even its own followups

Genuine fucking masterpiece, combines Team Ninja's action expertise with classic RPG mechanics seamlessly and has a brilliant story that goes kino places by the end
Just watch the dlc cutscenes on YouTube tho

Fantastic combat but the rest of the gameplay systems are lacking, probably should have been more of a straight action game tbh
Story has some cool beats if you have at least a Dynasty Warriors-level understanding of Rot3K

you could literally spends hundreds upon hundreds of hours in it and still have stuff to do, with some gameplay smart improvements over 7 this is the ideal modern musou

The best story mode in the series easily, it's outclassed by 8 otherwise tho

it's just that good
HD Project highly recommended

Fun expansion to RDR, it's great to see all the characters back and reacting to this outlandish situation and the new gameplay mechanics are lots of fun
Unfortunately, in the final patch for the game Undead Nightmare was broken and is now extremely glitchy. Thanks Rockstar!

One of the few games to truly deliver on the promise of the modern AAA open world game - it's an absolutely massive game that delivers on a high level of cinematic quality and a plethora of things to do that never feels stale. There are valid criticisms to be made towards its almost automated mission design and the animation tending towards slow realism (imo, it doesn't go hard enough in it the game really needs a hardcore mode like 1 I think) but it's undeniably a stunning achievement.

Solid foundation, great vibes, unironically love the dub. Hoo boy it's got some "this is the first one" roughness tho

It's an improvement in virtually every way over the first game
Ryuji Goda best rival ez

This is the best one actually
Once you get the komaki moves (practically necessary) and figure out that you can whiff a few hits to get a finisher out on an enemy before they block then punish them when they bounce off a wall the combat opens up and becomes some of the most fun. The PS3 vibes are unmatched here and the story has great moments, especially the ending

Story felt kind of whatever, but the new characters are generally great fun. I do feel like Kiryu probably could have sat this one out but hey that ship has long sailed

honestly just a fucking incredible experience, go play it

from game boot to the end of the first chapter it has the best introduction in gaming history. if you aren't hooked by then idk dude