A really ambitious and cool idea, but its physics are too difficult to follow. It's constantly unclear where I'm dropping my pieces, and it's difficult to line them up. The pieces are randomized in such a way that you can unpredictably fail, and it's just frustrating instead of exciting. Cool idea, but deeply infuriating to play.

It's pretty good! Markedly better than Circle of the Moon, both in terms of game feel and design. Got the "bad" ending; I might get the true ending later.

The fourth president of Armenia, Armen Sarkissian, co-developed this game. Just thought you should know.

Got to the final boss. Decided it wasn't worth it.

secretly Metroid for the NES is an experimental art game and no one realized it until now

When I played this game, I never encountered another player, so much of the poignance of the experience others experienced was completely lost on me.

I hope this goes down in people's memories as the brilliant piece of work it is. Beat once, then completed it and got the secret ending. Absolutely stellar shmup.

grand theft auto whomst???? in this house we play the SIMPSONS

the tank game owns

other than that, i guess you can ride a cow


Short, sweet, and no longer than it needs to be, just like this review.

Very bad game with a very good Game Over theme

A good example of what happens when you layer too many mechanics on top of each-other without enough refinement or cohesion. It's fine, but it's so much that it actually just becomes unmemorable.

when i was in high school i tried to get into competitive melee, so i'm legally required to hate this game

it's pac-man you filthy animals