31 Reviews liked by vernie

West Clownadelphia 2006
I am Moe Curls

not a great FPS in any respect but it was kinda weird how the main guy kept breaking the 4th wall to ask the player if "you've gotten the surgery" and begged me to "keep it" because "a girl without it is like an angel without her wings" idk what that was about

This game presents a lot of interesting and great ideas, but they're all hidden behind hours and hours and hours of tedious tests of patience. A Link to the Past is largely held back by a lack of modern conveniences, as well as general lack of direction. I think this game is great for children who have countless hours to spend walking around and exploring Hyrule, but as someone who has played any Zelda game that came out after this, it is a slog to get through. The dungeons are generally annoying to sift through, the Dark World is boring and annoying to traverse, the Light World is effectively a giant time waster once you finish three dungeons. There are only a couple of good dungeons in the game, and unfortunately they're the last ones and are still ridden with various issues the other dungeons (and the rest of the game) contain. I think the good ideas this game presents are done far better in later titles, so I really recommend only playing this if you want to play every Zelda game or if you haven't played one yet and want to see what all the hubbub is about.

One of the most charming, heartfelt, and emotionally resonant games I've ever played. The humor has aged extremely well and the characters are all delightful. The writing is masterful and runs the whole spectrum of emotion effortlessly. The multiple endings add replay value and basically every aspect of the gameplay exists to serve the narrative. Without question one of the greatest games I've ever played and truly deserving of the title of masterpiece.

the framerate was actually intentional in order to convey the inconsistent speeds at which taro’s brain operates

Strong cast that never gets a spotlight and a story that falls apart more and more as you think about it. If that wasn't enough the gameplay is easily the worst in the entire series, having the worst of both worlds in being braindead and also a huge slog. The VAs carry this game so hard. I'd rate it lower but I still enjoyed myself somewhat on my first playthrough, though attempts to replay it prove that the gameplay just sucks so hard that it's not worth trying.

Making a new review because my original got deleted (made a joke about k)
I'm finished. The gameplay and maps are consistently stellar and satisfying, and the story is intentionally campy. Many will compare it to the mess that is fates, but the camp here is by full intent and not meant to be serious, so I tolerate it more. The hub's far more optional and thus less of a slog than the monastery was for me, but the supports drag hard. They're very small and I find it hard to be attached to the cast. I like them, mostly, but they are every trope the "FE has never had a plot" bozos reduce this series to. While the story's goof is funny to me, these supports make me feel very little. I overall do find the game a stellar loop, though the onslaught of paralogues by midgame has stalled my progression. Nothing is intrusive. I like this quite a bit. It is a mickey mouse ass game with phenomenal tactical gameplay, yet mickey mouse by intent. This is what disconnects it from the insuffrability of Fates (not Conquest) for me, but any real layer to the story or world isn't there either. I'd like more layers, but camp is enjoyable if intentional. The OST is particularly good too. I initially didn't click then I hit Bright Sandstorm and I creamed.
All of the creepy shit that the localization team cut is good, but also, why was that allowed in general?
EDIT 3/23/2023, I beat this game on Hard. Love it even more. Bumping it up a half star, it was also a sort of comfort to cope with the loss of my father. Just a distraction from the world.

The soundtrack "His World" went so hard that they put it in Sonic '06. An absolute inspiration.

She sweepin on my mine til I feel micro-soft INCORRECT BUZZER SOUND

Finally playing a Touhou game feels like I've crossed some kind of cursed boundary I can't recover from. I guess time will tell if I've ended up in some deep dark abyss of my own making.

What time doesn't need to tell you is that I think this game is really good! Short but sweet metroidvania, cool time stuff, baller bosses, it's one of those games that's so focused on the gameplay that I kinda end up just listing the features in it because they're all rad. Well worth whatever nonsense I was spouting above.

you overestimate your borger my friend

Bitches irl:
" I'm gay I can't drive sorry🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"
The same bitches in Ridge Racer Type 4:
" OMG I just did a 1cc hard mode run and lost to my previous record by 12 seconds my drifting accuracy is just 98% my fuel management is off by 4.6% I must improve on my times to impress the Pacman team (🥰🥰🥰) further. I must feel the heat. WHEN THE TIRES KISS THEEEEEEE STREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET. "

Convinced that the development process of this game as the writers spending most of their time making sure that one trial goes as hard as physically possible and then realizing "Oh yeah, we need three more of these"

raw peak fiction zenith of the medium vortex of all creation hall of media

My boy. Mr. Drip, Rawness, and Swag. Mr. Goin' in like Swimwear; going ham, dripped out, always looking fresh, and delivering lines of legend. My boy Reeeaann Schwaaaarzer bro.