An agonizing play. The hub worlds are worthless and tedious without realizing you have to stand UNDER the boss warp and stay there for a bit to actually be taken to the boss. The platforming is a little more engaging than Advance 2, but still tends to be a drag.

Similar to Sonic Chaos, which I also gave a 3/10, this game has virtually no challenge. It is just boosters and grindrails and holding like two buttons the entire duration of the game. There is nothing fun about this game, and the bosses are more often than not complete BS.

Sonics 2D debut on the Gameboy Advance is an alright addition that I can get behind. The game has a fair balance of difficulty, although a little on the easier side within that spectrum. I did not see myself struggling much, although I wasn't given everything like a birthday present either. The game controls well, although the bosses can be pretty tedious and painful at times, especially Ice Mountain and Cosmic Angel Zone. I would go outright to say those bosses are unfair and unreasonable. I had an alright time playing this game, and it would definitely be interesting to revisit it and use some of the other character abilities, given we have three other playable characters.

Mixed bag the Sonic game. For the most part its okay. Kinda easy like Sonic 2, but that is mostly because they ripped off Sonic 2 entirely in this short game. For what it is and what hardware its on, this game is somewhat impressive, but as a game itself, its kinda lame. Really just feels like they wanted to sell more Adventure titles and did so by putting a spinoff on a console I have never even heard of. Could have been better if it actually tried to do something original, aside from the bosses, which were okay, minus the second to final boss, but meh.

This game reeks of AI generated wanting to be different dogshit. No wonder nobody bought a fucking 32X, this shit is so ass I used it to wipe my doo doo booty ass when I took a shit this morning.

The game is so pathetically piss easy until the final level, when they hit you with shitty 8-bit maze shenanigans yet again. I sure do love when I get spat out of a pipe because I don't know where I'm going, only to fall into a bottomless pit and die. Being punished for being a first time player is just disgusting. Before that shit level though, I was clearing everything else in less than five minutes with absolutely no challenge. This game sucks.

Sonic Labyrinth was easy for the most part until the first boss, but tedious, thanks to the ridiculous speed cap. The controls are horrifically clunky, and the game failed to entertain me.

Depth perception does not exist, and this game is incredibly boring and jarring, failing to provide any kind of fun in sticking around in the levels for longer than usual like CD does. The flicky mechanic is genuinely just awful, especially the red flickies that intentionally run and jump away from you, even putting themselves in harms way that way you get hit too. The controls are slippery and the game is just bad.

Sonic Triple Trouble was okay until they decided to put yet another shitty maze gimmick in yet another 8-bit Sonic game. It was a shame because this was, for the most part, the most competent 8-bit effort in the Sonic series, given the previous games that I have played in that department. The bosses were piss easy, but at least not completely awful. This game was, eh.

Sonic Blast is a clunky, visually horrifying, horribly put-together came that once again fails to be a Sonic game, on a weaker system not built for Sonic. Every level until Blue Marine is easy, yet miserable to complete, due to how slow the game controls, while Blue Marine is so confusing for a first-timer that the game just is not worth continuing. Somehow worse than Sonic 1 SMS.

Sonic 3 is widely consistent and widely improved over its predecessors, and among the classic trilogy, is some of the best Sonic has to offer. You can play as Sonic and speed thru the levels at top speed, play as knuckles and glide thru the level and climb up walls that Sonic could only dream of traversing, or play as Tails and fly all around the level. Sonic 3 introduces the elemental shields to maximize abilities, such as bouncing and immunity to drowning, double jumping and attracting rings to you, and immunity to fire and electricity, with the ability to do a midair dash. The designs for the levels are breathtaking at times, and are the best aesthetics of the trilogy, with a wide range of scenery, from machinery created by Robotnik, to large mushroom forests undergoing seasonal manipulation. There feels to be an equal amount of speed and adventure in this game, compared to 1 and 2, which focused on one or the other, rather than both. There is a lot to do in this game besides just beat the main story, with the introduction of bonus stages, to help you earn a little bit of extra goodies. The wide range of things to do in this game is really cool, even if I don't end up going out of my way to utilize those. The game runs well and has no real major bugs, which is good. The level design for the most part is pretty great, sometimes a little confusing, but never too simple or headache-inducing. They go all out with the gimmicks in this one, and a lot of them are relatively fun to play with. There was really only a couple levels that I did not like. One, really... Carnival Night was just... meh. The bosses in this game are kinda easy for the most part, but they are pretty creative, which I like. What Sonic 3 does over its predecessors is have a story play out in front of your eyes aside from just the main story. Knuckles having a character arc in a 2D game from 1994 with zero dialogue is really cool. Going from helping Eggman by thwarting Sonic, to discovering he had been used by Eggman, who was taking the Master Emerald, Knuckles then helping Sonic the rest of the way to make it to the Death Egg and stop Eggman, its really cool to watch play out, and it is really what makes this game stand out as so great compared to its predecessors. It is a little too long with some weaker levels for me to confidently call it a personal fav or perfect game, but it is a very good one.

Sonic 2 on the Master System makes some improvements over the original, such as not capping your speed to that of a snail in water levels, as well as giving you a slightly more reasonable invincibility frame, even if it is still crazy short. This game has a massive problem with spike pits, you will fall into like 30 of these per play, at minimum, unless you have memorized everything perfectly to the point that you can avoid every single one. A lot are also just off camera entirely. Despite having worse level design than its predecessor, it at times feels like a Sonic game, which I cannot say about Sonic 1 SMS. Despite it being objectively worse EASILY, I found myself enjoying this game more, especially because of the funniness of it being so bad that it looped back around to being good. I would never play it again, though.... lol.

This might be the worst game i have ever played. It is genuinely a 0 out of 10 to me. The controls are extremely sluggish, there are a ton of things you cannot see coming due to a limited screen, and the system just is not built for a Sonic game. As such, this feels nothing like a Sonic game at all. You hardly get to go fast, and in fact are more often than not punished for going fast! There is no invincibility cooldown, so more than likely, you will die if you take damage. The bosses are simple on paper, but with the shit physics and controls, along with these bosses giving you no rings to protect yourself with, they become painfully hard. Autoscrollers and upscrollers come into this game as well to make an already miserable experience EVEN WORSE. This is everything a Sonic game should not be. It is a disgrace to call this a Sonic game.