-- Slightly overwhelming content
++ Everything Kiwami 1

+ Detail
+ Graphics
-- not a fan of historical setting tbh

++ Art style
-- uninteresting gameplay

++ Art style
++ Sound track
++ Gameplay

++ Soundtrack
++ Visuals
++ Concept

This ain't Super Meat Boy yo

++ Minecraft
--- Mojang lazy

++ Art style
++ Performance
++ Polish
-- Stressful top down perspective

All my homies love Plants vs Zombies

------ Monetization
++ Classic

++ Noir
++ Atmosphere
++ Gameplay
-- Plot twist lol

++ Art style
++ Music
++ Idea
--- Pacing

+++ Soundtrack
++ Truly some 10/10 moments
++ Badassery
-- Movement a bit clunky (sometimes EDIT: this got increasingly more annoying lol)
- Raiden voice actor a bit awkward
--- Modern compatibility
(I'm literally playing this in windowed mode FullHD, because fullscreen won't work on my 2k Monitor. 3rd Party mods cause random crashes)

EDIT: Literally cannot finish this game. Keeps crashing randomly 5 mins in. Is it so hard for some game studios to release a proper PC port??