A modern classic. Any switch owner should play through this game, unless you're me in that case you play it on a dead console.

Super monkey ball 1 and 2 on the same disc? What's not to love?

If I could be an animal I would want to be a monkey ball

I wonder if Dr. Badboon has ever committed a war crime against the geneva conventions

A beautiful game. A game that doesn't have life-like graphics, a crazy battle system or a fantastical setting but achieves so much more in the end with story and characters.

I've sunk way too much time into the source engine to not consider the start of it all as nothing less than amazing. A game any PC owner should have in their library.


The structure of a GTA game with the charm of a high school comedy; Bully pulls together a simple yet satisfying combat system with a plethura of weapons at your disposal along with enjoyable characters and dialogue. The class minigames suck doo doo though.

The start of it all. Half-Life brought environmental storytelling and a continuous narrative to the FPS genre to a great yet primitive effect. Still a banger tho.

A good game overall, but it's both over polished and under tested at the same time. Combat is smooth as butter but swinging doesn't have the satisfying weight of Spiderman 2. The game can look amazing at times but look like barbie dolls in other times. You can pull of some fancy looking feats, and then have a trashcan shoot off into space cause you walked into it. Ehhhh, I still liked it tho.

An engaging story, visceral combat and outstanding visuals; God of War should be a game every PS4 owner should have, especially with the prices they're putting it on sale for. I payed like 10 bucks for this new how is that even possible

A game with so much to analyze in terms of themes, characters, dialogue and setting. Surprisingly, gameplay was the worst part of this game for me and it wasn't even bad, but in comparison to the story and music it doesn't stand a chance. Praise be to robo ass.

The best kirby game made hands down.

Hard to get the hang of controls but a promising concept that should be revisited soon. C'mon Nintendo just make the graphics a bit better and add online play to city trial it ain't that hard

Such a simple to understand yet wonderfully enjoyable game. The only problem is that it isn't longer!