The best kingdom hearts game and the start of the brain rot for me

A solid banger but some missions are bullshit and a half, also this game is free to download on pc so here take the download (but don't tell anyone I gave you this! tee hee!)

This was a pretty fun adventure game, unfortunately nothing too amazing that would put it on the cinematic level of the uncharted series but good nonetheless. The amount of "fucks" said in the game would make my mom frown though :(

Man this game was good. Great set pieces, tense combat and an engaging story that keeps you hooked at every turn.

A real gamer's game. Looks good, plays good, story's good for the most part. Could've used a hallucinogenic nightmare scene like uncharted 3 tho

Was basically uncharted 2 but slightly better. We stan Cutter here.

this game was cuuuuuuuuuuute and fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun and it had lots of moneys.

took me 5 reinstalls to beat, not as hard as they say. Bottom line: fuck the valley of giants those skeletons can eat my ass


Despite the less than flattering potrayal of native peoples, I had a really good time with this game! The weapons, level design and tech showed are all great and as much as I liked Arcane's version, I hope that another game in this style gets made.

Also for anyone wanting to play it's available for free here: (it'll be our little secret tee hee!!!)

Gunplay and freedom to complete outposts are fantastic, but the countless side activities to get essential weapons and abilities makes it feel like busywork: the game. Yet again that's pretty much every ubisoft game.

While combat and platforming are fairly standard; the setting, characters and story make up wonderfully for it's shortcomings. A game more people should play and it might actually get me to read journey to the west, and I hate reading.

this is what tim burton has wetdreams of