fuck this game it's physics can choke on my gear shaft

this game is an experience everyone should play at least once. A killer soundtrack, addicting and satisfying as all hell gameplay, and plays with perspective and size in an amazing way.

A banger classic. All I gotta say is eat ass chew bubblegum and eat shit and die

this is like junk food in the form of a game. Bad for you but oh so good, the only caveat being you have to play with a friend. Hijinks ensue.

A mastapiece only the chef boyardee could cook up

There's a lot of things I love about this game. I love the exploration that relies on your sense of direction and landmarks, the amount of flavor dialogue that builds character and the general imagery of the game. The game is marred though by a plot that builds and eventually just dies off and goes nowhere. Plus the dialogue can get a lil bit too "zomg quirky" sometimes.

I saw someone describe this as an "anti-game", a game that purposefully goes out of it's way to make it difficult to play in order to drive in it's message that these are "bad" people. Still doesn't give this game a pass.

This game is a stylish fever dream and I loved every second of it.

neat little exploration game, a bit shallow but it's style seeps through like the sludge that surrounds us

Rich Evans was right, this game is a banger. Part twitch shooter, part third person shooter, all great.