7 reviews liked by wanderwithyou

Even knowing the ending will not prepare you for it.

What a beautiful game this is, with one of the best, if not the best, turn based combat systems.

I could write more, so much more, about the characters and how much I love them, but I think I'll quote my favs instead:

"There is no need for fear. Kimahri will go with you" (it is very important that Kimahri goes with you, trust me, he's the best).

"You don't have to smile, if it's too tough."


Cute and relaxing!! And very strange. It has the most melancholic main menu music I've ever heard in a game. It's so cute and I love making a little world for dinosaurs and other animals to live in. And then you just watch millions years pass by while extremely melancholic music plays, with some of them facing extinction and some new creatures popping up with a colourful "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" message. Haha. It's such a weird mix of tone, I like it. And then you play the four main scenarios and all of them have endings that results in what is essentially an existential crisis? This game has been played by like 5 people in the world so I haven't even been able to find out if there are "good" endings to these scenarios, maybe I'll never know. But it's fun!
I do wish the main scenarios followed one continuous storyline, and maybe had other end goals other than "create humans" because that meant that most of these scenarios played the same in the 2nd half. But the mini challenges have different goals and restrictions which is nice!

Anyway I think more people should play this game because 1) it's fun 2) we have to figure out if the main character can have a happy ending or is doomed to live as a stranger in a strange land for the rest of their life

Amazing, wonderful game. Truly special. Epilogue kinda lost me for a bit since it wasn’t the gang I was used to in the beginning but still well done! Excited to play the next game!

Absolutely killer atmosphere, soundtrack, and overall vibe. Gameplay holds up, even if sometimes the controls are rough. Wall jumping and shinespark can go to hell.

This is so cute and charming. The sprites and environments are so pretty, they really pushed the GBC graphics to the limit! I especially adored the love that went into the fish sprites. The game's dialogue is nonsensical at times in a way I find really funny. Pupil of the Raft Master, how cool you are.

Also not to be cranky but when people call older games like these "obtuse" and "confusing" I just wanna shake their shoulders (lovingly) and say READ THE MANUALS. Pretty much all old games had manuals and you were expected to read them to learn the gameplay, not through in-game tutorials and such. Legend of the River King's manual has maps to ALL its areas (save for a small bonus one) and shows ALL the spots where you can catch different kinds of fish. It also shows and describes almost all of the games' items, rods, buildings, how you fish and such. Sometimes old games aren't confusing, you're just missing critical information that you're supposed to have access to. Pretty much all old game manuals can be found online so use them!!

The most confusing part for me was getting the wind chime, and since it was the only thing i couldn't understand even with a manual I looked it up online and stumbled into a nigh incomprehensible section of a gamefaqs guide from '99 that (after trying to make sense of it for a few minutes) managed to help me. I feel like the '99 gamefaqs guide only heightened the entire vibe of my Legend of the River King playthrough, so thank you Keith (the main writer's fake cousin(??)) who wrote the part of the guide I used. Fake cousin of the Gamefaqs Writer, how cool you are.

AHAHAHAHAHA I BEAT IT AT LAST. that's my review. and no i didn't pick up all the bonus stuff on all the levels for 100% completion because i want to keep my sanity, clearing every level on normal is ENOUGH. i'm sure those baby chicks can find their way home somehow, birds have compasses for brains i've heard

anyway this game is cute and designed by the devil. i like it.

this game truly hit me in so many unexpected ways, i went in a coward, expecting horror and jumpscares and terrible things, and i came out a coward, having expereinced horror and jumpscares and terrible things, but now also feeling like my brain had been left on a bbq for like 5 days or smth

james is so fascinating and should be put through rigirous scientific testing to examine what the hell is up with that, what an amazing character who will leave me thinking for many days t o come.
maria is so incredibly written idk if any ananlyiss on her oculd even do her justice tbqh.

laura is the best.

this game is honestly just fascinating, well worth even if ur afraid like me, the story and unravelling is impeccable and awful and wow and yes and ahhhhhhhhhh

(i knock off .5 stars for apartment building)(edit nvm i changed it to 5 i can't stop thinking about this game)