eu e meu amigo não saibamos jogar

Just fun to play when friends come over

Fun as hell, i gotta buy it again

Too much walking, boring ass story, boring ass people, FUCK YOU stupid star shit that didn't give me an ALbedo. Strangely entertaining. I love beating up hilicurls and playing w beidou. Rlly pretty game btw.

Played this three times ages ago, still have a weak spot for it. I love poems and i love the girls. This made me start poetry and twisted my mind with how well written the characters are. Besides, the eastereggs and the puzzles on the files drove me absolutely insane at the time.
+ Sayori best girl

One of the most INSANE games i've ever played!!!1 gameplay and story-wise. This shit's incredible all the time and it's never ever fucking boring and EXTREMELY visually beautiful. Easy as hell to keep up with for my adhd ass.

I love you Arthur Morgan. The ending of Arthur's arc was insanely good and John's part too. The music's lit btw. And also, fuck Micah.

Toby Fox's games are the most soulful games you can find out there, you can always see the effort and originality put into each song, each character, each reference, object or line. Everything is so touching, sweet, funny and detailed, it melts me all through. I love you forever Toby Fox games.

Deltarune's lovely for everybody who loved Undertale. Despite being sort of an au, it's all so unique, entrancing and captivating. I was nearing tears of joy the whole play through.

Made me cry like a baby and i absolutely loved it all.

The game's quality is insane, the story's is deeply impactful, the characters are captivating, the easter eggs, extra scenes, the amount of possibilities... one of my favorite games to have ever played.

I love all the characters and i just really love the whole game experience, i couldn't explain in depth everything that makes me love this game but i really do.

I've lost count how many times i've replayed this. My favorite game of all times; I have such a deep passion for all the characters it's insane.