This game was revolutionary back in the day and is still fun to play. But yeah, the writing really is terrible.

One of the few RPG's I actually roleplay in.

Again, why does the writing have to be so stupid?

I enjoyed playing as the Heavy a few times, but the game just wasn't for me.

Messed around with some bot matches once.

Was hooked on it a bit during college.

Feels more bullshit than the first game, but makes up for it with all the new features.

The first strategy game I fell in love with.

This game is kind of bullshit, but something about it keeps me coming back

This game is less stressful than other xcoms, but also less interesting by extension.

The cast is way better than the first game

Yes, I've actually played this weird game. Got it in a humble bundle with the Walking Dead.

The level design is very challenging, yet rewarding.

One of the first classic PC games I played. Only Prey has come close to its atmosphere and complexity.