it's a silly little puzzle game why the fuck am i crying my eyes out

there a lot of good things to say about this game, but my main complaint is that the main gimmick should be the patient's treatments, but it's just so dull and repetitive i end up drearing it

it's such an unfair game BUT THAT'S THE POINT!!!! IT'S A HOSTILE WORLD IT'S NOT GOING TO BE FAIR TO YOU!!!!!! like sure it's frustrating but once you get past that one room in which you've died 5 times already it's so rewarding man i love this game

about to slam my head against the wall as hard as i can so i can forget this game and experience it for the first time again

i was obsessed with this game when i was 12 and no wonder, i love games that let you be creative with solving problems

one of the most entertaining platformers out there!!

not my favorite silent hill, but this was the game that set the ground for two of my favorite games ever (sh2 and sh3) so gotta love it

a masterpiece in so many ways i could write entire essays about it

early 2000s horror game girl protagonists really didn't fuck around huh

i wasn't very fond of it before but lately i've been warming up to it, it's amazing how much you can enjoy something when you don't have a bunch of people in your ear saying it's trash

i played it personally and i've seen over 5 different gameplays of it, and everytime i see brand new glitches, and for that i MUST love this game

this is a good game you guys are just mean

shelved it for now but i truly find it very entertaining

hands down the most fun game to 100% ever