If Y7 was the passing of the torch to the next generation then Y8 is the last spark of the old guard.
Feels kinda bad when Gaiden was made only after most of 8's development was done because it hurts seeing how Hanawa and Daidoji were handled.
Don't want to beat a dead horse but the story is kinda meh (the first part is pretty good and interesting but after the ending of chapter 9 iirc the story fluctuated too much in quality akin to a sinusoidal wave) but gotta appreciate the whole messianic theme they did with one of the villains and the MCs.
The beloved characters from Y7 are back in business (even though some were kinda shoehorned in there cough cough Zhao and Joongi Han cough cough) and the new characters are pretty good most of the time ("This hoodlum wanted money and he pointed a gun right at me!" Tomizawa, Cutiepie Chitose not Buster Holmes, Fangirl Suengee, Cold-blooded Yamai) but some of them like the villains or some minor characters are kinda shitty.
The gameplay received an overall improvement and it’s so enjoyable that I’ve grinded dungeons just to juggle enemies between the team members (don't even get me started how I creamed my pants when Dragon's Resurgence was introduced).
For the love of God just leave Kiryu alone so he can live his last days in peace and not bait us with another battle on the Millennium Tower in the future.
I wanted more Yamai but he was too good for this game and left too early (hope he'll become a playable character in Y9 somehow).
My first impression was a 6/10 but in retrospect I've enjoyed the game too much so yeah fuck it 7/10.

The idea of a living and breathing metroidvania sounded so intriguing to me but unfortunately I can't like it a bit.
In the 1 hour or so of playing I didn't feel any joy and I am at that point in life where I can't push myself to play something just to see if it will get any better.
The atmosphere and the art style are pretty cool but the gameplay feels clunky and not very fluid.
I'll watch some videos about the ecosystem of the game and how it was created as a coping mechanism.
I know it's not my cup of tea but I can understand why others can enjoy it and maybe will recommend it to platformers/metroidvania fans.

It has a strong start but falls in the last third at least for me.
I think I am too old to enjoy boomer shooters anymore.
Gotta love the moments when everything looks the same and you don't know where you are or the moments you don't know what to do in the maze areas.
Don't think it's necessary to talk about the final boss.

It's scientifically impossible to not find the hot English teacher with magic powers hot.
The very definition of a slay queen.
Cool and stylish hack and slash but kinda overrated.

Notes from girlfriend:
-Luca's hotter than Rodin
-I don't understand what's happening on the screen, the camera is too shitty
-Everything is random but I don't mind it
-Why does she wear her hair as clothing ?

A pretty cute puzzle game with an unique gimmick but unfortunately it suffers from the same thing as Portal 1 and that being that both games are tech demos in the end.
I hope that there will be a sequel in the future with a level editor, game design that can use the photo mechanic to its fullest potential and maybe better dialogue/story (just to keep the comparison something akin to Portal 2).
Cute cat is cute and must be protected.
The puzzles are unfortunately too easy if you are a puzzle game enjoyer (I think the only level that managed to make me think more than usual was the bonus watermelon one) and the mini new gimmicks the levels introduce disappear as fast as they appear (ex: the colour gates).

> Be Max Payne
> Find wife and child dead
> Start committing genocide with the biggest smile in your life for the whole game
> having a nostalgia boner is soooo good
> bullet time exists .... anyway I started blasting

Somehow I was teleported back to my childhood for 3 hours and I would do it again.
No, Steve Irwin, you don't need to wrestle with this gator. He is too powerful even for you.
Strong "A Short Hike" vibes combined with Zelda Botw influence (and you can't even be mad about it).
Couldn't believe this is a debut game.
All I can say is that it was a wholesome and cozy experience that oozes game development passion (gameplay and storywise).

The jazz album with gorilla violence that no one asked for but everybody needed.
My primate brain was instantly hooked by the music, art style and simple yet addicting gameplay.
Kinda reminds me of Hotline Miami but better.
This game is for you Harambe, now go commit some war crimes my sweet prince.

This DLC managed to make me realize how shitty Like a Dragon Gaiden is as a standalone game (where the only redeemable think is the last chapter).
Who would have guessed that if you scale down the plot, don't make everything about big conspiracies and plots to rule the underground/politics and make it personal it to the characters, it will turn out to be a solid story.
If you use any healing/boost items during the last boss, you don't have an ounce of honor in your body.
My body craves Judgment 3 but knowing Nagoshi is not around anymore and how greedy Sega is, I don't know if I want it anymore.

Me: Mom can I have Ace Attorney?
Mom: No, we have Ace Attorney at home.
Ace attorney at home:

Kinda shitty that I was spoiled who the mastermind is just because I've seen a statuette with him on a nerd online merch store.
The trials are pretty cool (especially the addition of minigames just because I didn't expect them) but don't know everything felt too easy even though I played on the hardest difficulty.
Pretty interested if the sequels will improve the trial and investigation sections maybe also the writing.
Kyoko and Hina are the best girls.
The OST felt kinda meh in the beginning but with each chapter it grew on me.
Maybe I am a big nerd but I've enjoyed Celeste's conversations with the gambling manga/anime references too much.

Somehow Kojima managed to make one of the most cathartic and homoerotic final boss battles in video game history.
Men will literally save the world instead of going to a retirement home.
It's normal for a couple of "best friends" to raise a child together.
Microwaves go brrrr.

-roll that shit up
- literally unplayable on keyboard
- kinda nice to "not kill people by rolling them in a star and send it to space" with happy japanese music in background
- a little repetitive if you play too many levels in a row
- neat interactive end credits

-the only one mad was me playing this game
- a big mediocre nothing burger: bland gameplay with bland world and bland story
- hihi Scrotus hihi
- how to entice players ? Pretty sure that restricting story progression with car upgrades isn't the right answer

-the writing is top-notch but some puzzles are so nonsensical that it takes from the experience
- didn't know that I wanted devs commentaries in a game but I do now
- one of the best sequels and remakes out there
- monkey and waterfall of course that's a thing
- there was a single monkey on a single island, yeah title checks out

-imagine being so horny that you forget about your dead family and commit another killing spree
- the melodramatic slow motion reload pirouette was the best new feature
- the bad ending is perfect for Max the edgelord Payne