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willhal reviewed Gremlins, Inc.
Goofy ass board game about having the least amount of bad things happen to you. This game is so stupid and funny and yet actually has really engaging strategy, I've yet to not enjoy myself playing it

5 days ago

willhal reviewed Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Everyone has one game with like 700 hours logged that when asked their opinion on it, they will respond with "it's okay." Smash Ultimate is that game for me. This game either really hits or really sucks and you won't know until you're a few games in and unable to put down the controller either way. If Pokemon Trainer wasn't in this game I don't think it would crack 3.5 stars, and with 80+ characters there is simply too much cringe to get competitively invested, although it's a great game to play with friends. At the very least, playing this game drove me to explore the wider genre of fighting games, if for no other reason than to not have to play the PT/Samus matchup anymore

5 days ago

willhal commented on Odyssey3004's list You Are Here
One Step From Eden works!

5 days ago

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