Everything 4 should have been with everything good that 7 brought to the table.

I've played through this a few times now, and I don't think I have any real complaints about the gameplay other than turning doesn't feel fast enough in some instances and some areas feel much to constricted in Village of Shadows (but fuck that difficulty altogether anyway). Easily the best Resident Evil in the past decade.

Felt a bit too short for $20 unless you are planning to play Hard Mode. I played this on the new Normal mode and really enjoyed the combat, and I can easily see the appeal for those who managed to sit through the remake's Hard Mode the first time.

That aside, if you are a hardcore FF7 fan or just really love Yuffie, she was my favorite character in the original, this is easily worth the value to get a real glimpse of what the PS5 has in store over the next 7 or so years. I'm definitely waiting to see what FF7R:Part 2 has to offer.

I wanted this game to be good. It feels like it almost could have been. You can tell they mismanaged every part of this game's production. If they had actually focused on one part of the game instead of building what feels like four or five games in one maybe it would have been something.

All the worst parts of Warioware but as a rhythm game.

I don't know what came over me to want to buy this game. In all honesty, I was never a fan of the show; and the games have never looked interesting to me in the slightest. Yet, I saw this game on sale a while back, and I thought maybe it would be worth the sale price. Honestly, it could have been; and that's why I'm so disappointed with this game.

Upon starting the game, I immediately thought, "Oh, this is going to be a great - possibly even slight Windwaker vibes. The art is well done for the style, the world seems large and fun to explore, and the humor doesn't seem to terrible for a kid's game." Unfortunately, however, the game went downhill rather instantly. The load times were terrible, the combat was painfully slow, the enemies seemed to be rather RNG heavy at times, and normal items felt a bit too expensive for what they provide. Frankly, when a game is this disappointing, I kind of just don't even know why I should bother criticizing it. I just didn't enjoy much of this game after the first 30 minutes or so once I realized what I was actually in for. Those first few minutes felt so wonderful, but the rest was just so not fun. I think there's something worth saving here, but as most games of this caliber go, I'm sure they had to rush it out due to the publisher; and I just feel let down and like I wasted my money.

I guess if you really love Adventure Time, this might be worth a play; but I couldn't imagine recommending this to anyone based on my experience. Do not touch this game even with a stick.

I hated Gen 4 when the games came out on DS and all my problems with those games are still here. It's basically the exact same game.

That said, I will say, this version does feel significantly faster as far as battles go. It just to feel like such a slog to get into and out of a battle. And the speed of maneuvering the map has greatly increased. However, the fps is literally unplayable at times. The cutscenes are terrible offenders in this regard. As much time as you now save and make ground with, you still end up losing in other ways around the game.

I don't mind the art style though. I think the chibi stuff looks fine. It feels like a Pokemon game should with this art. I couldn't care less in this regard. Nothing like getting off work and having a beer while you play some Pokemon.

I don't know what exactly it was about this game that felt so underwhelming for me. The entire experience just felt off.

I love the concept of what Lab Zero Games was going for here, and I am truly glad I sat down to try what I did. There's a great mix of Metroidvania style map exploration with, what I can best describe as, Paper Mario style combat - maybe there is another RPG out there better for comparison but as the time of writing this I cannot think of it. I really do think this game is worth playing at the very least, but I have my qualms.

The first major issue I have with this game is just how easy it is. I guess it never hyped itself up to be the next Meatboy or Celeste, but I just though it would be tougher to collect the gems in this game that were there. Maybe I am at fault for thinking this is to easy, but I will be honest, this really infuriated me through out my time playing. It might be a bit of a stretch to be mad at a game for something like this, but I just could not get over how easily I was collecting everything without a guide or without multiple attempts.

My other major issue with this game is the story. I just could not give any less of a shit about what was going on in this game or the characters. Granted, this one is totally on me, but at no point in this game did I find anything that was going on on-screen entertaining. Towards the end of my time with the game, I was actually skipping cutscenes just to speed through it.

But is the combat good and is the platforming fun? My answer is eh?
I mean I didn't hate what I was playing but I felt like I got better results by spamming the buttons during combat while the platforming was just simple to begin with.

Everything said, I did honestly enjoy my time with this game. I just don't think I'll ever be re-visiting it. I mean even with my problems, the art is fantastic, the music was solid, and the idea behind the game was totally there. I just personally wasn't the audience for this game, I guess. I want to give this 3 stars, but, for the underwhelment I felt, I think I need to err on the side of pessimistic.

I really enjoyed this iteration of Halo, but I also feel like it didn't necessarily bring anything new to the table. The grappling hook is a ton of fun, but I don't see the point of any of the other power ups. The open world was a cool touch, but did Halo really need to be open world?

In a way it reminded me of what it felt like playing the OG Halos on the original Xbox for the first time back in the day as a kid, but the OG Halos don't even come close to comparing to Halo 3 ODST in my mind. For a free game through Game Pass, I can't complain too heavily though. Worth the time invested for the play-through at the very least.

Having skipped 1 and 2 and going into this one first, I wasn't totally sure what to expect. I loved the old games back in the day, so I was down for anything that had some solid stealth.

Some levels are significantly better than others which is somewhat disappointing with how many times you end up replaying them, but I cannot get over levels like Dartmoor they are just so simple but fun.

Definitely going to grab the other two to play in this one next.

I could channel my inner-16 year old self and talk about how this game is some philosophical response to Persona 3 and how Nietzche blah blah blah... but as I've gotten older I've come to terms with how cringe as fuck this game actually is; and I don't fucking care.
I like this game. End of discussion.

But honestly, this game does a lot of things that Persona 3 struggled to do. Persona 3 as a whole feels very empty and shallow to me with time padding included just to provide a "realistic" experience while Persona 4 has empty space that feels more natural. All the combat feels better because Atlus realized what the original verison of P3 was lacking - team controls. And the characters just feel more like real people opposed to edgy grim dark plot devices because this is SMT dammit.

Sure all the trappings of escapist JRPG anime bullshit are here, but I was also the prime target for that kind of nonsense when I was a teenager in high school. This game will always take me back to those times, and I will always unapologetically love it for that.