Replaying this 22 years later definitely does not hit like it did when I was 8. Everything I loved about these games as a kid is there, but I would just rather replay 3. Meh.

Exactly what a remake should be. Looks amazing in the same way that the original looked amazing when it came out. Feels exactly how you want it to feel. A lot of the dated sections from the original have be reworked to modernize. Really is almost a perfect game.

From a modern perspective this is a good game. As someone who grew up playing PS1 survival horror, I understand why this is a good remake. But honestly, this remake wasn't made with people like me in mind.

I just don't get anything out of these modern touches on classic games. That's why the original remake of the original Resident Evil works so well for me. I liked that formula, and I want more of it. RE2 19 is all of RE2 with none of the clunk or flair or even the charm of what made these games so special to me growing up. This is just another zombie horror game like the rest of them.

I do need to be honest, I am not a huge fan of the original RE2. I never was, and I never will be. I do like this version a whole of a heck of a lot more. This is a solid game through to the end. The pacing, the story beats, the combat, etc. just all feels so bland to me though. It's a classic game steeped in modern design. That's not bad perse, but what always drew me to the old games was the slow churn despite the short run times and the campy nature of a Romero-esque escapade through zombified labyrinths.

I think anyone interested in horror games or Resident Evil should check this out, but I really need to say that maybe the praise for this game, like every game featuring Leon, might be a little overblown. I don't know what it is about Leon, but he seems to just swoon people over with kind of okay games.

Everything you love about THPS 3 packaged into THPS 1 and 2.

I don't think it's any secret that the best game in the Tony Hawk series is Pro Skater 3, and this remake brings that feeling of playing 3 to the originals. The thing about 3 is that levels still had the perfect arcade style feeling without being to expansive, and it was incredibly easy to keep your combo going to ridiculous lengths. 1 and 2 on the other hand, these games suffered from being too self contained in their own levels. 1 for example had to compensate for the fact that you couldn't manual while 2 had to deal with the inability to revert. There's other powerful combo extenders from later games included of course like acid drops, but manuals and reverts are the blood of these games that 1 and 2 were sorely missing.

The bulk of this game is learning the meta to reach insane combo scores, and the meta of Tony Hawk will provide you with dozens of hours of endless entertainment and frustration. This version has some issues with game design like the removal of some collectibles or how doing a challenge with one skater does it for every skater, but a lot of the issues with this game just do not in any way detract from what is actually here. This is just solid old school skateboard gaming fun. I just hope they add the maps from 3 and possibly 4 at some point - even with or without the music.

Little expensive for what it is, and the meme dialogs are kind of cringe; but I'm always down for tax evasion. Turnip boy a bro.

I've been drinking a lot less lately, and I think this game stands as a testament as to why that's a good thing.

The original Back to Nature is by all means one of the greatest games I have ever played. I love that game dearly. This is a decent attempt at recreating that feeling but it feels lacking. There's a charm that is lost with a lot of the modern touch ups. Harvest Moon always felt at it's best with the clunk. Something about fighting the system to grow your farm added to the experience. The important atmosphere is still there. The characters still breathe the same air of quality. It's just not quite the same.

There's isn't much to say other than this game is just pure and simple fun.
There's nothing special about this game or the underlying mechanics; it just flows well and platforms well. It's everything Kirby games should be, and no stage leaves you mad that it's either too easy or too hard.

Possibly my favorite pack in game title for any console. Like Wii Sports or Welcome Park, this game really lets you see what is truly possible with the hardware you are holding in your hand, but it's actually quite fun and engaging. As for the retro Playstation love, I can't even begin on how heartwarming it was to see recognition for how far ahead of the game Sony was at times. If only there were something like this as a free bonus in a Sega game to celebrate the true retro kings.

Everything I loved about the Spider-Man comic books that I read as a kid combined with the things I actually enjoy about modern Marvel movies. The collect-a-thon open world really feels fun when you have Spider-Man 2 and 3 style webslinging to fall back on. Few minor gripes are how the story constantly wants to slow you down and how little you actually get to do when playing as MJ. Otherwise, I wish I had more time when this game came out for PS4; but I'm glad I got to break in the PS5 with this.

Enjoyable time killer with an interesting idea. Loved the art and the music. Worth checking out if you have game pass or feel like supporting an indie dev.

I want to give this a four, but I feel like there just wasn't enough here to warrant a four. This was a fantastic little Metroid style game, and I felt so hungry for more. Will definitely re-play this in the near future due to it's rather short length.

Writing this review whilst perpetually half way through the Japanese copy. (As of 11/9/20) Figured I could push this out before the English copy comes out for anyone it might help influence to buy the game.

Yakuza 7 really had me worried when I first saw it. I hate change, and boy, did I hate what I saw when the game was first announced. I am glad to say I was being an idiot, and I love what this game did to the Yakuza formula. Everything that I loved about the old Yakuza games is still here. Sure there is no Kiryuu or Majima in the main party, but the new cast is fun and honestly has some charming dialogue, from my limited Japanese of course. The main things that I really love about this game is the class system which works like just about any other JRPG class system, but the classes realistic and breathe life into the tried and true JRPG. The combat itself is a pretty happy marriage between typical turn based hit x to hit enemy and Yakuza brawling. You can do perfect timing blocks, and if you line yourself up you can use your environment. I've seen some people call it brain dead, and I'm not going to sit here and say it is intellectually stimulating combat; but if you actually take advantage of the combat system laid bare before you there are some cool things you can do.

As far as side content, this is Yakuza. You aren't getting anything less than what you have gotten in any other game. The map is massive - Kamurocho feels claustrophobicly small in comparison. I have never spent much time in Yokohama in my travels to Japan, but you can tell the life of the city is clearly present just like Kabukicho is in the other games. Lastly, it has Baka Mitai so... good game.
One day I'll finish it.

I emulated this years ago, so my memory might be a little fuzzy. I remember this being a flawed game with great direction - I was always a fan of the series in general even if critical - that I wanted to see more of. I don't think I would necessarily recommend it to most people as the controls were not good from what I remember, and there wasn't an English fan translation - I honestly have no idea if one has ever sprung up since that time. What I do know is that for anyone who appreciates old school games or survival horror should at least check this out with or without Japanese knowledge - trust me my Japanese is basically non-existent, and my friends who speak it will tell you immediately; but I survived.

Kind of want to check out that WonderSwan port that's being listed on backloggd though since I own more than a few WonderSwans. Will update this when I get my hands on a copy.

Maybe I'm just biased because I played too much Minesweeper as a kid when I was bored, but I think this game has a fantastic sense of what it means to be a game with such a simple interface. I could honestly play Minesweeper for hours on end and still feel engaged.