39 Reviews liked by wuxian

(this is a long personal one, borderline life-storycore. sorry for those that dislike walls of text but sonic 06 does this to people. Sonic the hedgehog 2006? more like sonic the hedgehog 2006 word review)

I feel like if you are on the gaming pulse enough to be looking at a website like this, you likely already have at least HEARD of Sonic 06. Pretty much everything that could be said about this game on the internet already has been, it's really quite the overused topic both in the spheres of the sonic fandom and the sphere of bad game critics. Just in the sphere of youtube alone I've seen showcases of the many, MANY bugs and glitches the game contains, reviews of the game that dwell on it for uncharacteristically large amounts of time, personal retrospectives from fans recalling the impact the game has had on the brand as a whole, posthumous optimistic looks at the game dissecting vibes the game manages to retain in spite of its rushed nature, and the more recent phenomena, endearingly nostalgic takes towards the game from those that played it in their formative years. You could say that this game has had just as much of an impact on Sonic's brand as the previous game titled "Sonic The Hedgehog" (of which it has been a longer time between the present day and this games launch than the time between the two "Sonic the Hedgehog" games). It's certainly hard to say anything, let alone anything NOTEWORTHY about this game when everyone already knows what it is and why it is. All I can really contribute to the decades-rotten dead horse conversation is my own personal experiences with the game.

I'm a life-long sonic fan and despite being the correct age to have done so, I didn't grow up with this game. I definitely remember the launch hype cycle for this game, 6-year-old me frequenting the old Sonic Central website and looking at the promotional material for the game. I remember thinking that with the realistic environments and people that the sonic brand must have been taking a more adult turn after Shadow the Hedgehog, and since my family was still rocking the Gamecube as the sole household console, I was fine with sticking to the recently-released (yet equally mature in an incomprehensible sense) Sonic Riders and worrying about the fancy new Sonic game later when I was older. Given that I went on to own a Wii instead of any HD systems and wasn't a part of the greater internet at the time (as I should have been for that age), the release and subsequent car crash that was this games reception entirely eluded me. It wasn't until like, idk 2008/9ish? when I mentioned to a cousin that not much on the PS3 interested me besides "this game called sonic the hedgehog but not like the original one", and got laughed at for it that I realized that there might have been something up with this game, but I never thought much of it. I did always have a fascination with it in a curious way though, and whenever Silver was playable in any spinoff on the Wii, I always only played as him back then because he's from that mysterious sonic game I couldn't play! Imagine a Sonic Adventure 3 where you could play as him and all the other cool sonic characters...

Eventually I would get old enough to be given free roam on the internet and through that I would learn to discover this game and its actual reputation through youtube videos much like the ones I referred to earlier. Watching the game crumble under its own weight and seeing EVERYONE just absolutely tear it to pieces gave me a sense of relief that by owning a Wii I unintentionally dodged the bullet that was this game. (though instead I did have to suffer through Secret Rings, so who really won in the end?) I recall a family friend bought an Xbox 360 alongside this game and in the many times trying it at their house yeah it was just as janky and bad as the internet said it was. We would get stuck in that awesome beginners trap of getting owned by the mach speed section in Wave Ocean from hitting the scripted loop-de-loops at a bad angle and getting launched off of them to a game over, then having to restart from the absolute opening of the game. I saw firsthand that wow, this is certainly an unpolished, buggy, unfinished work that should be ridiculed. I couldn't believe this was essentially Sonic Adventure 3...

Eventually I got a PS3, and even more eventually I ended up buying a copy knowing full well what it was, and then I played it up to finishing Sonic and Silvers chapters before tapping out with Shadow. I felt like I had seen enough by that point, and outside of bringing it out for some ironic laughs in multiplayer with friends or playing it at my dentists office while high as fuck getting cavities filled in (don't ask, but yeah), this game remained on my shelf, uncompleted, for the better part of like a decade. The game sucked, after all. Seeing stuff like Project P-06 try and "fix" the game garnered no interest from me. Why would I want to even play a "fixed" version of this? My relationship with this game remained solely in the ironic "this is the bad sonic game haha" mindset and I couldn't believe that there were people that actually thought the game was good. They had to have just been gaslighted by nostalgia, right?

It was only a few weeks ago where the great almighty wheel of games decided it was time for me to stream a playthrough of this online. I figured that being a sonic fan that completing a playthrough of this was inevitable and that at least if I streamed it, it would be entertaining. Despite already owning the game on PS3 I instead bought the (bizarrely relisted for only 5 dollars) xbox 360 version as not only did it serve the ironic bit of buying Sonic 06 digitally in the modern day but also it gave me a clean save and was the most stable version of the game (as little as that actually means anything). As I played through the game, something very peculiar happened. Something that hadn't happened in all the years I've spent all this time rambling about.

I was actually having a lot of fun. And we aren't talking laugh-at-it isn't-this-game-so-bad-amirite-guys fun. Genuine, unadulterated, serious fun.

Maybe my tastes have changed a lot in all this time, maybe I'm going insane, but there was just this earnest sincerity that I felt when playing through this game, that emblematic sincerity that Sonic games have where they sometimes do some really REALLY absurd shit yet play it off with the straight confidence that I can't help but enjoy. Seeing all the sonic characters have their semi-winded anime-ass first-translation-draft dialogues with one another and how they handled this heavy-handed plot riddled with time travel and eldritch-horror summoning was the coolest thing ever. The game may be fucking, but I could still feel the games intent through it all. The game isn't even that fucking, honestly. Most glitches that I had heard the game get lambasted for online were things that I usually had to go out of my way to look for and execute, or things that I likely wouldn't have tried to do otherwise had I not already had the pretense knowledge of "check this out, I'm gonna kick in place on top of this box and you're gonna see some serious shit". The game is certainly unpolished and rushed, but if anything it's actually an absolute miracle that the game is as functional as it is to begin with! There's also tons of different characters to play as, which after having like 15 years of main series 3D games that only have you play as sonic and sometimes a variation of sonic, felt like an absolute breath of fresh air to control characters like Silver, Blaze, Omega, and Rouge again. I couldn't believe that this was essentially Sonic Adventure 3!

As I was enjoying my time with Sonic 06, it really had me thinking about it all. Was this game really as infamously horrendous as everyone has been saying, or had it perhaps been a victim of changing times? It was the first Sonic game designed for HD hardware, so maybe they thought it was a good idea to split the main team in half for Secret Rings as they assumed HD 7th gen gaming would only need as much dev resources as the last generation did, and gravely miscalculated how much more is needed from the jump to HD. 2006 was still the first year of these HD consoles, and a lot of the early titles for 360 and PS3 were also coming to grasps with those same problems regarding either total content or overall polish. Hell, that isn't even a generationally exclusive problem, look at how many games today launch in equal or even worse states as this one. Add that half-bakedness to both the facts that the mid 2000s was peak edgy gamer years culturally as gamers demanded the most photorealistic polished experiences out of their fancy new flat-screen displays, developer work be damned, AND that the modern social-media internet seeds had already been planting and sprouting giving viral videos much more weight, and maybe this game really actually was given a bad hand. There have certainly been a lot of people that wanted to see the Sonic brand crash and burn since its inception, and this game releasing in the state it did at the time it did gave those people the exact ammunition and platform they needed to do exactly that. Maybe the younger players that sing praises of this game aren't gaslit by their own nostalgia, but rather people like me have been gaslit by the myriads of negativity that has been surrounding this game since its inception, then only playing the game afterwards to affirm that already-implanted opinion. I honestly don't know, it's never usually as simple as that and it could go either way. It certainly did do a lot of damage, as after the negativity from this games release bled into other titles released in the same time frame, the brand took a more staunchly conservative approach by delisting "bad" games and scrubbing out any remnants of the 2000s era games from more contemporary works as they focused on more lighthearted and 90's oriented vibes before going full ironic meme mode in the mid 2010s, likely still due to the negativity towards the brand that remained from this game. (luckily that doesn't seem to be as much of the case anymore as both the sonic brand and community have been going back to the core of sincerity and have accepted themselves for what they are as a whole.)

I normally rate things off of some mixture of general recommendability as well as my own personal enjoyment, and while those two attributes usually go hand-in-hand, with this game they are at odds. While I may be crazy enough to have gotten a lot of enjoyment from playing this, I'm not crazy enough to recommend it over most other sonic games and you probably should be aware of what you are getting yourself into should you choose to play it on your own. I really have no idea how to end something like this tbh but I feel like I've said all that I can. There are probably many similar Sonic 06 takes and opinions in the vast endless sea of the internet, but this one is mine. There really is something about this game that makes people write a whole ass manifesto. Can't think of many other games that have that same effect, for better or for worse.

introduzir o leon e a claire como personagens principais aqui foi provavelmente a melhor coisa que a franquia podia ter feito eu gosto muito da sensação que eles me passam de ser os personagens mais humanos entre os principais e como as rotas deles tem histórias diferentes mas que se complementam em um objetivo comum: eles são civis que querem ajudar as pessoas e lutam pra encarar um futuro com esperança. apesar de ser um tópico e uma característica presente em todos os personagens de re eu sinto que isso foi feito de uma forma bem pé no chão com eles nesse jogo, são muito meus queridinhos

muito campy e é isso que torna ele incrível

depois de tantos jogos ruins de resident evil finalmente uma experiência divertida

i pirated this game when i was 16 and i've felt bad ever since

I did it. I found a way to be bad at a visual novel. Now I have mastered the art of being terrible at every genre of game.

bisexual witch pole dancer, she's just like me fr

I could not imagine after playing chapter 1 that i would finish the eighth with a very different sight of the entire series.

This is a review of the Answer Arcs, again i did one for each chapter even if not that complete, but it's more like the series as a whole.

Higurashi is a series that changed a lot from the start to the end. Many people can be very upset about it, and they are not wrong (flashbacks of danganronpa v3). There are a lot of very big inconsistences or incomplete arcs, like characters being ignored, when they were very important before. So if your focus is in a entire well written storyline, you can be left dissapointed. Even with lots of highs and lows, it's was a reading i enjoyed.

Ryukishi07 said many times in the Staff Extras that his work it's to challenge you, the player, and try to create a world where the story can be made complete. All chapters are pieces of this big puzzle, and if you are not satisfied with the ending he gave, you can make your own, be it a good or a bad one. After all they been through i was happy with the ending, even if it's not that good in a objective sight.

Higurashi When They Cry is an experience that everyone who can endure almost 100 hours of text will like, less or more than me, or drop it after the first chapter. If you endure, i know there is something in this big puzzle that you will remember the series for. Be it happy, sad, angry, boring or epic moments, the memories will be there for you to create the perfect ending they deserve.

Do not get me wrong: this is arguably my most favourite game of all time. But I have to acknowledge the game's drawbacks here, and because of that, I have to knock it back a star. This game is, however, one of the most compelling and heartwrenching stories in gaming, and is something that truly means a lot to me.

"Rule of Rose" é uma obra de arte perdida no tempo, pois muitos não compreenderam sua estética e temática.

Ousado e artístico, este jogo conseguiu me prender do início ao fim com sua narrativa construída simulando um conto infantil. Os capítulos divididos por história, misturados com a ambientação, davam ao jogo um aspecto tão único, uma identidade ausente nos jogos de terror atuais, tornando-o um vinho digital. A história é muito boa e confusa, pois demoramos a entender que tudo se passa na cabeça da Jennifer e em seu passado. Logo, a alternância de cenários do dirigível para o orfanato pode causar essa confusão. Inclusive, Jennifer é, sem sombra de dúvidas, uma das melhores personagens femininas de um jogo de terror. A história se desenrolando em torno dos traumas vividos na infância e sua construção me fizeram olhar para a personagem e dizer: ARTE! O capítulo final é simplesmente reconfortante e forte, especialmente por conta da amizade da protagonista com o Brown, seu único e verdadeiro amigo. O laço de amizade dos dois me derrubou, que ódio.

Infelizmente, o jogo realmente possui um sistema de combate muito ruim, sendo a principal queixa contra o jogo, mas a escolha é lógica. Não podemos exigir que uma garota de 19 anos, abalada psicologicamente, tenha o mesmo comportamento que um policial ou militar treinado, mesmo em um jogo. Realmente, às vezes, irritou, mas foram poucas as vezes que exigia confronto (inclusive o boss final é ridículo de fácil), o que não prejudica o jogo, já que é um Survival Horror, então não é para lutar mesmo. O sistema de arquivos do jogo também deixou a desejar, uma vez que muitos dos documentos encontrados não eram registrados, somente os contos. Isso não atrapalha na compreensão da história, mas teria sido uma boa adição para quem gosta de ler. Porém, para compensar, gostei bastante de explorar os cenários e caçar itens utilizando o Brown; achei a interação dele na gameplay bem divertida, servindo também como guia.

A ambientação e a trilha sonora foram incríveis; a estética dos anos 30, os gráficos e os personagens bem construídos, tudo é magnífico e bem feito, ficava surpreso ao lembrar que era um jogo de PS2 e não de PS3.

Por fim, "Rule of Rose" foi incompreendido em sua época e ainda o é atualmente, antes pela sua temática (que foi muito exagerado o drama na época) e agora por sua mecânica, mas isso ainda não impede o jogo de ser uma obra-prima do terror e digno de remasterização ou remake.

Everyone on this development team was incredibly horny

This review contains spoilers

😭😭 didn't expect to cry but i was already sobbing before the letter even ends

i think the angela scenes were the most haunting parts for me. her entire character arc devastated me esp that scene at the stairs. i feel like she and eddie were made to be at odds with each other - angela did what she did to protect herself and feels guilty for it while eddie believes that the people he hurted deserved it. which also reflects well with james' complicated feelings abt mary

Apesar de não ser louco por RE3, é nítido o carinho e esforço que tiveram ao fazer um jogo com uma trama tão objetiva ter o melhor fator replay da franquia (até aquela época), as pequenas adições como o crafting e o quick turn são ótimas, pena que não dá pra dizer o mesmo do dodge que pelo menos pra mim é totalmente dispensável e complicado de executar, nemesis é marcante e imponente mesmo sabendo quando e onde ele vai aparecer, e se o ritmo de RE2 ja era mais acelerado que o de RE1, RE3 é um fuckin trem bala, os cenários são memoráveis e raccoon city é estrela, jill ta no auge da fodice e carlos apesar de eu considerar um zé bunda consegue ser um personagem secundário simpático, 4 stars p esse clássico.