Just an amazing game, I can’t imagine it appealing to everyone thanks to being a hardcore dungeon crawler and containing some sudden difficulty spike bosses but I love nearly everything about Strange Journey. I have to say the soundtrack is absolutely nuts for a DS game, Meguro is a magician as always. The level of immersion the music and backgrounds gave me is pretty much unmatched and it’s all complementing a great story with gameplay that’s always satisfying.

Honestly really enjoyed this. Has tons of charm and the updated graphics and soundtrack are really nice, I haven’t played the original but this made me a fan. My main complaints would be that the (admittedly uncommon) precise platforming moments are hard with the game’s camera angle, and some of the mini cutscenes this remake adds are missing sound effects which can make them a little awkward. But these are minor issues in a good game.

Born in a world of strife!
Against the odds, we choose to fight!
Blossom Dance!
Dance with me!
But we mustn’t be careless!
Stay calm, stay focused.

Dear God this dlc left an awful aftertaste after I finished it. The main story was fine (although short) and I really liked the double battles and references to past games. The issue I have is with how the postgame is handled.

Of course my first thought in the postgame was to work on completing the Pokedex—but it turns out you physically can’t without MASSIVELY grinding out hundreds of miniature sidequests like “Catch a Pokemon!” or “Take a picture of a swimming Pokemon!” If you don’t have all the Pokemon locked behind grinding in other games through the Home application, you’re screwed if you’re a completionist.

It’s faster if you have friends with the game and dlc to grind with you but at this point, the fact I need to convince my friends to grind for maybe 2+ hours with me completely turns me off from an entire aspect of the game.

One thing I was really looking forward to in this DLC was catching the legendary paradox Pokemon they teased, but of course that turned out to be locked behind making huge progress in the Pokedex! And returning legendaries are shiny locked so that’s another reason to not return to this game!

Please fire Masuda.

Not just a game it’s an entire experience holy peak

I wasn’t a huge fan of about the first half of the game, sure it still has that fun Spider-Man gameplay but the story felt kind of slow with a few cases of padding. The second half made me love the game however, it’s still not perfect but I really enjoyed how everything came together.

you can literally play as peter griffin

Simply amazing, reminds me a little of another Spike Chunsoft visual novel about people participating in a deadly game except in this one the writing is consistently good and every character has a purpose. Probably the best story and plot twists I’ve experienced in a game so go play it

As a big Spider-Man enjoyer this game is simply fun as hell with a good story, though some of the random crimes on the map and enemy types felt samey

Finished this a while ago but just getting to reviewing now. I love this game to pieces, it has a few things I'd change, but everything it does well is done extremely well. Top-notch unique presentation and the soundtrack is genuinely the best and most fitting I've heard in any game ever, or any piece of media period for me personally. Combine that with SMT's usual addicting gameplay and teambuilding and you have peak. The only way I see this game being dethroned from my top 5 ever is if Atlus releases a remake with Apocalypse's touchups to the battle system and hard mode available outside of New Game+.

Very interesting game. I went in with high hopes after beating base SMT IV, and in terms of gameplay, it more than delivered: amazing fine-tuned battle system, and extra ease of exploration with other nice qol.
The writing, however, is very inconsistent. It ranges between cringey to engaging at any point in the story, and then there’s the tropey archetypes and moments that do not belong in a series as unique as SMT.
But overall, this game is absolutely worth playing if you like base IV (go play SMT IV if you haven’t). A couple things hold it back, but whether they ruin a game with excellent gameplay and near-perfect soundtrack is up to the player.