we are about 5 years away from seeing a slot machine simulator marketed as a game like Rogue (1980) With Over 500 Hours Of Mind Pumping Action!!!!

we didnt have the zapper so i would just watch the birds fly and get confused as to why the dog was laughing at me. and then i likened type c to ufo sighting.

the bush family is playin with that voodoo bad

bogwater oil company crusader propaganda disguised as the closest to an arcade game people born after 2000 will have statistically experienced. i did try to play it with genuine video game enjoying intentions (best moment was a noobtube headshot across the river and into the house on overgrown) but that desire just went away after getting even more depressed every time i looked at my statistics on the leaderboard, friends or global, it didnt matter. pointless statistics in a scheme run by the powers that be.

in order to fight off this game's primary intent (convincing teenagers to go die for an oil company under the guise of education, in its heyday i almost succumbed to an ammosexual autism spearheaded by this very computer program) i would proceed to nearly become another statistic (victim of the opioid crisis), join a hardcore search and destroy lobby (de_ for the cstrike fiends) attach a rubber band to the right analog stick to spin around, and another rubber band to attach a shitty earbud to the 360 headset mic, load up a soundboard on a laptop and wreak havoc upon the Most Serious G*mer's, absolutely convinced there was another human on the end of that mic, as i spun around rapidly in spawn, letting the rounds drag on as i hear the degrading words degrade into sounds no longer resembling words. that was the most fun i had within the metaverse of call of duty 6 lobbies on microsoft direct-x box three hundred and sixty's Direct-X Box Live Gold Connectivity service. i wouldn't be the f[THIS USER CAN SAY IT!]got i am today without the stern encouragement of the average microsoft Direct-X Box Three Hundred And Sixty's direct-x box live gold connectivity service user.

alteriwnet was alright too

hi-score game of choice for lead poisoning victims, florida-wide.

when you're nintendo and you make the mistake of letting the folks who made virtua racing and daytona fucking USA have a take on your one and only racing game (*edit: that isn't mario kart), you will fall into a state of permanent embarrassment. never to return to f-zero again


nightmare labyrinths. sprawling, focused and concise. four disparate realms of enclosed torture, each with their own take on a set of explosion tools and nasty, nasty fiends. the paragon of abstract, less-linear first person carnage. beautifully brown.

after decades of first person shooting games, many of which just blur into an indiscernible soup of drab real life murder machines, the drab fantasy realms of quake still casts the shadows in which they reside.

forever the most first person shooter. the best game id will ever make.

"worst game of all time", according to Instruction Manual Ignorers. the reality of the situation is that it isn't even close to being the worst piece of software for the Video Computer System.

welcome to the island. everyone here wants to die. a grey maze awaits, twisting and turning over and under and back into itself, ready to kill you at any moment. brief moments of solace met with an unexpected scream. don't push yourself too hard, it's all there, it's all connected, somehow. stitch it together yourself. there's some friends on this island, some of them also want you dead. immaculate sound design. a bleak, fluid, tightly woven labrynth to lose/find yourself in.

recommend it if you're a tetris weirdo, but i will never really love to play this verison, yet i love returning to it every now and then.

this is my go-to tetris pallete cleanser when i'm fully in tetris brain, something that hasn't been the case for a little over a year now. this era of tetris is quite fascinating, and of all console versions of tetris, this feels the most like a home computer version with its single rotation, only hard drop and less-conventional lives system. the controls feel as if they were intended to be mapped to arrow keys where a player could have their fingers on multiple separate digital actuators at all times.

this era around the late 80's was probably the most interesting period in the overall splintering and iteration of tetris as it was unleashed up on the world, they were all just learning how to cook up those quadruple rectangles and it resulted in a genuine mechanical variety that unfortunately isn't found in any tetris released in the current era. i have no idea what BPS was even trying to do here, still feels as if they're in the progress of figure out how to make tetris work on a pad. it is of zero surpise that that shortly after this, BPS would devise their own system with lock delay as a core principle of tetromino arrangement. one of the the strains of tetris that BPS would, towards the end of the 90's, overcook and would demand that to be the only tetris dish served. BPS's impending near-strangulation of tetris started here, and on many days, i would rather play this over NEStris. thankfully BPS would figure out how to cook it just right for a bit in their successor to this one (plus bombliss!)

everytime i feel like im in the absolute peak of a depressive spell i go and look the video on youtube dot com titled "Asm-ng-ld's Lair" and proceed to realize that The Pression is not a one-size fits-all ailment, and comes in many different shapes and forms, at least im not breathing in hella mold spores from the soda cups i got a few months ago at the Watered Burger down the stroad.

played for about 2 months back in like 2010ish because i had a few friends who themselves fell victim to this peice of software for a little bit (they are not still playing it today, thankfully). every time i played with them i just kept saying to myself "I really could just be playing Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup instead and not have to be a 15 bucks a month sucker".


also vividly remember the kid at my elementary school who told me about the word "shit" loving the Shit out of this game back around 2003 and i was fascinated by his descriptions of what could take place in it. probably better than most Sony Computer Entertainment Incorporated Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC works from the past 6-7 or so years, which are just barely-evolved versions of what DMA design was cooking up here and a little bit earlier with space station silicon valley on the n64. i usually get pretty bored about halfway in every time i've played, and just end up driving around liberty city listening to some mad tunes from the legendary moving shadow records or some dubs mixed by the scientist over at king tubby's (rip) studio. that's pretty much the case with every subsequent game in this series, but with different music, actually.

the announcer is like "i am in the radio. there are Sounds on the street in Ridge City today. the Racing of Cars is going to be happening in Ridge City. Hot! Road for the Soul of the race. are you ready to need it or keep it?"

might be the best ridge racer full stop, and one of 4 PS2 games with neGcon support.

society if Space Giraffe was the xbla game bloggers were gassing up at least 400 times a week circa 2008


A proper return to form for From. After a 27 year hiatus, they're making pig feeding software once again!!!

same energy as the time i was talking to a coworker about how i wanted to [redacted] and she was just like "well have you tried doing jumping jacks?"