Reviews from

in the past

I never cared once for Alex Kidd, it really doesn't help that the only game of his that I remember liking was Shinobi World, a game he wasn't even supposed to be in originally. Enchanted Castle of course was my first miserable experience with this little shithead, because it was the only game of his that would be put on the poorly emulated compilations that were shat out every gen after Sega left the console market.

He controls like crap. Alex Kidd is constantly slipping all over the place like he's wearing banana slugs for shoes, and his punch has this split-second delay on it that guarantees slamming your face into enemies by accident due to the former. Absolutely catastrophic combination, because unfortunately Alex Kidd has a glass jaw and gets ohko'd by pretty much everything remotely dangerous looking, including literal shit being rolled by dung beetles. He also has this whack kick in the air that only comes out while you're jumping and only when you're not still pressing the button. It's horrendous how it's mapped this way, because it feels a lot nicer to try and use than his punch, which feels fucking suicidal to use until you get used to the game's crap factor.

The game itself looks absolutely piss-tastic even for early Genesis, other games released at the time like Altered Beast and Space Harrier II could fist this game into next Thursday with their superior graphics. I personally also can't stand the music, which says an absolute shitload because I fuckin' love the sound of the Genesis even when it's crackling hot ass at me. It's not even that western TWANG either, it just genuinely sounds annoying after a while.

And I know Alex Kidd just can't get enough of playing rock-paper-scissors with everyone he ever meets, but the guy needs another hobby or something. I don't even want to talk about the fucking helicopter section. Sega dumping this moron for a blue hedgehog was seriously the best decision they ever made, they would've been fucking eaten alive when the SNES came out if they still had this guy as their mascot. If Alex Kidd were a real person I'd hunt him down just to shove him into a locker. If there existed an infinite amount of Alex Kidds I'd find a way to shove all of them into an infinite amount of lockers that spread across the ever-expanding depths of the universe.

By the way, if you truly want to live in hell play this shit on a phone with touchscreen controls. Yes, I was absolutely that masochistic. It was a long day at work.

Thinking of the weird alternate timeline where Sega's mascot wasn't Sonic but was instead a kid who dies in one hit and also has the option to participate in life or death gambles

Putrid. This game doesn't get ANYTHING right. It's so bad I struggled mightily with how to begin this review, because I could start anywhere. I think I'll start with the physics, one of the MOST important things in any 2D Platformer. They're too slippery! You don't really have any good "stopping power" (think turning back in Super Mario Bros 1 or 3 to slow your momentum) and you slide pretty wildly when landing unless you take them very slowly. It isn't tooooooo bad early because at least a decent amount of the platforms are large, but as soon as the game starts throwing single block platforms at you it gets actively miserable to try and land on the damn things without just sliding off. Alex Kidd is also pretty slide-y on the ground, which leads to the annoyance of sliding into enemies while trying to punch them with your punch attack. You COULD use the jump attack but the hitbox on it feels very inconsistent and you can't do it in all situations. Fortunately most enemies are actually pathetically easy to deal with, so you just spam the punch button, instead most of your deaths will come from how poor it controls.

Speaking of controls, why is the jump mapped the way it is? I wondered if I was missing something, but when you jump you go right into the jump kick attack as you rise, UNLESS you hold down the jump button as you rise. If you do THAT, then you will only kick when you let go. It felt incredibly weird holding down the jump button to make jumps like that, doubly so because for some reason blocks on the ground can only be broken with a jump kick. Enjoy jumping in place like an idiot trying to get them to actually break. And yes, this is required at certain points. I think you can use the pogo to break them, but it was mostly frustrating. Anyway, why not make it so you just tap the jump button in the air to attack? Or that tapping A is jump but holding A is attack or something? It feels very unnatural.

Then you get into stuff like the second to last level, which is a mini-shmup style level with a pedicopter you need to CONSTANTLY tap A to fly around with and will begin to dip on the screen if you stop tapping for even a moment. Firing off an attack is NOT on A and you WILL be forced down quite a bit on the screen if you use it, which sucks even more because the downward momentum from falling makes it harder to fly back up. I beat the level pretty quickly and my thumb was soooore. But, look, there's platforms you can sit down and take a moment to rest your thumb! Oh as if the game would be so kind, this is Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle motherfucker, the platforms instantly drop off and you'll be stuck with downwards momentum if you weren't prepared! You get luck-based Rock-Paper-Scissor bosses, a final stage that feels like it drags on forever and burns its mediocre music into your skull for eternity, it also ends with a luck-based RPS fight! But then you get an actual fight that is completely pathetic, literally just crouch, walk up to them and mash the attack button, you'll hit them casually and dodge every attack.

Did I mention this game looks absolutely rancid? Alex Kidd himself is NOT nice to look at, various textures are grainy even for 8 bit, there's eye searing colors at various points and the final level is endless sandy brown blocks with endless light grey blocks that blend into a nightmare. Stage transitions are entirely in eye searing blue like a VCR tape, which also happens when you die. There's no visual cohesion or identity to the enemies or stages, feeling like highly disconnected levels and the two "city" levels are half palette swaps of each other when the game only has 11 stages. The entire thing is butt ugly aside from the woodcutting enemy with a Jason mask that gave me a chuckle.

At least Sonic Blast let you play as Sonic.

Honestly, i enjoyed this game. Maybe even more than the original, but that final level is just BULLSHIT. Thank god for save states

way worse than i remember. the last level is some bullshit, alex is a weak ass pussy who died in one hit, and the level design is wack. how was the master system game better than this one

A hard as balls game that didn't age well AT ALL. Still, it has a special place in my heart for being a childhood game. But also still, this game can fucking suck it.

penis music the game

it's not that bad tho, coming back to it, honestly. i mean, besides the RPS stuff.

É uma extensão do jogo do Master System, se jogou aquele, já sabe o que vai ter nesse
Mas na real eu até curto este mais pela nostalgia do momento que eu joguei ele a primeira vez, na casa de um amigo, num lindo dia de chuva. O que há melhor pra se fazer?

O jogo anterior já tinha alguns itens para serem usados durante as fases, mas eram muito triviais e úteis em momentos específicos. Neste pelo menos há um menu mais coerente, e que fica acessível PELO CONTROLE, OBRIGADO, mostrando itens e veículos para usar em qualquer momento

Penas que você e o veículo são frágeis que nem uma bolha de sabão e morrem ao primeiro toque, perdendo o trem que estava usando

Ah e o final é bem ruim, não procure saber como é, baita perda de tempo

This Game is so bad why its so ice controls

Giving it 5 stars not based on the games quality at all. But its the first game I ever beat by myself, no help, no guides, no cheats. I was like 9 years old and thought I was the greatest gamer of all time. Good times LOL

6yo me : " I dont know wtf I'm doing. But I will keep doing"

Alex Kidd thrives off of european nostalgia as opposed to actual game quality

You know what, I am getting pretty fucking sick of this dumbass kid and his dumbass games. For every single installment so far (aside from that one BMX game I haven't played that no one cares about), they have either been terrible to painfully mediocre, making me question why I would even continue playing these games in the first place. Not that there is anything bad with being painfully mediocre, but it just seems like none of these games are getting any better, and are progressively getting weirder, and not in a good way. But hey, I won’t give up hope, as we still have several games left in this series, and this next one in particular was made for the Sega Genesis rather then the Master System, so that means it has to have some level of quality, right? Well, I shall see with Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle.

So, after playing through the game, I can say with confidence that this installment in the painfully mediocre Alex Kidd franchise is… also painfully mediocre, but despite that, I would also say that it is the best game in the series so far, even if it isn’t all that good. I will give the game credit for actually sticking to a gameplay style, unlike the last two who changed it up pretty jarringly, and it does add some new features that weren’t in the previous game (at least from what I remember), but aside from that, it is about what you would come to expect from this series at this point, and not in a good way.

The story is almost the same as most games of the time, if you replace the “girl” with “father” instead, the graphics are an improvement over all of the other games in the series, but that is to be expected when moving up to the Genesis, the music is… definitely music, the control is good enough, even if the startup movement speed is a little wonky, and the gameplay sticks to what was established in the first Alex Kidd game, for better or worse.

Like the original game, it is a 2D platformer, where you move through various levels, defeating enemies, gathering money and helpful items along the way, using vehicles in several instances to proceed forward, and taking on “bosses” along the way. All of it is executed very similarly to that of the original game, and as such, not too many elements are introduced to change up this formula, aside from maybe some new items that give you new different abilities, but that isn’t really much to talk about. Really, it all boils down to whether or not this game improves upon what the first game established, and from what I have experienced, I can say with confidence that it definitely does that… again, for better or worse.

First off, upon starting the game, you have plenty of options to change difficulty, test out some of the game’s gimmicks and so on, which is always appreciated for an older game like this. Secondly, the levels themselves, and what you do in them, are pretty much unchanged, but it does feel better to play more so then the original game, even if the level design and enemies themselves still feel pretty uninspired. You still get to enter plenty of shops and get plenty of items with the money that you acquire, which can help out a lot, but in order to get them you have to play… more rock-paper-scissors. Yes, this also makes a return from the original game, and believe it or not, it is somehow worse here. These matches are everywhere, in terms of when you enter shops (which are optional, but still), and at the end of a good chunk of levels, which wouldn’t bother me so much if they didn’t replace possibilities of actual boss fights. There is only one true boss fight in the game, that being the final one, and all he does is just throw flying fists at you, which are insanely easy to dodge, so there is no real presence of challenge when it comes to them. Again, I’m not saying rock-paper-scissors is bad, or that playing it in this game is bad, but when they take up most of the formidable foes, it gets annoying.

With that being said, there were some parts of the game that were improved on. There are no weird-ass puzzles that you have to solve in order to progress, no pointless stages that last about a couple seconds just to give you a piece of info that you don’t care about, and where the original game had a ton of those annoying dungeon levels that were filled with traps to fuck you over, this game only has one of those, that being the final level, which I can excuse considering how appropriate it is. It makes things feel more consistent in terms of content, while also not just completely abandoning elements that were present in the original (even if I would have preferred if they were removed).

That being said, this all still comes off as being incredibly bland. It may just be based on my tastes, and I am aware there wasn’t too many other options in 1989, but after going through four games in this series, almost all of them drastically different from one another, I still can’t find any reason to like Alex Kidd as a series, or even as a mascot. The games aren’t all that bad (aside from, you know, High Tech World), but they leave so little of an impact and add nothing unique to the genre aside from the rock-paper-scissors matches, that you wonder how Sega went for so long trying to use him as their icon, or even why they gave him so many games. Oh well, at least so far, I haven’t hated my time with them, with this game definitely being the best of the bunch, but still… it just isn’t grabbing me like I bet they were intending.

Overall, while being an improvement over the original game, as well as being the best in the series so far, Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle still comes off as being yet another mediocre title in this mediocre series, which does seem like its trying to improve on itself to make for a more entertaining and quality experience, but it still manages to fall flat on its face. But hey, at least we have 1 and a half games left, as well as a remake way later down the line, so they must have gotten it right at some point…. please, for the love of god, get it right.

Game #215

Eu só paguei 2 reais nele pq tinha vagas lembranças desse jogo achando que pra época era bom, joguei recentemente e descobri que nem quando eu tinha 3 anos essa joça era boa. Alex Kidd parece que tem sabão nos pés e toda hora eu batia a cabeça numa plataforma (esfera) extremamente pequena e toda hora caia e morria pra algum bicho de merda.

Played it again today bc i was trying to do Alex Kidd in High Tech World in a vc but I got FUCKINGE PISSED OFF and popped this in instead. When I posted this review a couple weeks ago it got No Likes so im just going to change that over to a shitpost and copy paste it to this playthrough so you will give me attention

This game is dogass. Alex controls like he covered himself in oil, his attacks have very small range and windows, he dies in one hit from everything, dying on level 10 sends you back to level 9, the final level is a tedious and boring maze that takes up half the game's runtime, the music is grating, the story is a joke, and the rock-paper-scissors gimmick is silly as hell and reduces the boss fights to what seems like RNG without savestates.

But also? I have a soft spot for it, very much so. Back when I actually physically owned that Genesis compilation for the PS3, when I was like 10 years old or so, it was one of the only games I could complete that wasn't Sonic. And I played it a lot, for some reason! When i was a dumbass kid I quite liked how it looked and played and sounded, and I guess I just didn't know any better? Yet even now a part of me still clings onto it a tiny bit because nostalgia and memories are a hell of a drug.


Voltei nesse título por pura nostalgia, afinal de contas foi o único jogo da série Alex Kidd que joguei na minha infância e eu nem sequer passava da segunda fase.

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle é um platformer relativamente fácil até começar a fase final do castelo que é definitivamente SACANAGEM. O jogo apela em número de inimigos, passagens secretas, e armadilhas semi-impossíveis.

Uma forma de facilitar tudo isso são as recompensas e power-ups que você ganha durante alguns níveis. Isso seria perfeito se não dependesse do mais canalha RNG que já enfiaram num jogo, pois você só os ganha apostando dinheiro em partidas de Pedra, Papel, e Tesoura totalmente roubadas.

Fiz um favor à mim mesmo abusando de save states pra finalmente ver a tela final que devia pro meu eu de 8 anos de idade.

Nunca mais quero ver esse jogo na minha frente.

Muito repetitivo. Os itens do personagem que são uma das únicas coisas legais do jogo quase não são utilizadas, fora que achei a jogabilidade meio "dura" e em alguns momentos, o piso das fases parece ser feito de sabão.
Literalmente todos os níveis, exceto o castelo final, são fáceis, o que torna o jogo total desequilibrado na questão dificuldade. Fora que literalmente toda hora você tem que ficar jogando Jokenpô com seus inimigos e isso é extremamente chato.

I’m begging you to just give me a boss fight. Just one boss to punch and kick and jump in the air and dodge fireballs or whatever, just one… oh, okay sure. Yeah I guess I’ll go ahead and throw scissors then

This is actively one of the worst games I have played in my life! Impressively so

Brota na minha casa
Eu vou te dar um chá bem dado
Brota na minha casa
Eu vou te dar um chá bem dado
Toma-toma, vapo-vapo
Dentro do seu quarto
Toma-toma, vapo-vapo
Dentro do meu quarto

(sega mega drive & genesis classics 1/58)
alex mid (explosion gifs) (old lady starts breakdancing) (fat guy falls out of chair aund farts)

(Played in SEGA MEGADRIVE CLASSICS, on Nintendo Switch)

I had to drop it, I just couldn't handle it. Wonky controls and slippery movement, pretty bad visuals (even for the time), and doesn't exactly offer anything worth the try. The powers are nice, but other than that, I really disliked this one and didn't even manage to finish it.

Imagine every boss being RNG. In-fact, the whole game is just RNG with some platforming in-between. Classic SEGA.

And no I'm not salty just because I got past the first level only once!

Absolutely rancid aesthetics, but otherwise a below average platformer in every sense of the word, the fact this was supposed to be Sega's mascot before sonic is genuinely comical. Also the rock paper scissors shit in this game is dumb as shit

This is the worst game I've ever played.

This was the first Non Sonic Genesis Game I played as a Kid

I feel like if my friend Eat got married and had a kid he'll probably named it after this game.

I like this game because of its weird charm with the stupid Janken Minigames and the quote "WILL YOU BET YOUR LIFE?" but also this is a pretty bad game. Your main attack has very short reach and you die in a single hit. Then there is also blind jumps sometimes.