Reviews from

in the past

Achei bem legal. Ambientação e tema. Mas meio lento.

It's.......mehhhh ???? It just feels like a watered down AC 3, cause it essentially is, I honestly couldn't give two shits about the story cause the voice acting are all so lame and dull, there's not alot of new innovations here, just AC 3 with a new story, new place and new protag and characters.

J'ai pas eu le courage de le finir non plus, mais forcé de constater que ça reste un peu mieux que AC3, ce qui est sacrément drôle pour un jeu qui n'est qu'un spin off pour PS Vita de base.

Plusy: ciekawe zakończenie, ładna jak na port grafika, system walki jest ok
Minusy: nudne misje, miałka fabuła, słaby voice acting

There were unique mechanics with the different wardrobes you could wear that gave you different stats. That being said, this game was largely boring. A main character that deserved a better game.

Найс по болотам побегал.

so mid
super boring story that had no emotional weight to any characters i didn't care about anything that happened. it sucks because aveline could've been a way cooler character but this game just missed the mark. also, a stupid amount of collectibles

I understand why it's one of the least popular asscreeds

Soft locked the game due to having wrong outfit for a mission.

I enjoy the protagonist and story, but it being a PS Vita game really holds it back. Very boring and I couldnt get through it

A fine little spin-off of the Assassin's creed series.

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Divertido, porem a historia e confusa por conta das intervenções do "cidadão", o que faz o jogo tecnicamente ter 2 finais. Vale a pena pela historia e o fato de ser a primeira mulher protagonista de um titulo de AC fora do Chronicles.

Story Not Good And Game is like a cheap copy of AC III

Liberation tries quite hard and it's an amibitous attempt to recreate a full-fledged Assassin's Creed experience on a handheld, but it falls a bit flat. Part of this is down to its three main world areas being either dull or finicky to explore, and the lack of engaging content outside of the main story doesn't help either. Aveline is an intriguing protagonist as she exists in a powerful liminal space, existing as an Assassin but one who struggles with her mentor, a member of the nouveau riche in a society that wants to ostracize her for her race, and as a free woman when every other black person she meets is enslaved, but the story doesn't make effective use of this and prefers to focus on a tepid iteration of the usual Templars v Assassins conflict.

Mal otimizado, mal escrito e mal planejado.
Aveline é carismática, a mecânica das roupas é legal demais. e a premissa da pra sentir que é bacana. Mas é visível que foi feito na pressa. Mas o que realmente me incomoda é os vários pontos que a historia só não da ponto nenhum e passa pra próxima missão ignorando o plot de 10 segundos atrás.
Deve faltar bem pouquinho pra terminar, eventualmente eu pego e finalizo.

For this I'm talking about the PS4 version and it's too bad I can't give 0/5 stars since this was the worse game Iver ever played PERIOD. It's don't feel like an assassin creed game and it's too small and restrictive. For the Ps Vita players this might have been an okay game but for console it was bad. It was too slow and almost after 2 minutes I wanted to stop playing. This was my definition of "I done it for the Plat" then uninstalled it and had a party.

Cool new stealth mechanics but nahhh

It's a mediocre game that I can't remember anything about anymore except that it's pretty boring and has a terrible story and main character.

J'aime beaucoup le jeu, mais c'est compliqué.
On se retrouve devant un mini-AC2, avec boutiques à acheter, armes, etc...
Le système économique fonctionne très bien.
Le jeu a aussi un gameplay vachement plus fluide, ça fait plaisir.
L'histoire est assez intéressante à suivre (bon après vu que c'est pas un épisode majeur, ça reste assez classique mais ça fonctionne)
Les combats sont bien fichus, et ya de la course dans les arbres du Bayou, et C'EST TELLEMENT MIEUX QUE DANS AC3 sérieux c'est le jour et la nuit.
Mais côté défauts, c'est que ça se plie en 10h environ, en faisant quasiment tout dans le jeu. Et surtou, le jeu est buggé comme un AC ne l'a jamais été.
- des chargements qui plantent
- des changements de costumes qui donnent un écran noir à la sortie de boutique
- les ennemis qui buggent dès qu'ils meurent
- Aveline qui nage en volant
- le jeu qui plante après avoir envoyé ses navires pour marchander.

C'est très très compliqué, mais pour un AC que j'avais jamais fait, j'ai beaucoup aimé.

I will defend this game with my life, severely underrated. Better than any of the new AC games.

After such a disappointment with AC 3 I was amazed at how good this game was compared to the others. there are some interesting mechanics and the whole changing cloths is a interesting way to gain different abilities. It's a lot of fun for any fan of Assassin's creed.

The characters are very interesting and i love Aveline, but there was no roundup of what happened at the end if she got married, if they both continued to fight the prejudice together and what finally became of her and her mother.

Edit: I did love the costume changing ideas and using the eagle vision to look up all kinds of clues to track people down. The clothing changes makes sense in that the assassination outfit is infamous so you can never lower your notoriety as it's a very clearly dangerous outfit. Especially as a woman in this time period.

Then you have other outfits that have positives and negatives. The Lady outfit you can't parkour in, due to the corset and dress being fairly restrictive, but notoriety goes up slowly and the slave outfit allows all the parkour, however, with less clothing there's less armour to protect yourself so you can get killed much more easily.

My first initial thought when I saw it was an option to change cloths was an eye-rolling thought of "oh yes, of course. First female character as the protagonist and her special ability is dressing up!" but in game, it works really well and a fun thing to do which makes sense in the context of the world and also as, like real assassins, disguising yourself.

Probablement le pire de la liscence. Malgré de bonne idées, notament l'idée de jouer de son statut de Dame dans des fêtes et tout, c'est fun, mais comme ce jeu viens de la PS Vita, baaah euuh y'a moins gameplay, l'histoire est plus courte, moins interessante, et on se retrouve avec un Sous AC1, dommage ! dans le bayou c'est cool par contre j'aime l'ambiance

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Eu entendo que é um jogo para portáteis, mas meu deus que jogo fraco
A protagonista Aveline é sim muito interessante, mas fadada a estar presa em um jogo fraco, joguei até um pouco mais da metade do jogo e não consegui mais, muito entediante
Achei interessante a ideia de trocar a roupa/personalidade de Aveline, porém só isso que é novo no jogo
Pelo que vi ela se encontra com Connor, mas não sei muito, mas achei interessante, assim como o jogo explora a escravidão, sendo algo que não é comum em jogos até onde eu sei, porém isso não salva o jogo de ser apressado e com a personalidade de uma pedra (menos a Aveline, gostei dela)

I played just because it was free with the AC3 remaster. I dont hate this game, but I couldnt find any motivation to continue playing. It was just boring. The different outfits bring cool variance but its age and the platform it released on originally shows through and through

Overall a mediocre game with a lot of interesting ideas that were sadly executed poorly and hastily. I think the Citizen E cutscenes weren't different enough from the regular ones and overall the main plot ended up feeling rushed and confusing at times as to what it was trying to achieve. Gameplay was overall basic and while the stealth AI wasn't as annoyingly broken as it was in 3, the game overall still didn't offer much to make it stand out in any way. The personas mechanic is pretty interesting, but I think that using the assassin persona whenever you can was better as the other two felt like dumbing yourself down with worse arsenals or freerunning for the sake of easier stealth (which doesn't matter as much cus stealth is pretty easy as an assassin anyways). It very much feels like a filler type of spinoff that publishers throw in while people wait for the next big title. You can skip it if you want. I gotta say tho, the game's most interesting parts were the Tomb Raider-esque segments and I think the gameplay was a lot more interesting and unique during those parts. They are probably the most memorable segments in the whole game for me.

A cool story concept that doesn't work because the plot is incomprehensible. A hearty of amount of effort wasted on a tired gameplay loop. I played the whole though so how bad can it be.