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in the past

decent after tons of patches and its still a struggle to play as a sniper

This is the latest in a string of questionable decisions DICE have been making over the past few years. Somehow the longtime Battlefield developer managed to completely miss the fact that gamers simply don't appreciate their big, triple-A shooters not having a single-player campaign, despite the backlash their first entry into the rebooted Battlefront series and EA's other significant FPS franchise Titanfall received for that very reason, so here we are with another multiplayer only title. This is coming right on the heels of their Battlefront II microtransaction controversy and them telling people if they didn't like the lack of historical accuracy in Battlefield V to not buy it, which ended up being advice everybody happily took (LOL!). That "half a game" mentality many are going to be walking into this with may just be the least of the studio's problems however, as those who do take the plunge will notice plenty of technical shortcomings and a shocking lack of anything innovative enough to truly justify the purchase over continuing to play one of the series' older entries instead.

I wasn't expecting to find the most polished version of the game here on what is now considered to be an outdated model of Xbox, but they still could have done a better job. On top of a plethora of weird visual anomalies and glitches, the graphics are dated with blurry textures that often struggle to load in. 2042 also runs into an issue similar to the one Call of Duty: Ghosts had when it tried to simultaneously create an experience that fully took advantage of the capabilities of next gen consoles, while also providing a lesser port that catered to the limitations of older hardware in an effort to cash in on as wide an audience as possible. Which is to say owners of the Series X or PS5 get to partake in massive 128 player battles, whereas those without are stuck in matches only half that size. This leads to some of the larger maps feeling barren at points, which can prove frustrating given how long it takes you to trek to where the action has moved when you don't have access to a vehicle. On the flip side though there are the locations where it seems like if anybody else joined everything would devolve into a giant clustermuck, so maybe neither option has the advantage.

While I've heard a lot of complaints about it, I personally loved the new UI. I have always complained in the past about how so many of Battlefield's important systems like loadout customization have been hidden in a mess of unattractive, obtuse menus. So the way all of this once difficult to decipher information is now presented in a manner that's easy to comprehend and allows me to swap out equipment and weapon attachments between respawns or even mid-combat with little to no trouble is a huge improvement in my eyes. It's a shame that's the sole area where the experience takes a step forward. The core action is undeniably familiar to a fault. There are two new modes, "Hazard Zone" and "Portal." The former of which plays out a lot like "Plunder" from Warzone and is ultimately skippable, while the latter actually shows a lot of potential with its ability for players to create matches with custom rulesets and content taken from fan favorite classics such as Bad Company 2. It's not enough to save the package, but is actually something I would like to see come back expanded in the inevitable next sequel.

As nice as the upgraded, streamlined interface and nostalgia-laden user creation mechanics are, 2042 doesn't offer the necessary amount of original ideas to legitimately validate its existence as worthy of your time over any of its predecessors. I think it's telling that the most fun I had with it was playing with the reused material from 1942. What's worse is that it feels like this is only the case because it was rushed out in an incomplete state before anything substantial could come from it in order to fulfill some bogus regular release requirements or to compete/keep up with the latest Call of Duty. This would explain the lack of expected features (campaign) and highlights how milking a property long after the inventiveness of its creators has run out leads to mediocre products that ultimately drive away the audience it once profited on.


Que flop hein, e pensar que fui um dos hypados iludidos que comprou na pré-venda...
Se arrependimento matasse, eu estava a sete palmos do chão.

Nem deveria levar o nome da franquia, joguinho totalmente genérico, sem identidade, sem alma...
Mapas ruins, pouquíssimas armas, e várias decisões totalmente contrárias a essência do que é ser um fucking BATTLEFIELD.
BF4 é o melhor FPS que já joguei, e eu me esforcei, me esforcei pra gostar por conta do carinho pela franquia e o dinheiro gasto nesse lixo, mas não consegui jogar 10hrs.

Me enganaram com trailers, não me enganam de novo.
Todo castigo pra EA é pouco.

Dice messed up really bad this time. Back in the day, I didn't like the V but it was at least playable and IT WAS FINISHED. For a few weeks after launch I have enjoyed the game, to be honest, not the game; the portal mod.

Base game's maps are pretty trash. They make me feel I'm playing on a flat test map. They are not finished, they are gigantic which is unnecessary and they didn't manage to fill and detail these maps. The buildings are not furnitured and open natural areas are FLAT.

As I said, the portal is the only element that makes this game playable. I enjoyed the BF 1942 maps, BC2 rushes,
and the bf3's mighty Caspian Border. Not only the official servers but the community are not bad. You can find various games in the server list but how long will this enjoyment last? It's been fucking 2 months since the launch and we haven't got any new maps, weapons. We are waiting for dice to publish big scaled updates and they say that they are planning to add A FUCKING SCOREBOARD. IT'S BEEN 2 FUCKING MONTHS.

meme game marketed towards booger fanatics and those who eat cold hot dogs.

I've been playing since the EA Play trial launched yesterday and continued playing most of today with early access from the Gold Edition. Some things DICE removed and why it's bad they're gone:

•Scoreboard gone (no way to see how you or your squad are doing relative to the team anymore)
•Server browser gone (literally no way to select a specific map you want to play on)
•Lobby disbands after EVERY match (you have to re-queue after every single match)
•All chat gone (no way to joke about dumb "Battlefield Moments" that DICE wants to sell the game on)
•Inactive squad leader demotion gone (if your squad lead never picks an objective, you can't get rid of them all game)
•Squad spawn cam gone (You just spawn onto squadmates with zero idea of what they're doing or what they're near)
•Squad swapping gone (you can choose to leave your squad, but it ejects you into a random empty one. Not that you would be able to choose a "good" squad anyways since there is no scoreboard to know who is "good")
•Medic distance indicator for downed players gone (As a medic player, this leads to many of my potential revives just killing themselves because they don't see how close I am)

Besides things removed, there's a million little buggy or glitchy things that I don't want to bother listing in detail. Respawn bugs where you can't get revived, a respawn bug where you can't get revived AND can't redeploy (so you have to quit), laggy hitreg, server overloads for hours, etc.

As well as other baffling things like mixing input methods for crossplay, the low amount of guns that are obviously artificially low because they want to sell battle pass stuff, Hazard Zone being obviously Firestorm 2.0 that will be dead in a week, maps that are almost too big so they become sniping paradises, etc.

But even for all those issues, I don't think this game is impossible to salvage, just like I didn't think BFV was impossible to salvage.

But here's what's going to happen. They're going to spend the next two years fixing BF2042. They'll fix some things perfectly, the suits will make them add some awful things a few times. Sometimes the backlash will force them to remove the new things, sometimes they'll leave them too long and piss people off. But in about a year to a year and a half, people will agree that BF2042 is actually pretty solid now! But then one day soon after, we'll wake up to the news BF2042 will be sunsetted, the content stream will die up and the next Battlefield is going to be announced. And then when the next one comes out, guess what happens? They'll remove all the improvements that they worked so hard on in BF2042 and start all over again.

Because for some reason, DICE is committed to becoming the embodiment of collective amnesia and "two steps forward, ten steps back."

Which is exactly what happened with BFV. They spent months and months working on that game, they finally made it really decent by the time the Pacific maps came out, then they killed their momentum with their TTK changes, and the game died. And now all the improvements and fixes they added to BFV aren't in BF2042. I don't understand how any company could be so committed to continually moving backwards like this.

Reasonable optimization, good graphics, good levelation, good gameplay and systems. Lots of bugs (open beta), but I believe it will be solved when the game launches. You should wait for a discount to buy it.

Primeiramente, gostaria de dar parabéns a EA, eles realmente conseguiram fazer um LIXO de jogo, é horrendo, péssimo, ruim, ou qualquer outro adjetivo negativo que consiga pensar.
BF 2042 simplesmente tem dificuldades de FUNCIONAR, minha experiência foi péssima, sem exagero foi por volta de 1 hora e meia tentando fazer funcionar, e NÃO funcionava, crashava, travava, loadings INFINITOS, tela preta, o jogo tava simplesmente INJOGÁVEL (tenho uma RTX 2060 +I5 10), e depois de muito insistir finalmente entrei em uma partida, dei dois passos para frente, agachei, e a partida acabou, 2 minutos de loading depois decidi iniciar outra, pensando algo como "já consegui entrar, agora é só logar em uma sessão que não está acabando", e iniciei outra partida, em seguida de muita espera e um fio de esperança, carregou o nome do mapa, mas logo em seguida o jogo CRASHOU MEU PC, ao ponto de ter que desligá-lo no botão.
Após muita frustração e raiva, pensei em desinstalar o jogo e nunca mais abri-lo, mas tentei uma última vez, e... VIVA FUNCIONOU FINALMENTE, A PARTIDA ACABOU DE COMEÇAR, ATÉ QUE ENFIM VOU JOGAR UM BF ATUAL; Esse foi meu pensamento ao entrar na partida, que magicamente foi mudado em 2 minutos.
Além de todos esses problemas, eu achei o jogo um saco, (wow quem poderia esperar por isso :O) a gameplay é exatamente igual a todos os BFs, as inovações não são nada legais, os mapas são extremamente genéricos e vazios, além de DROPAR FPS A CADA 10 SEGUNDOS, saía de 80 pra 3 a todo momento, além de stuttering em 50% das vezes que o fps dropava.
Sério, esse jogo é um descaso com toda a franquia e principalmente com os fãs, sinto falta da época em que na minha pré adolescência os Battlefield's eram vistos como exemplo de como se fazer jogos fps, além de serem vistos com um primor gráfico; Enfim, eu poderia falar mais defeitos desse jogo, mas chega, isso foi traumático, nunca mais vou tocar nisso

Battlefield 2042, o título mais recente da DICE, a desenvolvedora que produziu diversos títulos relevantes incluindo todos os Battlefields até agora. Nesse novo título da franquia a empresa resolveu não renovar a ideia clássica do BF e tentar algo diferente, uma decisão complicada que de certa forma abalou a base de jogadores da franquia.

A obra propõe um FPS com diferentes modos, tanto com os modos tradicionais dos outros títulos da franquia como novos modos. O foco principal está dado logo no título da obra, simular um campo de batalha, para isso é disposto diferentes armas, veículos e situações para o combate.

Diferentemente de outro Battlefields, o 2042 não apresenta um modo campanha, a história da obra é resumida na cinemática inicial que acontece ao abrir o jogo pela primeira vez. A história é simples e serve diretamente a jogabilidade ao dividir os jogadores em 2 grupos adversários. A premissa é que após a terceira guerra mundial várias nações vieram a colapsar e assim várias pessoas perderam suas nações, assim se tornando os “sem-pátria”, algumas dessas pessoas resolveram virar mercenários e lutar sob a bandeira de outros países, o EUA e Rússia se interessaram nessa mão de obra mercenária e os contratam para realizar as guerrilhas, esta é a base que permeia toda a temática de guerra e divisão de equipes.

O jogo está bastante preso ao passado, utiliza diversos recursos dos jogos antecessores para engajar e conquistar o público atual, isto se mostra presentes nas diversas armas e modos de jogo que advém dos outros jogos da franquia, e não são poucos. Mesmo que o propósito da existência desses modos seja para fisgar os jogadores dos jogos anteriores, a estratégia pode se mostrar equivocada ao ter novidades pouco atrativas e interessantes, não é difícil encontrar jogadores tanto no modo conquista quanto no modo ruptura utilizando armas dos antigos BFs, é preciso cuidado para não tornar a obra uma salada sem sabor.

A mudança que mais divide a comunidade são os personagens nomeados, historicamente o BF teve a divisão de funções, com o assalto, médico, engenheiro e atirador de elite, nesse novo título além da divisão de funções há personagens específicos para as funções como a Falck, uma das personagens da classe médica. A maior diferença nos personagens nomeados são suas habilidades únicas, essas são características e não podem ser performadas por nenhum outro personagem. Uma ideia que remonta a um Valorant da vida, não acho ruim mas talvez não combine com a temática de soldados mercenários sem-pátria morrendo com uma bala durante uma guerra de larga escala.

Definitivamente um dos pontos positivos de maior destaque seja o gráfico realista fantástico que simula da melhor forma possível um campo de batalha, principalmente se considerar o modo conquista de 64x64, são muito inimigos para enfrentar, é possível se sentir encurralado ou encurralar alguém a qualquer momento, e pela quantidade absurda de jogadores é muito difícil ter a sensação - mesmo para um jogador ruim - que foi culpa de alguém em especial, sempre terá alguém pior ou igual. Outro ponto positivo são os mapas, tirando um ou outro em específico, esses são bem legais e a estruturação deles é fantástica.

Agora, sobre os pontos negativos, esses são escrachados e muito detestados pela comunidade. O principal deles sem dúvida é o desempenho, o jogo é muito pesado pelo o que ele entrega, os requisitos para o jogo são normais mas é quase impossível jogar o jogo nessa configuração, tudo trava o tempo todo, há momentos de estresse do jogador com o jogo simplesmente por tudo demorar demais para carregar. Outro ponto negativo é a forma de organização das partidas, o clássico de se criar lobbies foi retirado e se tem a matchmaking automático, o problema é que é fácil cair no “vácuo” onde há várias lobbies cheios de jogadores jogando e o você e mais 10 ou 20 ficam esperando muito tempo para angariar o número de jogadores mínimos para começar a partida, fora os outros modos com menos jogadores, como o ruptura, onde é quase impossível jogar uma partida durante a semana sem a presença de bots. Esse segundo ponto negativo está ligado a um problema de game design, a obra dificilmente funciona com poucos jogadores jogando, ela precisa de uma base de jogadores sólida e relativamente grande para funcionar, e isso quando ocorre é somente no fim de semana, e olhe lá.

Concluindo, Battlefield 2042 é um case de um mau game design e um péssimo gerenciamento de um jogo multiplayer. As inovações propostas pela DICE como os personagens únicos não agradaram nem um pouco a comunidade, foi interessante para uma parcela mas a maioria detestou. A obra não é agradável quando se tem poucos jogadores disponíveis para criar os lobbies, ocorrendo partidas com dezenas de bots em cada time. O desempenho é rídiculo, uma das piores otimizações que há no mercado, isso se a otimização foi feita inicialmente. E o grande problema é que esses defeitos são os resquícios das dezenas de outros que existiram no lançamento, a obra melhorou bastante de 2021 até aqui, então dá pra se imaginar o estado do jogo em 2021, e como a indústria dos jogos é cruel, um lançamento ruim dificilmente será perdoado pela comunidade. A solução me parece simples, aprender com os erros cometidos e não repeti-los no próximo título, errar duas vezes consecutivas não é comum da DICE, e talvez seja essa a esperança que os jogadores se agarrem para não abandonar de vez o que está aí.

Seems fun nowadays, anyways. I skipped at launch due to the horrible things that been said about this game, hence the average rating of 2.0 here on Backloggd. It's still Battlefield so it isn't my favorite FPS franchise, but I like the setting a lot more than BFV and 64v64 feels fun. Gunplay feels great too.

I won't try to jump to any conclusions too soon, but I hope the trailer maps like Hourglass are as spectacular as they appear. Definitely needs more optimization.

Eu joguei por 10 horas. Em um jogo de tiro, eu desbloqueei um total de DUAS armas novas.

Don't Be Sad
This is Just How it Works out Sometimes

This review contains spoilers

honestly what the fuck is this why is it so awful

God this game is so fucking boring. I played like 10 hours and they all sucked

Game is quite pretty tho

Dear lord this is rough. The floppy, beautiful skin of what will probably be a pretty good shooter in 3 years (probably like 1 month before the next battlefield comes out) masquerading as a full tentpole release for EA. 2042 is more blatantly a work in progress than some telltale episode 1s, it's so ludicrously barebones and buggy, but more importantly, doesn't seem to have even worked out it's core gameplay hooks and flow.

You really only need to play one game of conquest to see the cracks DICE apparently havent. Honestly, you merely only need to look at the map screen once. Maps are way, way too big and the way objective zones are set out means action across a map spreads out to such an extent you can go literal minutes without even seeing anyone, only to either get shot by a sniper or probably to do it to someone else. And weirdly, every weapon other than sniper rifles, and arguably to an extent them too, have terrible performance at extended ranges.

Making shots with even assault and marksman rifles at around 100m is a crapshoot and anything beyond that is basically pointless. When maps are absolutely enormous. It gets to the point where it's pretty common for you and an enemy to both see each other, pop off a few shots, realise that this will take like 20 seconds to resolve and just stop bothering.

The game does have some strengths when you play it's other mode - Breakthrough, which is a normal attack-defend set up much smaller versions of the conquest maps, though still with 128 players. These maps are still frankly way too big and all of them have one (or more) of those horrible chokepoint sections that attack/defend maps tend to do, and it's still rarely actually fun. But what it does have are flashes. When the fighting get's to the point where like 60 of the players in the server are fighting over one park or underpass or whatever, the sheer and utter chaos that erupts can be a riot. It really feels like a war movie, with helicopters crashing everywhere, countless streams of tracer fire going over your head as beautiful weather effects crash against a beautiful broken world.

And 2042 is beautiful. The skin of the pre-alpha game being playtested here is truly something, with a nice sense of heightened/semi-magical realism that's very cool, and when you're involved in the insane firefights, can be pretty remarkable.

But those awesome firefights are few and far between and way too much of 2042 basically forces you to admire the scenary because you've got fuck all else to do but try and wait for the fight to bunch up so you can actually have some fun. Much has been said about the lack of weapons, the bugs being so prevelant and the specialist system, and I don't really care because that's battlefield, that's going to be fixed - probably by the point no one really cares about 2042 any more, but fixed nontheless.

The problem is just that the gameplay lacks any momntum and flow and the maps are absolutely enormous for no good reason. You could probably add another 64 players and Conquest would still feel like a ghost town. If these things are going to be fixed, the whole direction of the game needs to change substantially - and I doubt that's going to happen.

November 2021 is truly going to live long in the memory as the month where every long running, blockbuster franchise dropped the ball, except of all things, Shin Megami Tensei.

Stop preordering this shit. If you catch your kids trying to preorder this shit smack em over the head with a newspaper and tell them "NO."

EA and DICE have screwed the pooch on a Battlefield launch for the fifth, possibly SIXTH (or SEVENTH if you count Star Wars Battlefront II!!!) time in a row now, at this point there's absolutely no excuse. This franchise deserves to die.

Coming back to this game 2 years later is something what launched wasn’t battlefield currently? This is what battlefield is chaotic all out war with players having unique gadgets to take out anyone or anything in their way while also protecting their team or healing the class system being abolished was disappointing but with it back theres more diversity in playstyles while its better bow its still far from a Traditional BF entry keep it up dice I’m eager to see more

> Install free PS Plus game.
> Sign into a mandatory EA account.
> Get forced to play an unskippable, overly long training match that exists on the notion that no one on the current gaming landscape understands how a military FPS works.
> Within said training match, immediately finds a frozen helicopter model, the blades kicking up sand around them while they remain stationary, as an NPC stands half embedded through the roof of the vehicle.
> Uninstall free PS Plus Game.

Not going to lie this was one of the biggest disappointments I have had in a very long time. I am a huge battlefield fan and I was very excited for this game but I feel like I don't even need to get into what this game became once it released as you all have heard it time in by this point. I just simply want to say I am immensely disappointed at everyone who worked on the game who thought it was ready for release. The potential is there and this is going to most likely become a typical battlefield launch where it becomes fantastic down the line but I mean is that really a good thing that we have to wait over a year for the game we should have gotten at launch?

you can tell this one is for "gamers" by "gamers" because the franchise's armymen are now all very special boys and girls who can do everything and there is no longer a scoreboard because kdrs are evil

most embarrassing first person shooter i've ever played, maps are too big and completely empty, isn't gritty enough for a battlefield game, cringe specialists, bugs galore and awful graphics

Desculpem, mas eu achei bem divertido. Não é um dos melhores FPS já feitos, mas sempre vai ser interessante a atmosfera que Battlefield traz nas partidas, seja pelo caos dos eventos de cenário ou pela bagunça de tiros e veículos por todo lado. Se tiver oportunidade de jogar, dê uma chance (de preferência de alguma forma barata, que não seja pagando preço cheio).

I absolutely agree the complaints for 2042 and I too wish EA / DICE would just stop with the bullshit. To be honest though - I mostly had fun in the 40-50 hours I played in the first month post-release. Not enough fun to sink 100s of hours into it like the I have done with many other Battlefield titles, but I also didn't run into any issues that ruined my enjoyment. It is simply just missing a ton of essential content for an online shooter, a lot of the maps are a mess and it didn't feel like the team-based shooter we all love.

I jumped back into Battlefield V briefly since and it is an awesome and complete experience - even if it isn't one of the best entries. That is the bare minimum EA need to meet going forward.

Posso dizer que sou um fã de longa data da franquia, mais especificamente desde quando joguei BF3 no Xbox360 meses antes do lançamento de BF4 (jogo que tenho mais horas na vida).

O anuncio do Battlefield 2042 parecia de fato mostrar um jogo que estava comprometido a tirar o gosto ruim que Battlefield V havia deixado em grande parte da comunidade (apesar de que pessoalmente eu ainda em partes aprecie BFV, principalmente por sua gunplay).

Entretanto, as red flags com o jogo passaram a dar as caras logo em sua open beta, que chegou pouco tempo antes do lançamento do jogo e ainda assim s extremamente bugada e não funcional.

Com o lançamento do jogo, entretanto, a situação incrivelmente parecia ter piorado, e hoje mesmo meses após seu lançamento, podemos dizer que não foi o mal polimento que fez BF2042 ser um tremendo fracasso, o motivo é a baixíssima qualidade do produto final.

2042 pode ser descrito como pobre em conteúdo, não funcional, frustrante, inacabado e acima de tudo, sem alma. Contrariando o que havia sido vendido na campanha de marketing, o jogo nada possuía do que fez o sucesso da franquia, na verdade, parecia atirar para todos os lados, aplicando diversas tendências de jogos online em busca de abranger um público maior, mesmo que isso significasse a perda da essência da experiência sandbox que somente Battlefield conseguia entregar.

Além da falta de sistemas básicos presente em todos BFs nas ultimas décadas, como a possibilidade de visualizar estatísticas, criar clãs, buscar partidas via lista de servidores e retirada de modos populares da franquia, 2042 conseguiu a proeza ainda pior, matar o sistemas mais característico, básico e fundamental de Battlefield: as classes.

Com a adição de um sistema de especialistas que nada de fato agrega para o jogo e ainda assim não traz personagens carismáticos ou com progressões instigantes, os especialistas serviram unicamente para fragmentar o sistema de classes, tirando toda a importância da combinação e contribuição das diferentes classes.

Quando se fala dos quesitos técnicos e de gameplay, quesitos esses em que a franquia sempre se destacou, mesmo em suas entradas de menos sucesso, 2042 aparenta ser um retrocesso, não somente sendo mais pobre que BFV, mas em diversos momentos, mais pobre e mal feito que jogos como Bad Company 2 de 2010. Audio design, trilha sonora, interação de sistemas, destruição de cenários, tudo aparenta estar quebrado e não funcional neste jogo.

No jogo base, a falta de conteúdo é evidente, possuindo somente 2 modos de jogo, pouquíssimas armas (Battlefield 4 deve ter somente de assault rifles, mais armas do que 2042 em sua totalidade) mapas enormes, porém vazios e mal desenhados que não evocam o feeling de Battlefield além da falta de uma campanha single player, sendo retirada com a justificativa de a equipe da DICE buscaria trabalhar a fundo no modo multiplayer. (Engraçado que o BF com a melhor campanha da franquia, BF1, seja também o BF que de longe teve o lançamento mais redondo da franquia).

Com isso, o sustento do jogo passa a ser somente do modo Portal, no qual conteúdo de jogos passados da franquia estão presentes, além da possibilidade da criação de servidores personalizados, fazendo com que a comunidade ainda presente no jogo possa buscar modificar o jogo em busca de uma experiência mais tragável

O conteúdo de jogos passados da franquia porém, são extremamente mal implementados, com poucos mapas, veículos e armas presentes, fazendo parecer que a DICE simplesmente jogou esses conteúdos na engine do 2042, sem ao menos buscar adequar esses conteúdos ao funcionamento do design do jogo, resultando que mesmo com mapas amados pela comunidade, a experiência seja desagradável e nada semelhante aos jogos homenagedos. De fato, a recomendação é que caso queira sentir a nostalgia de Battlefield 3 BC2, 1942, jogue o Battlefield 3, BC2 E 1942 mesmo.
Certa parte da comunidade acredita na recuperação do jogo, alegando que Battlelfield 4 também teve um lançamento conturbado. Eu já, ficaria extremamente surpreso caso isso ocorresse, uma vez que mais de seis meses após o lançamento do jogo, a situação só piora. Além do fato que Battlefield 4 lançou completo e com uma base de um excelente jogo, diferente de 2042.
Essa salvação, caso ocorra, somente vejo sendo viável caso o jogo receba diversas atualizações e se torne free to play, mesmo assim sendo uma tarefa difícil, já que hoje se tem coisa muito melhor gratuita para jogar. 

Por fim, acredito que a DICE deva agradecer que a EA já assasinou basicamente todos seus estúdios, alem de já ter enterrado a franquia Medal of Honor, porque, se não tivesse, provavelmente a DICE e a franquia Battlefield nunca mais veriam a luz do dia.

Disappointing at every step. The fleeting moments of enjoyment I get while playing only serve to highlight how many missed opportunities and confusing decisions there are here. Live-service games in this state will always come with the promise that they may one day turn the ship around, but until that day may come, the experience of 2042 is one big bummer.

As it turns out, you’re never too old to go to war. I jumped into this, my first Battlefield game, about a year late, at the beginning of Season 3. I can’t compare it to previous Battlefields and I don’t know how much it’s improved since its extremely rocky launch, but as of December 2022 it’s a perfectly competent shooter – albeit one that’s also undermined by the very foundations of its design.

Here’s the thing. As a player, I crave tension in my games. I want my actions to matter, to have consequences. And, especially in competitive multiplayer games, I want my successes to feel validating and my failures to hurt. When it’s down to two squads in a match of Apex Legends and my fallen teammates are counting on me to score the final kill, my id knows that within 15 seconds I’m either gonna be on cloud nine or gonna feel like I was just kicked in the nutsack. The pursuit of that moment of do or die is what keeps me coming back for more.

Battlefield, in comparison, never feels anywhere near as intense – at least not when playing Conquest, the mode in which I spent most of my time. Even when the matches are close, and the deep-throated Shepard tone is blaring like it’s the climax of a Christopher Nolan film as my team’s reserves near zero, victory and defeat feel distant, experienced but hardly influenced.

Dig beyond the surface and you’ll soon unearth the contradiction that lies at the heart of Battlefield. On the one hand, the game’s conflicts are meant to feel epic – bombs exploding underfoot and jets whooshing overhead while tanks chew through the scenery and hundreds of soldiers fill the air with hot lead. But the more players you throw into a server, the less crucial each individual’s contributions become. You’d think that adding more players would make the game more epic, but in reality it dilutes it into a free-for-all with loose teams. If even very good players struggle to swing the balance of victory, what chance does a washed-up FPS veteran like me have to make a tangible impact?

So why play? I suppose it’s for the spectacle – there is something undeniably exciting about two teams of 64 going at it. Ultimately, though, being but a single cog in a blender of death can’t compete with the thrill of vying to be the one true champion.

Your game is cross play but ps4 and ps5 cant play together....also graphics look like trash

it's better than it was in 2021. honestly the game should of been delayed a year or 2 still. DICE or EA is on crack