Reviews from

in the past

Do you guys not have bank accounts?

There's actually a decent game hiding under the pay-to-win madness.

If you play Diablo Immortal for about 4 hours, then quit and never touch it again, chances are you're doing to have a fun experience with a decent Diablo game. The classes are good, the gameplay is decent, the online multiplayer is new and interesting. There's a lot here that's interesting and not bad.

But all of that good is absolutely washed away by some of the worst microtransactions I've seen in games in a while. Absolutely predatory levels of microtransactions. In the beginning you don't notice it much, but it doesn't take long before they make it clear that the 100% free version of this game is handicapped. There have been several articles covering how unhinged the microtransactions are in this game but it's still hard to believe.

I enjoyed the free version of this game for a bit but the free version of the gameplay loop got stale fast and I yearned for a better Diablo. Best I can say about this game is that it gets me excited for a fully featured Diablo 4.

+ Classes feel good
+ Character creator!
+ Neat MMO-like online
+ Controls surprisingly decent for a mobile game
+ Decent voice acting

- Predatory microtransactions that become hard to ignore
- Free gameplay loop quickly gets stale
- Tiny phone screen is hard on my eyes

$100,000. $100,000. That is how much you can expect to pay if you don't want to spend countless hours grinding to get your character maxed out. $100,000. That is insane. There is no justification for that. None. Don't give me the garbage excuse that devs deserve to be paid for their work. Not a penny of that is going to devs. It is all going to bonuses and vacations for the C-suite as they tout their bottom line to investors. If you're willing to put up with this kind of crap, then you are what's wrong with modern gaming.

The Blizzard we all loved growing up is long dead.

I downloaded it on my phone because I missed playing a Diablo style game and been hearing about how good it is until you hit a brick wall of dogshit. Which is enticing to man like me who gazes upon man-made horrors and laughs at the audacity of greed in our digital age.

So I fired the app up -- and the whole time I'm thinking "when's it gonna hit? when am I going to see the most egregious microtransaction system yet?" It never came, because I got bored and uninstalled before I even saw a store menu.

I hit level 6 within 3 minutes, which is not a sustainable seratonin boost. I got so bored 50% into the tutorial and I just dipped because I wasn't even latched to the core gameplay loop. That or the Blood Knight class was boring as shit.

Sometimes games are so penis-y you don't have to stay for the main course of shit it's trying to shove in your mouth. Quite satisfied with the poop nugget entree. You know what I'm saying?

Rating: 10/10

Diablo Immortal has officially redefined the mobile gaming landscape, offering an unparalleled gaming experience that combines breathtaking visuals, intense combat, and an ingame shop that truly takes the concept of convenience to a whole new level. This mobile adaptation of the beloved Diablo franchise successfully captures the essence of the series while introducing innovative features that make it a standout title in its own right.

First and foremost, the combat system in Diablo Immortal is nothing short of spectacular. The fluidity of the controls and the responsiveness of the characters make each battle an absolute joy. The action is fast-paced, strategic, and, most importantly, incredibly satisfying. Whether you're unleashing devastating spells or executing precision melee attacks, the combat mechanics are finely tuned, creating an immersive experience that feels tailor-made for mobile devices.

One of the standout features of Diablo Immortal is its ingame shop, a true game-changer in the world of mobile gaming. The shop seamlessly integrates into the gameplay, allowing players to enhance their characters and customize their experience with a vast array of items and upgrades. Microtransactions are presented in a player-friendly manner, providing a wealth of options without compromising the integrity of the game. The variety of cosmetic items, power-ups, and other enhancements available in the shop contribute to a sense of personalization, ensuring that every player can make their mark on the world of Sanctuary.

Graphically, Diablo Immortal is a feast for the eyes. The game's stunning visuals bring the dark and atmospheric world of Diablo to life on the small screen. From the eerie landscapes to the intricately designed character models, every detail has been meticulously crafted to deliver an immersive and visually stunning experience. The attention to detail in the graphics enhances the overall ambiance, drawing players into a world that is both captivating and foreboding.

The game's storyline is another strong point, weaving a compelling narrative that ties seamlessly into the broader Diablo universe. Engaging quests, memorable characters, and unexpected plot twists keep players invested in the unfolding events of the game, ensuring that there is always something exciting just around the corner.

In conclusion, Diablo Immortal stands as a testament to the potential of mobile gaming. With its outstanding combat mechanics, player-friendly ingame shop, breathtaking visuals, and a captivating storyline, it sets a new standard for what can be achieved on mobile devices. This is not just a mobile game; it's a true Diablo experience that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on fans of the series and newcomers alike. Get ready to embark on an epic journey through Sanctuary, right from the palm of your hand!

(Winner of "Press X To Win the Award" for Worst Gameplay)

Oh, Blizzard. Blizzard, Blizzard, Blizzard. You just can't catch a break can you?

The announcement of this mobile abortion heralded the beginning of the end for this once-great copmany. So, now that the dust has settled, what are we working with?

If you look up guides on Diablo Immortal, out there lies a spreadsheet so you can balance time enjoying the game while using as little money possible to mititgate Blizzard's predatory monetization model. There is gameplay here, but it's muddled, disgraced, and uglied by the game's infinite grind, while pushing in-app purchases the same way Blizzard management pushes themsleves on female interns. It's not just BAD game design, it's sinister.

But that was not a surprise. Blizzard has been languishing with their games: Dragonflight's lackluster reception, Overwatch 2's equally obnoxious nickel and diming. Hell, even in this show, the Modern Warfare 2 Remake only managed to squeak a nomination in guilty pleasure because it could not qualify for a single positive award. Maybe Blizzard can still make some good games, but their blatant attempts at whale-hunting smother any good gameplay they could have.

Diablo IV is right around the corner; may Diablo help us.

This is, by far, the worst Diablo ever, but propably an above average mobile game. The story is meh and skipable at best, the game mechanic feels antiquated and like the game should have been released five years earlier. On the other hand, the game is constantly nudging you into buying stuff... One of many resources is always missing. You don't need to buy anything but than the grind becomes totally repetitiv and boring, as you are only allowed to progress in the story, if you reched certain levels. One main Diablo Features is missing: A Procedurely Generated World, instead the user gets random dungeons, without any meaning for the overall storyline.

I played the game on an Android handheld and on PC. I prefer the handheld version. On PC the game still feels like a mobile game.

i love diablo and arpgs, but when they announced a mobile game, i was not interested. i don't like phone games. i was gonna pass. then they said it was coming to pc, and i got interested again. but it's still a phone game, but on a big screen.

my biggest issue is honestly them advertising "controller support" when the game is completely unplayable on pad. using the menus is impossible. the joystick drifts and frequently goes in the complete wrong direction. there are also several menus that literally do not accept any form of pad input and have to be navigated with a mouse. nothing is controlled like you would think with a pad. they do not do any work to make it usable, just throw a cursor on screen and require you to press and hold a button while you mimic finger swiping with an analogue stick. absolutely miserable.

when it comes to gameplay, it's not diablo. it's lost ark. the exact issues i had with lost ark i have with this. it's a series of going from quest marker to quest marker with no combat in between. you never face more than 4-5 mobs at a time and you don't spam skills because cooldowns are all so high. this is verbatim the review i wrote for lost ark. you actually get to play the game in dungeons, and higher difficulties require multiplayer play. i don't play diablo in parties. i like playing solo. this game doesn't facilitate that.

the monetization is obviously gross and egregious but it's a mobile game designed to milk money from people with predatory timed offers. beat a dungeon? congrats, here's your reward: the ability to buy a chest. i bit and wound up buying the first of these chests they offered for 1 USD. the game crashed 4 times trying to spend money in it. i should have taken it as a sign.

the things i like about diablo 3 (pushing greater rifts) are present, and very similar, with one change. the resource you use to run these rifts? yeah you just buy them.

i honestly wasn't expecting much. i was at least expecting a diablo game. but i got a half baked mobile mmo. i bet it'll do gangbusters overseas. but it's not for me. i'll wait for 4.

>Reach level 35
Fuck you
I'm not gonna farm in this stupid p2w netease cash grab

Love the game (idc about the lootboxes since I'm a free to play player) it got me into the Diablo franchise, but I had to abandon it temporarily because of the bugs it had. My character got erased after the latest pc update and I spent hours grinding in game. I refuse to come back to the game until the bugs are fixed and (hopefully) I get my character and progress back.


P2W-hell. Nothing unique about the gameplay in this, either.

Do you guys not have credit cards?

Game itself isnt that bad but it's such a greedy, reprehensible game. Thank god we did eventually get Diablo 4 but wow this was awful

não sei explicar o tanto que gostei do jogo, muito divertido jogar com os amigos e história bem simples mas muito boa, diablo immortal com certeza é um dos jogos de todos os tempos

Vou esperar eles adicionarem a compatibilidade com chipsets Exynos. O jogo simplesmente não é compatível com uma boa parte de celulares Samsung.

A versão de PC é jogável, mas os menus não são muito otimizados para controle ou teclado e mouse

Viciante, como outros jogos da franquia

Immortal é oq vc tem que ter pra montar um equipamento descente pra jogar pvp, ou pagar para ter de mão beijada. Esperava mais...


A gameplay é aceitável mas tem poucas habilidades e demora muito pra conseguir novas, acaba enjoando depois de um tempo, no meu caso foi poucas horas.

O visual é algo puxado pro realismo, é bem feio, sem graça e EXTREMAMENTE ESCURO, ao ponto de eu ter precisado botar o brilho em 100% só pra poder ENXERGAR o que tava na minha tela.

Novamente vem aquele clichê insuportável de tu pegar um personagem que na verdade é uma classe, tentei personalizar mas qualquer coisa que eu fazia deixava o personagem mais feio, então fui com o visual padrão.
A gente brota do nada indo resolver umas coisas, não tem nenhuma explicação de quem a gente é, como a gente é, como chegamos ali, nada, só somos jogados no lugar porque sim.

E continuando a falar de história, ela é mal contada, são só textos jogados na tela, tem dublagem, mas não é o suficiente.
Outro problema é a quebra de imersão com os personagens estarem parados, com uma voz de fundo tendo uma imagem parada do personagem, é uma forma muito preguiçosa de contar história, era melhor nem existir.
Mas ainda tem outro problema, que foi o que me fez ter certeza de desinstalar o jogo, quando tava rolando dialogo, se eu levasse qualquer ataque de um bicho qualquer, O DIÁLOGO ERA CANCELADO!!!

E terminando com uma coisa ridícula do lançamento, quando eu tentava ativar os 60 fps, o jogo dizia que não estava disponível no "Alfa interno", sendo que a gente já tava NO LANÇAMENTO OFICIAL!!!

É muita incompetência pra um jogo só, é tão ruim quanto os outros mmorpg mobile que existem por ai.

As someone who just plays this game for the campaign and doesn't care about PVP (to be honest I didn't even know this existed in the Diablo franchise until now) this is a super solid game. It's basically a AAA Diablo game on your phone for free. The combat felt incredibly solid and satisfying and the touch controls felt better than any iPhone game I've played. I never felt compelled to buy microtransactions in the 10-15 hours I put into this, and got plenty of great loot. I had a ton of fun slaying demons on the go.

This is a complicated game to talk about.

In one hand i can approach this as a main diablo game that has a beginning middle and end. In that context, Immortal is formulaic but nothing offensive. Id personally say its just a worse version of Diablo 3 but on mobile, which would make it a 6/10 on pc and a 9/10 on mobile, and i would be lying if i said i didnt enjoy it. If you only plan on playing the game beginning to end, i guess this is where the review stops. Its a really good ARPG on mobile.

But then we get to the post game content and get more involved with the MMO parts of this MMO game and the experience starts falling apart. Plain and simple, Immortal lacks any form of meaningful content after you get done with the main campaign, unless you wanna count replaying the main campaign with different classes, which is par for the course with diablo games. Besides that, however, its just simple raid bosses, simple grinding missions and simple grind for legendary gear that will make you want to just stop playing.

TLDR: Great as a casual experience. Pretty meh as an MMO but still fun if you dont try get too deep into it. 4 stars (8 out of 10) only because the base experience is really solid for a mobile game.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, pvp is pay to win. not that i personally care, never cared about pvp in mmos, but if you do thats reason enough to stay away.

I don't play on mobile devices at all. But this game really got me hooked. So much so that I bought Diablo 4 on PS5 and I'm waiting for the disc :) Basically, it's my first Diablo - not counting D2 about 25 years ago because that was just a moment. Beginners might be overwhelmed by the multitude of items, things, activities - everything. There's definitely too much for someone who hasn't had experience with this type of game. But it's addicting - very much so. Even though I haven't spent and won't spend a penny on it, you can still play. After 2 weeks, I'm somewhere around level 55. Basically, I still don't grasp most of the mechanics and builds, so I'm not sure if this free progress is actually progress, but the game is enjoyable