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in the past

suffers a pretty large amount from having doom 2 demon numbers but missing two enemies present in doom 2 (revenant/chaingunner), causing the levels to be stuffed full of barons/hell knights which becomes repetitive extremely quickly.

even on the highest difficulty which is the equivalent to UV in doom 1/2 (which i of course played on, ultra-violence is the only way to play doom), the game is far too generous with pick-ups, including the normally RARE invulnerability. this game will just toss you invulns in plain sight as if to say "hey, we realize a lot of these encounters are tedious or otherwise annoying! here's a free win button!"

pain elementals are back with a vengeance. i think this is the most egregious incarnation of them in ANY doom game. they spit out lost souls almost every second, and lost souls in this game are far more aggressive and quick than in previous games, and do more damage to boot. it doesn't really matter that they take less damage to kill when it seems as if pain elementals spawn one every second. one lost soul charge will do about 20-30 damage on Watch Me Die! and they will do it over and over and over. lost souls are BY FAR the most dangerous enemy in this game and it isn't particularly close.

many of the puzzles in these levels aren't immediately obvious, i.e. not at fucking all, and there were times where i would spend 10 minutes doing all the classic doom shit you do when you're not sure how to progress in the level to no avail. however i'll chalk that up to my own incompetence over it being the fault of the level designers.

i realize i've spent a fairly large chunk of this review tearing into this game, but honestly i did love it quite a lot. MANY of the levels are annoying but they don't feel like straight up shit to play unlike a lot of the levels in doom 2, which is my favorite of the bunch. everyone and their mother knows that this game has a brilliant atmosphere and art direction, with a much moodier look than in the other games. this can be observed in the default brightness being almost pitch-black in the original north american n64 release.

overall i would pretty strongly recommend this game to classic doom fans, just not on the highest difficulty. i found the experience more annoying than difficult, largely.

Gonna be honest kinda underwhelmed by this. It is more classic Doom and if you like classic Doom you will like this game. Period. This is also unfortunately it's biggest fault as it just feels like a darker and browner retread of classic Doom; a sort of flux state between Doom 2 and Doom 3. That being said there's a biting late 90s edge to this one that a lot of the M rated N64 games had that I can one hundred percent get behind. The game also oozes atmosphere easily one of the moodiest games of that era and the weird ambient score ocasionally broken up by weird distorted sounds of people screaming and moaning or babies crying just adds to that. I just wish the game itself was as fun to play as the other Doom games...

I don't think there's any inherently bad Doom game and this is definitely not a bad game, but this is for sure probably the weakest Doom for me now. Maybe if I give it another shot down the line, but if we're talking about N64 FPS's I'd rather be playing the first two Turok games. Also, fuck the Lost Souls in this one whoever programmed most encounters with them to spawn above AND behind you deserves to get kicked in the nuts.

Confesso que joguei esse jogo pela platina, mas joguei algumas horas da "campanha", e não achei nada muito incrível comparado aos jogos anteriores. Teve sim uma evolução gráfica, com inimigos novos, entre outros aspectos positivos. Sobretudo, depois de ter jogado os games anteriores, parece que esse jogo "enjoa" rápido. Porém, em relação à esse porte da Bethesda, eu não gostei muito da adaptação dos controles, achei mediana comparado aos portes anteriores, mas como o jogo original (a versão de Nintendo 64) tinha os controles "difíceis", dá para relevar.

Doom 64 (1997): El patito feo de la saga, a falta de jugar al 3. No es malo, pero desde luego está lejos de lo que hicieron sus hermanos mayores, y los reboots de los últimos años. Más parecido a Quake que a Doom, lógico por fechas, aunque conserva parte de su esencia (5,80)

I'll just copy paste what I wrote in my N64 log.
"The greatest classic Doom. I can't think how anyone disagree with that. Best level design, the new redrawn sprites are better, the soundtrack is atmospheric as hell and it's genuinely creepy."

I'm glad this got a great remaster and now more people can enjoy it.

Seria muito mais foda se n tivesse uns puzzle hard e um final boss quase impossível. Mas consegui! Graças a técnicas da internet!

Que venha o Doom 3 (nutella) 🙏

Very unique take on the classic DOOM formula, leaning heavily into the atmosphere and horror DOOM3 tried to capture. The Aubrey Hodges soundtrack adds so much to the mood of the game, and the colored lighting and mapwork are extremely well done, adding to the demonic setting the game conveys. Maps are mostly well done, though throughout the game and especially at the later half there are some frustrating puzzles and I had lots of points where I just didn't know what to do to continue a level. Art design is good as well, with enemy sprites looking less exaggerated and more fear-inducing. I absolutely think any DOOM fan should at least play this, as it has a very distinct style that none of the other games really capture, besides Quake 1 and 2. The Lost Levels are great as well, they serve as a good companion piece to DOOM Eternal if you plan to play that.

Nightdive comes to the rescue again and saves another gem from the pit of obscurity, all the while addressing all the pertinent issues that held the original release back.

The best classic Doom game. Really improves upon the level design of the old games, but asks a lot of the player puzzle-wise compared to the original 2 games. Despite a few hard to figure out problems, the effect of the puzzles on the level designs feels fantastic and the game is a joy to play. Some of the best levels in the whole series are here.

The same "Doom 64" as before, but now with the benefit of being able to save in the middle of levels, which makes the game far less frustrating. Aubrey Hodges's soundtrack is wonderfully atmospheric.

Lost Souls are still the absolute worst.

Thank God i finally finished this game after the final level of this game, this DOOM game is amazing ever since it came out for N64 after the Goldeneye 007 times, this game was perfect as it is for it's re-release, DOOM 64's re-release is amazing! NightDive Studios cooked really well when it comes to remasters and re-releases like this & Quake 1-2 for Bethesda/ID Software.

better game than doom 93' and 2

Almost on par with the originals in my opinion

Highly recommend for fans of the original Doom duology, it's a mostly great campaign, with only some really strange level decisions like traps which you'll inevitably fall into, forcing you to restart the entire level, but it's not much of an issue since the levels are designed well enough to where you can comfortably get back to your point with enough weapons to continue forward. The other issue is how dark the levels are, you'll really have to almost max out the brightness setting just to see well. The more horror oriented aesthetic of the game is also great, especially all the redesigns for your weapons and the enemies.

One big problem I have with the game is how the music is mind numbing ambient noise, it almost made me get a headache, just turn that shit off and play some real music in it's place

It took me a bit longer to beat this game than I expected, but I liked it quite a bit in many ways.

What I liked about it:
-I'm delighted how much the gameplay mechanics of Doom 1 and 2 are still intact in Doom 64. It made the transition to this game pretty seamless and I didn't have much issue getting used to the game's feel.
-While the game has the same weapons that are already available in Doom 2, I did get a kick out of the Unmaker weapon and I find it especially fun after finding all of the secret amulets.
-For the most part, I find a good chunk of the game's levels to be really solid, what became the highlights for me were the game's "Fun" levels due to them providing a really fun challenge along with the Lost Levels campaign the Remaster provides, which I ended up liking more than the main campaign in all honesty.

What I didn't like:
- While I can appreciate the game for trying to lean toward a more horror tone, and I think it worked better when the game first came out, I'm not exactly sure if it really works for this kind of game these days. I was shooting and killing demons in the same manner as the previous games without issues with ammo or the number of enemies, so I never was exactly terrified of the game's enemies. Along with this, I never really felt disturbed by the game's environments or the soundtrack, in fact, I felt kind of annoyed by how it tries really hard to be scary, but not at the exact same time when looking past the creepy songs and bleak environments.

-While I did enjoy most of the levels, the level design really took a nosedive toward the final part of the game. Many of the endgame levels felt way too confusing and cryptic to traverse through, to the point where I kept using a guide to know where the hell I was supposed to be even going or where to find the next keys, which is not exactly fun to do. It really kind of impacted my enjoyment because of how frustrating those final moments of the game are.

-This is more of a personal thing for me, but I would really advise new players to go out of their way to find the secret levels and acquire the amulets because, without it, I had an incredibly tough time dealing with all of the enemies in the final level for how overwhelming everything was. It especially didn't help that once the final boss showed up, I didn't have enough ammo to take care of it easily, so I had to resort to cheats to even beat it because the only thing I had to fight back was the chainsaw, which didn't really help for how BS some of the attacks were. Though when I replayed the level with the game's really useful password system, things were a lot smoother and felt more satisfied with the ending than I did before.

-The super shotguns reload animation is not as satisfying as in Doom 2's (This makes this game objectively worse because of it)

Overall, despite some of the major issues I have with the game, I still have a pretty good time with it. Even with the game's flaws, it's still very much the classic Doom gameplay I've come to enjoy, just under a new coat of paint and some minor additions included. It's a nice refresher from the setting Doom 1 and 2 provided, while still feeling familiar enough to where I was still able to enjoy it for the most part. I am glad I bought the remaster, only because of the amazing Lost Levels campaign and some other great additions.

Отвратительный дизайн уровней. Я не знаю какой мудак их проектировал, но это просто ужас. Почти в каждом уровне одно и тоже - нажимаешь на кнопку в одном конце локации, чтобы что-то произошло в другом и иди ищи, что поменялось. Иногда изменения происходят блять без твоего ведома и это мне сносит башню от злости даже сейчас. Я уж промолчу про то, что почти все уровни крайне тесные и нередко возникали ситуации, когда пространства для манёвров тупо нет.
Финальный босс - это нахуй пиздец. Он запускает в тебя менструальные чаши от которых нельзя убежать и почти невозможно замансить. Лучше бы двух кибер-демонов выставили. Единственная рабочая страта против него - сохранить пару зарядом для БФГ, встать перед ним в упор и затанчить весь урон от него, с надеждой убить его первым. Тупо рандом.
Враги и оружие по сравнению с предыдущими играми - так себе, но это лично моя проблема. Хотя бы радует атмосфера.
Игра для фанатов. Если это ваш первый "старый дум", то даже не запускайте этот кусок дерьма. Даже для N64 есть шутеры получше (Turok, Golden Eye 007, Perfect Dark).

Во всем лучше двух предшественников. Особенно дизайн карт. После двух первых частей очень необычно смотреть как одна часть карты на ходу выдалбливает яму в другой части карты.
Кароче незаслуженно забытая часть, увы


Love this style of game, exploring the maps, finding keys, and shooting demons. What more could I want?

A name like DOOM 64 gives the impression that this is a port of the popular DOOM – especially as the original game did get a lot of ports. However, this is a sequel to the first two DOOM games, featuring completely new models. I played the very faithful remaster from Nightdrive (it doesn’t add any gameplay features, just some optional extra levels), along with a mod that restored a few more minor things from the N64 game.

As far as DOOM goes, this is considered to be a great version, with some refined gameplay and graphics. The levels focus more on puzzles and horror, although the “horror” is more just really dark levels (I ended up turning up the brightness to see) and the puzzles are a lot of pressing buttons and trying to figure out what part of the level changed. The soundtrack was also changed to a more ambient sound, so it lacks the rocking soundtrack of the original games.

If this was a launch title on the N64, it would have been even more impressive. However, Turok beat this to be the first FPS on the N64 and DOOM 64 feels very flat in comparison. Very low walls blocking the player now seem much more ridiculous and it seems like you’re still playing on a 2D plane, even when some stuff is higher – you can’t look up or down, but bullets will automatically move upwards.

For fans of DOOM, this version is definitely worth playing. However, the genre had evolved by the time it was released and this doesn’t do much to update the gameplay of DOOM.

Is Doom 64 truly 'the real Doom 3'? I mean, maybe. It's a different Doom, but still Doom as far as I'm concerned.

The map designs and frequency of key/switch based objectives therein make me think of Metroid progression. These levels are slower, with little to no flexibility with which to take varying routes through. They don't feel as much like they invite speedrunning like the DOS classics.

Combat is still unmistakably Doom, if way too reliant this time on Hell Knights. Variety is the spice of life in Doom combat scenarios, and this game would've done well to remember that more often. I don't mourn for the loss of the Chaingunner or Arch-vile though lmao. Lost Souls were remarkably annoying here, somehow even more so than in either of the originals (perhaps to make up for the enemy types that didn't make the cut.)

I suppose the history of arguing whether or not Doom was intended to evoke fright and horror alongside a heavy metal power fantasy is rich enough that you can come to your own conclusions regarding the aesthetic change for this game. You might vibe with it, you might not. If you'd prefer a more consistent experience to the original forms of the first two games, 'Doom 64 For Doom II' is a mod that may be worth looking into.

What remains unique to this game though is secret levels serving real function beyond novelty. Eternal's Slayer Gates and the Unmaykr as the reward for their completion aren't subtle about being inspired by this game--and frankly don't live up to the legend either. The original Unmaker, especially when buffed by Demon Keys, is ridiculous, and makes a complete joke out of the final boss when all 3 keys are gathered. (The Demon Keys themselves also deactivate the demon spawners in the arena btw, isolating the boss for its absolute destruction even further. It's absurd.)

If nothing else, Doom 64 is definitely interesting and different, and worth giving a go for that reason alone. And who knows, maybe you'll even come away thinking of it as the real Doom 3. I'd say it earns it, all things considered.

Esta bastante divertido pero poco mas, me trajo bastantes recuerdos de cuando le veia jugar a mi viejo pero se le notan los años que tiene encima. De todas formas, lo recomiendo.

Eu senti falta da OST mais rock dos antigos DOOM, mas entendo que quiseram fazer algo mais atmosférico. Mesmo assim, bonzão.

Uma pérola esquecida.

Cara, eu jurava que Doom 64 era só um spinn-off besta e afins, mas acredite, o jogo é MUITO MUITO melhor do que eu achei que fosse.

Claro, ele tem alguns defeitos como o level desing ridículo dele e tudo mais, só que ainda assim é um jogo bom véi. Inclusive, se tornou um dos meus Doom's favoritos, sem sombra de dúvidas.

This game is a tedious slog to get through but thank god for passwords so I could 100% it and never play it again lol (After beating the game ofc)

A truly amazing entry; more of a horror feel than any of the other classic Dooms. Remained underrated until fairly recently. Thankfully now more people have seen just how good it is.

never knew i would like a doom game