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If zombies are the headliners of many action-horror games, then the star of Embr is fire. It slowly but surely consumes the walls of the structures you’re trying to save and licks the soles of your boots as you cross superheated floors. Unless you manage to extinguish the fire completely, it will never stop growing. It keeps spreading like parasite until finally its host collapses in defeat.

Fire is a worthy opponent. It’s a shame, then, that as you delve deeper into Embr, the focus shifts from simple firefighting to tedious puzzle solving. By the end of the game, I was spending most of my time fumbling through annoying key puzzles, in hopes that maybe, if I was lucky, I could hose down a fire or two.

There are two ways to beat a stage in Embr. You can either completely extinguish the fire, or you can rescue a certain number of people before the building comes crashing down. Tracking down and dousing every last flame is often difficult and sometimes virtually impossible, so usually I opted to rescue folks instead. This is done by dashing into the building, throwing a person over your shoulder, and bringing him or her outside to safety. Rinse and repeat until you’ve saved enough lives.

As you’ll quickly discover, humans in Embr – at least the ones who get trapped in burning buildings – are not smart. They play on their phones, sit on the toilet, and generally remain calm as sheep until their pants are literally on fire. They also make no attempt to escape even if a door or window is nearby. Hunting them all down can be quite onerous, especially in the larger stages. Fortunately, your in-game cell phone has a function that lets you spot them through walls.

The most fun I had playing Embr was while tackling the early stages in co-op. My partner and I would gear up, rush into burning buildings, and hose everything with reckless abandon. We’d experience the pain of splashing through electrified puddles and the pleasure of narrowly avoiding gas explosions. After we’d rescued enough sheeple, we’d hop into our Embrmobile and off we’d go to the next stage.

Hacking through doors with my axe, drenching ceilings and floors with water, and carrying citizens to safety, all made me feel like the Arnold Schwarzenegger of firefighters. Unfortunately, as we progressed into the mid and late game, the stages became increasingly complicated. Unbreakable doors, that would open only if I carried the correct key, started appearing along every corridor. Making matters worse was the fact that I could only carry one key at a time, and that keys frequently got stuck on doorframes or corners and tumbled out of my hands. While I understand the theoretical appeal of these puzzle elements, the execution just isn’t quite right. Levels that should have been fun to solve instead made me feel like I was operating a ferry service for keys. Haven’t these firefighters heard of keyrings?

Worse yet were the boss levels, which feature unskippable dialogue that’s littered with stale jokes about Canada and Silicon Valley. Most of the boss fights boil down to watching patiently as your opponent goes through a series of canned animations before you get a narrow window to fight back. Yes, I realize this description applies to the boss fights in many games. The problem here is that the balance between observation and action swings too far in the former’s direction.

Despite its flaws, Embr packs plenty of fun. The early levels are great, yet I really wish the developers would’ve found a way to make later levels more difficult without relying on key-ferrying puzzles. As it stands I still feel Embr is worth a play, but you may want to call it a career before you get burned by tedium of the later levels.

One final thought: If a crafty developer ever combines the firefighting of Embr with the voxel-based destruction of Teardown, they will have an undeniable hit on their hands.

It's ok i guess. Never our top priority when picking a game to play.

Pretty fun starting out but becomes less and less fun as the levels become more complex.

This would be better to play with friends, pretty funny asf

I got fired for stealing personal belongings, throwing people out of a burning building, and throwing explosive barrels at said people who laid lifeless on the pavement. (4/5)

A cohesively complete game that begs to be played in multiplayer mode, but the singleplayer option is also fully competent. The ladder is surprisingly effective and well programmed tool. On the other hand the firehose can get a little monotonous. Basically, it’s like Payday but you’re the Fire Department

Coming from a firefighter family, this one just felt like home. With all the water hose jetpacks and throwing people out windows.

Playing in co-op was a joy the whole way through. The grind to 100% is fairly daunting - expect lots of money grinding, even after accomplishing every objective in every level.

I would have liked to see different fire-related threats. Your only main adversaries are proper fire and gas fires. A wildfire level could have been intense. Or perhaps grappling with chemical fires? Additionally, different strengths of fire would have added more interesting encounters - such as blue fire to indicate a more challenging opponent.

Despite the simplicity of the game mechanics, the levels stay relatively fresh and interesting. And as you progress in your equipment proficiency, new strategies present themselves every run.

If possible, I highly recommend playing the game in co-op. I feel like something is lost tackling this one alone.

Güzel fikir ama var olanlarla çok daha zekice işler yapılabilirdi. Puzzlelar cok basit olmuş yine de coop ve single olarak cok eğlenceli bir oyun

Is this supposed to be janky and unplayable on purpose?

Simple, fast paced fun with friends. Gets repetitive after a while though.

It starts off and you're like "oh dude this is actually pretty fun"

And then you keep playing it

This is actually, like, a really fun game! I love how you can choose to save people and stop their house from burning, or choose to throw those people off of three-story buildings and rob them blind while their house turns to ashes. "Fun with friends" is true of course, but I'd go as far to say "funnier with friends", since the game is fun even WITHOUT friends.

Almost made it past the loading screen

Worth playing with a friend for a day if you can get it for free

Está gracioso para echarle unas horitas con amigos. Llegué a sacarme el 100% sin aburrirme demasiado en el proceso así que no me puedo quejar

It's cute but the cynical dystopian setting is just too much for right now, and honestly I wasn't too into the main gameplay loop.

𝟖,𝟓/𝟏𝟎 👏
One of the best co-op games. I don't really like extinguish fire but after playing it with friends and advancing beyond the 1st level, I realized that I had found a rare diamond. Each level has 5 additional game modes+there are additional tasks that are available in all these modes, which creates an incredible replayability for the game, for completing tasks you get money, coins and diamonds that you can spend on really interesting equipment. Embr is an example of just a perfect grind game. I bought 4 copies and played with a bunch of friends, I got a lot of fun, and there is also a plot in the game, the locations are always surprising with something, they are interesting to study, a lot of hidden bonuses at the levels, the game is made from the heart, despite its primitiveness. There are, of course, small drawbacks, such as the weak design of the game, which do not allow to rate 10/10, I complete 2 areas on 100% for about 35 hours and I wanted more, but 3 district became a disappointment for me, the authors could not do better than the second masterpiece district and 3rd turned out to be quite average, 2 levels with a rate of 6/10 for me, 1 level - 7.5 and 1 - 7, final mission and ending..also 6/10. Only the third district does not allow me to rate the game 9/10.

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Эм, ну что сказать, лучшая гриндилка всех времён!) Не, ну если серьёзно, то одна из лучших кооперативных игр, заслуживающая онлайн наровне с каким-нибудь Payday 2. Я купил игру просто посмотреть с большим сомнением, мне не очень нравится тушить пожары, но поиграв в неё с друзьями и продвинувшись дальше 1-ого уровня я понял, что нашёл редкий алмаз. У каждого уровня есть 5 доп. режимов+есть доп задания, которые доступны во всех этих режимах, что создаёт у игры просто нереальную реиграбельность, за выполнение заданий вы получаете деньги, коины и алмазы, которые вы можете тратить на действительно интересное снаряжение, с первого раза изучить новый уровень не получится, вам придётся играть на одному уровне больше 6 раз и это очень круто, это вот тот тип гриндилок, где ты не против гринда, потому что разработчики говорят тебе гриндить, но взамен дают новый режим, Embr - пример просто идеальной гринд-игры, тут практически нету раздражающего гринда, когда надо проходить прям одно и тоже, игра даёт тебе кучу вариантов пройти одну локацию немножко по-другому, прям совсем гринд будет если вы захотите скупить весь магазин игры, чтобы сделать все достижения, но от этого мало смысла, поэтому тут уже будет ваш личный выбор+Ко всему игра мало весит, нетребовательная, по скидке не очень дорого стоит, её базовый геймплей не сложный, я купил 4 копии игры за около 1100 рублей и играл с кучей друзей, я получил кучу удовольствия и фана, причём в игре ещё есть и сюжет, локации всегда чем-то удивляют, их интересно изучать, куча запрятанных бонусов на уровнях, игра сделана прям с душой, несмотря на её примитивность. Есть конечно и небольшие минусы вроде слабого дизайна игры, которые не позволяют поставить ей 10/10, но игра сделана с душой, в ней куча всего интересного, я прошёл 2 района на 100% где-то около 35 часов и я хотел ещё, но третий район получился у разработчиков очень средним, они не смогли превзойти свой шедевриальный второй район, в итоге 2 финальных уровня на 6, 1 на 7.5 и 1 на 7, финал и концовка тоже на 6, что не позволяет мне поставить игре 9/10.

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Burn baby burn.

Embr has the player taking on the role of a firefighter in an attempt to try to save people from burning buildings in a weird little game. The first level is pretty straightforward. Beautiful house, fire, people to rescue, and then extra money to find to try to perfect the level. With good fire physics and a good style, Embr seems good.

Though I think Embr’s main gameplay is overshadowed a bit by the alternate ways to play each level. My personal favorite was when Embr tasked me with destroying a building. There was also extinguishing the fire, a mode to loot the house, and a final option to deliver food in the middle of the fire. The levels are also pretty varied, with many of them being different types of tenements, which are fun and challenging to explore. There’s a good amount of levels here as well.

Pick this up if you want something fun to play for a few sessions. This game will last a bit but also is a touch shallow. Most levels are just set up to save people in different places on bigger levels, but if you’re going to be going for 100 percent, you’re going to have to search these levels thoroughly , though it’d probably be easier to just look up where the key items are for the most part. I still had a very good time though.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

bosses are awful, doesn't really progress in a fun way just gets a lot more annoying as the levels go on. pretty fun with friends but generally too janky to have genuine fun with the real game part

There's not quite enough game here, and the escape missions are confusing and un-fun as compared to the rescue missions. Extra points for making stereotype Canadians the villains.