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A game made with much love in RPG-maker, I had a great time with Felvidek. The humor is top notch, and the graphics are absolutely gorgeous, especially during the cutscenes. I loved the environment and the fight style, and really loved having an RPG party with a 15th-century priest helping you fight. There was lots of humor involving the time period, including jokes at the past's expense, that I felt played pretty well. 15th-century Slovakia is interesting because well, there was no Slovakia! The area was probably under Hungarian rule at this point (...maybe German, who knows), with threat from the Ottoman's eventually taking over as well. It's a topic brought up often in the game, and I feel it makes Felvidek even cooler! Not only does it focus on an uncommon setting for a video game, but it focuses on a precise group within the time-period on top of it all.

The music is great, the art is gorgeous, and the gameplay is fun! Check Felvidek out if you can, it's a very strong game released into the 2024 pool that's worth checking out if you're interested in playing some indie goodies from this year.


A really good game that could have been a really great game. Nailed the aesthetics, tone and soundtrack. The music in particular really stood out to me and was a real highlight of the game. A few tracks such as the one that plays in the main castle made me stand still and just listen for a bit. This wasn't a one off encounter, but constantly throughout the game I just had to pause and think to myself, "nice". Really great stuff.

Where the game fell flat for me is in plot progression and characters. I think what was most frustrating to me was clearly he was able to write some fun dialogue and banter, as the two leads were enjoyable to read and watch interact. The rest of the cast just didn't work for me due to lack of proper development. It felt like a waste of what could have potentially been one of the best games I played this year. I say all this but I did give this game an 8/10. This game was a joy to play and I easily recommend it. Its cheap, its short, its a novel gaming experience. Go play it.

I'm not typically a fan of RPG maker games by their gameplay, but definitely the vibes can win me over, and Felvidek has some unique vibes. I was happy to be running around the little late-medieval kingdom fighting off heretical demons with my priest buddy for a few hours...

I kind of got lost in all of the names and factions, but the game was the right length that it wasn't really a big issue.

Slovakia.. err, Hungary? Never felt so good!

Felvidek is a peculiar and particular JRPGMaker game with a runtime of four or so hours in which a playable priest and drunkard soldier find themselves embroiled in a multi-faceted religious-political conspiracy. I'll be honest the moment to moment plot and overarching narrative of this game were increasingly hard for me to follow as time went on, largely in part due to the long-winded speeches that site antiquated medieval European histories and faiths, but from what I was able to parse it was a fairly captivating tale. The conversational humor is tragically silly, and the fate of many characters is what you'd expect in a comedic 15th century title.

Where the game waned for me was in a randomness of difficulty. There is no levelling system, and I can't fault the devs here because the game is short, but you run out of ways to really bolster your character pretty early. You gain a few items that will make your party stronger by the means of armor, weapons, and buffs that permanantly boost your stats, but that takes enough time to kick in for early fights to hurt. Most encounters are short and enemies don't have too much health, but early on you'll feel the pain of just about everything. As you advance in the game and get new party members and a few items, things feel very doable as long as you have the coin to purchase items to spam during and after fights. There's a few times where you're locked into fighting with no way to gain back your health/mana equivalent and it felt a little unbalanced.

In all Felvidek is a mostly-forgettable Hylics-Like unless you're really looking for a walkthrough of Eastern Europe in the 15th Century with some neat visuals and music.

Great small RPG about getting into some shit much bigger then you. Every aspect of it is absolutely amazing with the amount of love and effort put into it. The Soundtrack is a banger and if you haven't watched the trailer you should since it has a song which I believe is exclusive to it that's absolutely amazing. The switch between the realistic hand drawn art and the PS1 style low poly graphics helps the game with some of it's really eerie (or sometimes just funny) moments in it. The combat is challenging but not super unforgiving, really requires you to think in even in smaller encounters. Also since the game has no outright leveling system to it, it doesn't feel like a punishment to end a fight with dead party members. I don't have much to say on the Story other then it's good and you should play the game to see what I mean by that. Overall I'd 100% suggest this game to anyone who wants a unique, short, and satisfying RPG experience.

PS: The only reason this game doesn't get a full 5 stars is because the final boss is admittedly a bit unfair in some spots but I still really enjoyed fighting them too

Felvidek stands on three extremely solid foundations - script, graphics and music.

The game tells the story of an alcoholic knight and his quest to control the unrest in the area and regain his beloved. All in ever-fascinating setting of medival Central Europe.

Graphics and music go hand in hand with the plot, creating a slightly surreal, disturbing and fascinating world of Felvidek. I also really liked the cutscenes, which added extra flavor to the game. The animations and sound effects during combat, both when attacking and using items, are great. The combat mechanics, although simple, are varied enough to prevent you from feeling bored while playing. The number of fights is well balanced and only in the last act will we have to fight more often, although it is also possible to avoid many fights.

It took me 6 hours to complete the game. That time was filled with interesting characters, great, often witty dialogues and one hell of a mystery to solve. Importantly, the script maintains a high level until the very end and I was very pleased with the way story resolved.

The game runs without any problems on Steamdeck.

Felvidek is as awkward as a third intervention.

The good elements here are extremely good: presentation in the overworld, combat, and cutscenes is uniquely excellent. Pair that with my current pick for OST of 2024 and you've got a game with a hell of a vibe.

Writing is a mixed bag. Dialog is generally quite good, and periodically laugh out loud funny, but the plot is thin and mostly exists to take you from setpiece to setpiece. There is a message to the whole thing and it respects the player enough to figure it out, but deep it ain't.

Then there's the combat, which sucks. Like full stop. Fights are brainless from start to finish. You either have resources and are unstoppable, or you don't and you aren't. Reload save and prep correctly this time, bozo. It's especially sad because every aesthetic choice made around combat is basically perfect. Fights are frequent, though sometimes skippable, and you will find yourself wishing more were.

It's a shame because the rest of what's here is solid. The amount of side content is much higher than most games this rubs elbows with, so if you vibe with this and feel like investigating everywhere you will be rewarded. Non-RPG Maker enjoyers look elsewhere, this one's for us freaks.

I want more games like this... had such a fun time watching memorable and fun characters go about and find out things way larger than themselves while trying to make sense of it all and not loose their own heads into the madness. ALSO THE SOUND TRACK HOLY SHIT WHY IS IT SO GOOD.. The visuals too, with the cutscenes, are incredibly atmospheric and cozy... I'm so glad I incidentally chanced upon its trailer one day scrolling youtube.

Another cool little RPGmaker game.

Felvidek is set in 15th century Slovakia/Hungary, in small fiefdom beset by both the Hussite uprising and other, more nefarious, cultists. There's not a whole lot of depth in the period politics or anything, but there's enough to make it an engaging and unique backdrop for the story. The game is frequently quite funny, with the oddly realistic style and dry humor giving it a bit of a Monty Python feel. The old-timey dialogue is fun and enhances both the humor and immersion, though at times the sentence structures get a bit difficult to parse.

Felvidek not a big game, but exploration is fun and rewarding. Your characters only get more powerful through acquiring better equipment and stat enhancing food items, so checking out all of the hidden corners and looking for sidequests is heartily rewarded.

Unfortunately, the combat, despite featuring amusing animations, is about as basic of RPGmaker fare as you get. You have a very limited number of abilities and a low amount of uses of those abilities. To the games credit, you'll want to make use of your stuns and armor piercing abilities, but it's just not all that exciting. Despite running out of the 'tool' points that fuel your special abilities quickly, you can essentially always backtrack to a church after each fight and refill both those points and your HP. This means it's optimal to just always go all in and then run back for healing, which is a bit annoying. I'd have preferred if the game was a bit harder and just healed you to full after each fight in some fashion. Or, frankly, I think it would have been more enjoyable as an adventure game with a few puzzle fights. Either way, the game is fairly short, taking me just 5.5 hours while doing my best to explore everything, and combat wasn't overused. So, in the end, the milquetoast combat wasn't that much of an issue.

The soundtrack was a nice breath of fresh air, with some acoustic guitar, some prog-rockish tunes, and a bit of avant-garde electronica. Overall, I felt a lot of 70s vibes, which I absolutely love. Great stuff.

In the end, Felvidek didn't blow me away, but was definitely worth experiencing for the presentation and humor.

I didn't understand shit what was happening or what they were talking about, but oh god how good this game is, it's a totally different, unique and magnificent experience that I think everyone should experience, I'm probably exaggerating but I found out about this game because I I saw its trailer on YouTube and as soon as I saw it I knew I needed to play it urgently, and I was not disappointed, it needs urgent recognition, this game is spectacular, its artistic style is beautiful and its soundtrack is one of the best I have heard in a video game, The game is not perfect, in fact it lacks a lot, but it does not take away from how fascinating it is, I speak Spanish and my English is not very advanced, so the greatest difficulty of this game was understanding its dialogues spoken in a very difficult old English. to understand, it reminded me a lot of Don Quixote, anyway, you have to try it, I played it on my birthday and I don't regret it.

"You acquired a Jew"

It's very pretty looking and unique feeling and I like it.

Inicialmente, me parecia perfeito e chegou perto, mas visto que (até onde eu sei)
é o primeiro jogo do desenvolvedor foi ótimo.

A tradução para inglês é muito boa e reflete o período em que a
obra se passa, porém pra muita gente vai ser bem difícil entender
já que a língua inglesa mudou bastante desde ano do Nosso Senhor 1451.

A arte do jogo é linda minha única reclamação seria personagens
com mais reações já que boa parte do jogo é só 1 ou 2 variações pra
cada um.

A história é até interessante no começo mas na minha opnião fica bem rushada pro final.

A trilha sonora é bem diferente do que você imaginaria pra um jogo
medieval, mas eu gostei bastante, uma pena que tem poucas músicas
então se você demorar tanto quanto eu vai se cansar rápido.

Short, (bitter)sweet, and created with a lot of passion. Thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. Very clever use of RPG Maker to create very pretty visuals and animations, the first person ones especially. Loved the characters and their personalities.

slavs are so cool i wish they were real

fantastic lil rpg filled with scrutinizing detail and whimsy. felvidek is something special, not because it's innovating or groundbreaking (it's neither of those), but because it's just so precise in its execution. you meander around the countryside, uncovering a conspiracy and fighting hussites, cultists, and monstrosities. every horror is paired by absurdity, making the encroaching apocalypse feel like one sick joke. it's a struggle to get by as two dudes with limited funds and equipment, but eventually, you become terrifying. instead of getting bodied by cloaked madmen and brigands, you start leaving limp ragdolls on the way to the tavern. even when you get the fourth party member, they're basically a meat shield since they arent a renowned knight or priest. the old english dialog, amazing outfits, and cultural taboos of the time are all so well-realized that you're further enveloped into the game's world. listen to two priests debate celibacy and sobriety, watch how coffee influences the balkans, and witness medieval confusion after stumbling upon two gay dudes. for about five hours, you'll be wanting more and more, but you can't really get anything else out of it. pavol's story ended where it needed. the burg is saved and the fires of hell are put out.

honestly would be a "perfect" game for me if there was only one gun in the entire game. that shit's too op!!! I mean, it's a gun, so it makes sense lol but having two in one party is such a freebie.

EN: Felvidek was created by only one person, yet manages to make a remarkable work that excels with its graphic and sound design, the emphasis of this game is the player's choices and the consequences of each action, alliances and moral dilemmas alter the events of the story, offering a personalised experience for each player, all these elements offer depth to this immersive world and re-playability.

The combat invites us to use our skills and items effectively, the lack of levels encourages thoughtful decision making, you rely on resource management to overcome obstacles, yet the combat is nothing groundbreaking, but it still manages to be enjoyable.

The biggest problem with this game is that it drags out conversations longer than necessary and uses too many Slovakian idioms of its time, the latter is an extremely risky and genius decision, but it largely ruins how one can understand the story, especially for those who are not fluent in English, making it even harder to understand.

Despite its flaws it is a highly recommended game, especially if you are a fan of niche RPGMaker games and/or a fan of Hylics, as it takes a lot of inspiration from Hylics in the visuals of the combat and soundtrack.

ES: Felvidek fue creado por únicamente una persona, y a pesar de ello logra hacer una obra destacable que sobresale con su diseño gráfico y de sonido, el énfasis de este juego son las elecciones del jugador y las consecuencias que cada acción conlleva, las alianzas y dilemas morales alteran notoriamente los eventos de la historia, ofreciendo una experiencia personalizada para cada jugador, todos estos elementos nos ofrecen profundidad a este inmersivo mundo y re-jugabilidad.

El combate nos invita a utilizar nuestras habilidades y objetos de manera efectiva, la falta de niveles fomenta la toma de decisiones reflexiva, dependes de la gestión de recursos para superar los obstáculos, a pesar de ello el combate no es nada novedoso, pero logra ser disfrutable.

El mayor problema de este juego es que alarga más de lo necesario las conversaciones y usa demasiados modismos eslovacos de su época, este último es decisión sumamente arriesgada y genial, pero arruina en gran parte el cómo uno puede entender la historia, sobre todo para quienes no dominan el inglés, dificultando aún más entender.

A pesar de sus fallos es un juego muy recomendable, sobre todo si eres fanático de los juegos de nicho de RPGMaker y/o fanático de Hylics, ya que toma mucha inspiración de este en el apartado visual de los combates y banda sonora.

A really great experiment on something I've wondered about for a long time - can you squeeze a JRPG experience into just a couple of hours? Felvidek offers incredible art, music, and atmosphere on top of answering that question with an emphatic "yes". The medieval historical setting, humor, and weirdness blend to create a really special game that straddles the line between formulaic and experimental. Only the trappings of its engine truly hold it back, but if RPG Maker is the canvas the creators chose, I have nothing but respect for the awesome work that they made with it.

the moment i saw the character art i knew i was in for a good time

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that default rpgmaker mv section was so kino...

Really strong art direction, and a lot funnier than I thought it was going to be for a game written in old english. The characters are great and I really enjoyed the combat even if it was on the simpler side. If you're looking for unique rpgmaker games to play like the classics, you should probably check this one out too.

Like others, I have been interested in this game ever since I saw the trailer. The most eye-catching aspect being the 'PS1 aesthetics'. These are reserved only for cutscenes. Rather, the game looks and sounds like a dungeon synth album. But that is just one of many inspirations that Felvidek wears on its sleeve. The writing does veer into the humour of Monty Python and the Holy Grail at times, much to my delight. It being an RPG set in a historical location – in this case 15th century Upper Hungary – with minor references to Zoroastrianism also appealed to me. It's like a mini Koudelka in a way. There should be more games of that ilk.

I wish there was a genre called "Hylics & Hunger" cause this is something the world needs... WAIT A MINUTE

Non c'è bisogno di ripetere che il lato artistico del gioco sia a dir poco ammaliante. Anche i brevi filmati traspirano personalità da tutte le parti. I combattimenti devono essere affrontati con un minimo di strategia (cosa che purtroppo si va a perdere verso l'endgame). Mi sarebbe piaciuto vedere più abilità, magari esclusive per personaggio. Anche le animazioni delle stesse abilità: sono una manna dal cielo (una letteralmente), ma sarebbe stato meglio differenziarle in base a chi le stesse compiendo.
Musica top.
Di trama e dialoghi posso dire poco: è scritto in "old english", e in certi momenti diventa incomprensibile, almeno per me.

Easily crowned as one of the best RPG maker games out there, with a stellar presentation and an amazing soundtrack that accompanies it; the vibes are immaculate and this is definitely one for the ages, don't miss out on it, and preferably go into it unspoiled.

A really great game! Those eager for its niche, historical setting and style of dialogue are bound to leave this satisfied. One look at the game that it does not shy away from what makes it unique, but more than that, Felvidek never compromises on its vision in favor of genre conventions. That it manages to tell such a full and layered story over the course of such a short playtime (only about 4 hours) is a testament to that conviction.

in a varied and competitive genre Felvidek is such a unique RPG story and setting wise. for someone who is not that good at these types of games I would really recommend it. this is one where if you see the art style you could tell if it's for you.

es como si hylics hubiera tenido un dlc medieval todavía más cachondo

The immersion and the art just makes this worth playing, although I didn't get the story at all. Just for the spotty humor.