Reviews from

in the past

imagine a 2D platformer but the core mechanic is waiting

A ideia em transformar pikmin em um plataforma é interessante porém não tão bem executada...

O jogo não tem uma variedade boa pikmins, só temos 5 deles (azul, vermelho amarelo, o de pedra e o voador,
não tem o pikmin branco e o roxo) e achei o jeito que eles são usados no jogo não muito criativo
As lutas de chefe são bem fáceis até, e eu achei os inimigos bem mais ou menos (a maioria são dos jogos normais, mas eles não tão filhos da puta que nem nos pikmins normais, e esse bicho bicudo na capa só é o bulborb com outro design)

porém as fases são boas e divertidas até (ainda falta muita coisa nelas mas continua sendo boas)

O jogo é diveridinho, recomendo dá uma jogada nele pra passar o tempo (e aliás eu entendo por que o pessoal não gosta tanto dele, pois foi lançado em uma época em que a franquia pikmin estava em um hiato)

The Secret Sequel to Kirby's Mass Attack we've yet to play for ourselves.

You make me profusely angry and I wish you didn't exist, or were actually good. A Pikmin 2D Metroidvania could be so good, why were we robbed.

this is the worst game you will ever pay 40$ for and i urge the nintendo executives to remove it from existence lest they go down in history as the worst game publisher ever. ive never in my life harbored so much pure and directed hatred towards anything.

Al principio se me hizo divertido pero conforme avanzas el juego se hace pesado y mas dificil de conseguir Lustronio. El que te mueras y tengas que empezar los niveles de 0 no me gusto, sobretodo en los niveles largos

pikmin are cute :) but past the first 2 hours the game doesn't offer much other than that

Dont know why people hate the game. Love the little intros to the pikmin

Author's note:
Played on Citra Nightly 1946.

This is probably the worst thing I've reviewed on this account and the first thing I've had to drop since New Pokemon Snap. The touchscreen controls feel awful and the level design is just a bunch of enemies with ether high HP (relative to lack of combat depth) or crazy reaction times and a few very basic puzzles that honestly feel like they'd be boring even for kids playing this in 2017 when you compare it to other touchscreen controlled games targeting that demographic in the late 2010s like Angry Birds, Cut The Rope, and the IOS port of Fortnite. Like I am baffled this made it out of playtesting session let alone shipped as a $40 release at launch. People are probably gonna argue I should have played more but if a game's fundamentals are just so plain and unpleasant it can be hard for a player to shake off this initial disgust (for lack of better term) and in my experience that will usually end up with a game being made a perpetual backlog slot that never gets touched again. I honestly don't even thinks this merits a full review with proper structured writing. Hence this rambly blurb. I hope the dev team grew from this experience and used it as learning experience to grow as artists because having this on your resume has gotta be rough.

Juego aburrido nose como llegue al mundo 6 hay como 8 o yo que se

When I think of a game that makes me feel absolutely nothing whatsoever, this is what comes to mind. I've seen some people claiming Hey Pikmin isn't that bad, and sure it's not, it's worse. It's boring as hell and offers up nothing that any other 2D platformer out there could do better. The only thing this game has going for it is the piklopedia. Young me chose this game over Miitopia when it came out, shame on me.

I enjoyed this game significantly more than I expected to, being a long-time Pikmin fan. It has enjoyable ambiance, level design, and gameplay, with thoughtful references to older entries in the series. It is nothing incredible, but a pleasant romp regardless.

I don't remember hating the demo for this, but I also don't remember literally anything else about it aside from a faint feeling of "I can't believe they're making stylus-controlled platformers still in this day and age."

I always found the hate this game received when it was revealed to be really over the top, this was only 3 years after Pikmin 3, yet the internet acted like this was some dead series, at the end of the day this is mostly just a fun little harmless spinoff, It's very different from the mainline games, but I don't think there's much wrong with that, it just helps making the Pikmin IP more widespread

This game is good, you guys are just mean.

its like, perfectly fine and not much else

Even playing it as a stand alone game, divorcing it from the trilogy, it's painfully slow and just boring. Spits on the face of an otherwise flawless franchise.

It's easy to write this game off for multiple reasons. It's safe to say interest in 3DS titles after the Switch's launch went down considerably. And after years of hearing that Pikmin 4 was "almost done", a Pikmin game that clearly wasn't 4 didn't do Hey! Pikmin any favors. That's certainly the camp I was in back when this game was announced.

Playing this years after the fact, however, I think I can approach this title with a clear mind. It's... not bad. I was pleasantly surprised at how they took the Pikmin formula and translated it into 2D. The controls certainly aren't perfect at times, but it did feel like I was playing a Pikmin game. The levels are generally short and sweet, and you can go out of your way for some neat collectibles. The game does throw a handful of frustrating levels here and there, especially towards the later half of the game (looking at you, 8-X) but nothing that soured my experience too much. It's also worth pointing out that the soundtrack is great. I haven't played the mainline Pikmin games in a good amount of years, so I don't know if any of these songs are reused or remixed, but this game does a great job of setting the Pikmin mood with its songs.

I'd say a lot of the flack Hey! Pikmin gets is because it came out at the wrong place, wrong time. Something that came to mind as I was playing is that I probably would've loved this game when I was younger. For me, this is the kind of game that would've released for the DS in the mid-2000s and I would've picked it off the shelf at GameStop and thought "Cool, a Pikmin game on the DS!" and taken it home. Years later, I'd look back at it as one of those weird DS spinoffs in the vein of Super Princess Peach or Wario: Master of Disguise that people kind of forgot about.

Still, where the hell is Pikmin 4?

Hey Pikmin is very well-made, polished game which wears it's Pikmin charm on its sleeve, but unfortunately the game is dreadfully boring. It's very pretty, the little Pikmin interactions you get throughout the game are adorable, and it feels surprisingly good to throw Pikmin by tapping the 3DS screen, but still the game put me to sleep everytime I played. it. Its just incredibly slow paced, and for the most part what you get at the beginning of the game is the entire game. The game does add some stuff as you, but not much that really changes the game in any meaningful way. The game ends up feeling like nothing more than an easy-to-make game, made only to sell games to Pikmin fans, not a game made to actually have fun with.

Pikmin is a game that doesn't work in a 2D setting. I had fun playing through it but think of all the games in the series, this one is the worst. That being said it isn't horrible and is unique for what it is. Also I think that this game only works for the 3DS two screen system, this wouldn't work on any other console. Still a good game but I wouldn't replay it.

so, i went into this game WANTING to like it. i was hopeful. but its so bad guys, like so so bad. i literally stopped playing it and started playing the New Play versions of Pikmin 1 and 2 instead, even tho i had just beat them

Holy shit this game is just as bad as everyone says. Its really just boring innit. Bad game.

Good spin-off Pikmin game, only complaint is that it’s a bit too easy since you literally just have to tap the screen to defeat enemies. Other stuff like the bosses and music are good though.

La gente lo trata fatal y me esperaba algo mucho peor, obviamente no es una locura pero me ha gustado más de lo que imaginaba, los enemigos son bastante originales y la musiquilla me ha gustado bastante

I like to pretend this game never existed