Reviews from

in the past

lotta really cool ideas here. the world and the way it changes as you progress through the game is an incredibly cool approach to exploration. things you do literally change the layout of the world, and this is used in some pretty neat ways. combat is pretty barebones though, and I haven't talked to anyone who didn't run into a handful of glitches while playing. all in all, there is enough here to enjoy, but it definitely falls short of its potential.

Like a mechanically themed, more linear Zelda, and who doesn’t love seeing chunks of the world rise up and rotate around you?

Nice graphics, good platform type puzzles. The best is the design of the map and how it change. When playing, it gets repetitive and a lot confusing (They definitely need add a map marker)

Platinum trophy earned, including two complete playthroughs (100% collection; minimum collection speedrun with minimal deaths). An action-adventure game in which the player controls a hooded figure as they explore a world filled with mysterious ruins, Hob is primarily focused on exploration and puzzle-solving, though it also has a fairly basic combat element. Without going into too much detail so as to avoid spoilers, I'll say that the way that the world opens up as you explore is unusual and engrossing, and while there's no direct explanation of how the world has reached its current state, the world-building is impressive and engrossing, offering just enough by way of clues while allowing the player's imagination to fill in the blanks.

I want to play this game, but every time I run this game it's always run and 10 FPS,
no matter how much my PC is powerful, or changing the Setting to lowest to lowest it's still 10 FPS,
after searching for the problem few days after this post,
I noticed my problem is not my PC,
the game have some problem loading area when moving to next spot and the map,
I played this game in 2018 and I thought all this time,
my PC is the problem but no the game programmer was the problem,
plus they didn't fix the problem until now

the least amount of game you can have while playing a game

Hob is a very pretty game with rather monotonous gameplay. Most of your time will be spent navigating and searching for a way forwards. The entire adventure consists of running from place to place pressing puttons and pushing objects, with only the occasional combat encounter. I didn't exactly dislike my time with Hob, but there's nothing standout about the experience besides stellar art direction. In the visual department that is, music is practically nonexistant. Though the general ambient sfx were pleasing.
There were some technical difficulties in the beginning where the game would crash. Both instances were resolved by reducing shadows and shaders to medium.
I also ended up resorting to hints twice, as the water level and final corruption had easy to miss paths forward.

Es muy buen juego si en algún momento supieras que es lo que tienes que hacer.

Minimalistic adventure game focusing on the exploration of a constantly changing environment as its main appeal.
+ well-designed and pretty world with a neat blend of nature and abandoned technology
+ satisfyingly hidden secrets everywhere
+ very simple but competent controls
+ understated ending that may provoke some reflection
- barely noticeable soundtrack
- little guidance on progression
- no particular feature that stands out beyond the setting

Pretty nice and cool adventure, halfway between Metroid and Zelda. Lack of technical polish (rip Runic) make it slightly infuriating sometimes, but nothing that can't be solved with a reboot of the game. Recommended!

I don't know if I'll continue this, the movement feels kinda clunky.

Very fun puzzle platformer. Would love to see more games in a similar style. Ending was a bit lackluster, but the game itself was enjoyable enough that I don't mind.

1 arm big 1 small is cool.
Ancient ruins are cool.
No dialogue is cool.
Crypic games are cool.
But leaving the game for a week, coming back and not knowing what was I doing or where to go, that's a bit bad.

dont quiet rememer why i stopped playing it. Probably some bug. Had fun was nice.

Pretty fun and streamlined Zelda-lite, with a nice art style and exceptionally good music. Ruinc Games was too good for this world.

I'd describe this game as video game fast food.
The controls and combat are just enough to be enjoyable, but never go beyond that.
There's no real story other than "These things are helping me clear evil growths."
The art style and aesthetic has charm, but stays the same throughout, making it get kind of bland after an hour.
The over world I feel tries to have the feeling of being open, but fails overall. You're essentially just pointed in a direction, only to press a button and it opens up another path. Maybe there's a side path here that leads to upgrade materials, but never anything interesting.
Walk foward, press button, neuron activation.

Hob would have been a fantastic game if it had been polished. Unfortunately Runic closed down and you can tell the game suffered from it. It's still worth playing through if you're a fan of Runic and wanted to see what they could have been capable of outside a dungeon ARPG. The game has great graphics and music. However it has frame issues, unpolished gameplay, a story that isn't fully realized, and major collision issues.

An intricate world that leads the player through various shifting and changing landscapes which ultimately connects back to one another. Platforming through the world can be a bit tedious at times as missing a single jump could set you back to a far away respawn point. Your objective to destroy various alien nests scattered over the world becomes quite clear from the start, but finding the correct chronological route can be a bit difficult at first when examining the world map. The combat with enemies feels a bit wonky and unfair at times as dodging, blocking and attacking doesn't feel very swift and enemy attacks are difficult to time. Overall, the art style is quite unique and it's non-dialogue story telling lets the player wonder and speculate on their own what exactly happened to Hob's world.

Hob is a simple top down action adventure game that tried to be “Zelda” like but ultimately isn’t much like it. Yes you get a sword and shield and you explore an overworld doing puzzles but it’s all done in a very linear way. The only real exploring is done to find various upgrades like health and energy which powers some of your heavier attacks.

Combat is ok at best, you slash and roll around enemies for most of the fights. Later on you have to make use of your robot fist to break defenses and have a tether go rip shields. A few other moves are added on but the game never really explores the combat, there are basically no bosses outside the final one.

Most of the game is spend solving puzzles and figuring out the way forward. It’s usually some form of finding a path to a switch which in a cool feature rearranged the world, this world moves around likes it’s one big mechanical contraption but rather than play with moving pieces in a puzzle sense it’s all scripted and linear. That’s what’s missing, the player involvement in the puzzle solving, it all boils down to just being observant and placing object into thing.

I still enjoyed my time with it, the optional upgrades do reward going off the beaten path and that’s the closest to Zelda like I got. It’s about 10 hours so it’s a decent length, maybe lasts too long. It’s just missing the extra layer of complexity that makes a decent game a great one.

Score: 6.9

Not well-suited for the smaller screen of the Switch Lite. I think I'm overlooking clues to help solve puzzles because I can't tell they're on-screen.
Update: I picked this up for PC and I'm playing through it now.
Final Review: Some moments of frustration trying to figure out what to do next. Good exploration aspects and a very satisfying, beautiful setting. Easy puzzles in a mostly casual style. I was hooked.

Its Nice. Nice and that's all really

Une formidable expérience. L'univers est très joli tout comme les animations du personnage principal. Une belle aventure paisible avec un côté contemplatif.


A fun experience with an interesting interconnected world, but its lack of narrative depth and confusing death mechanics hold it back.

I simply could not make it through this one. Dated visual style, poor world design, and very little intrigue. Felt like an Xbox Live Arcade game from 2013, and not in a good way.

this game is very underrated, it is so cool and it looks amazing

es re average pero esta muy bueno como diseñaron todo el mundo, entretenido y no muy largo, linda experiencia