Reviews from

in the past

This game has a lot of criticism online and most of them are warranted, but no one can deny, it's a great Black Panther adaptation.

I want to get this out of the way right away. I did not buy this game. I’m staying firm on my stance of if you buy this game whether preowned, brand new, or through a sketchy second hand key seller you are actively supporting the rampant transphobia that is sweeping the world right as we speak. I’m not saying you’re a bad person for playing the game or you're even transphobic, just that you decided to choose a piece of entertainment that you don’t need rather than standing with a group of individuals that need the most amount of support at this moment. In my mind you cashed in your trans ally pass the moment you put any amount of money towards this game. As I said I did not buy this game, I pirated it mostly for the sake of seeing what the whole game was about, mostly because I DO NOT TRUST other people's opinions on the game. While I’m sure their are rational people who have given good breakdowns on the game but it really doesn't help that whenever you look the game up on youtube it sends you right down the alt-right pipeline, and everyone else is either a weird gamer chud who like playing crap AAA games and calls them art, or some bozo who gets all of their opinions on media from asshates on Twitter. I also used to be a bozo who mostly just took the word of other people online rather making my own opinion, because of that I was an obnoxious turd who didn’t think for themselves; because of that I’ve tried to actively try my hardest to have my voice stand out among the crowd that way I don’t feel like just another voice in a group, which is mostly why I haven’t bother really saying anything on the conversation around this game (granted the whole conversation around this game is so fucking toxic I also wanted it to die down first).

Anyways possible damage control out of the way what are my overall thoughts on the game itself. It is just like literally every other open world AAA game; right down to what feels like copy and paste open world garbage that is tossed all around the open world. It’s literally everything I actively don’t like about other games like Gotham Knights or the Assassins Creed games, but now it has a high quality license game sheen on it. (this is a weird side note but does anyone else find it so strange that people actually expect a good chunk of licensed games to actually be high quality; or on the same bar as other AAA games. I don’t know, I just find that strange.)

I actually wanna say some positive stuff I wanna say about the game because shockingly I actually found stuff in the game I did think was honestly worth noting. The general overall look of the game is honestly not that bad, and I genuinely like how active the world feels; what I mean by that is generally a lot of open world games feel generally static and lifeless outside of a few NPCs and wildlife, because of them it generally makes a lot of them feel more empty and less engaging overall. (Assassins Creed Valhalla, Gotham Knights, Mass Effect Andromeda and so on) With this game whenever I looked I could see NPCs interacting with each other, paintings alive and moving, suits of armor getting into fights in the hallway, and all the window shops of Hogsmeade just brimming with so many different moving objects; they went so far out of their way to integrate a lot of that whimsy that the movies and books are best known for and on purely visual level it does a great job standing out among the crowd of other static AAA games (even though that’s only 2 areas of the game but I’ll get there in a bit)
Another aspect I liked was for the first few hours just being able to explore Hogwarts. I was at one point a stupid huge Harry Potter fan (don’t worry I got better) and I feel like if this game came out when I was still in middle school or elementary school I would’ve absolutely loved this game. This does tie in with how well the devs did with immersing the playing into the Harry Potter universe. (for the most part, and I’ll get to that as well)

Ok time for me to be mean again. While I did say the open world was really lively I was mostly just talking about Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. The rest of the map is literally just one big chuck of nothing but empty grassland that looks like a photo of Wales, and I don’t know about you but when I’m playing a Harry Potter game the last place I wanna be is in fucking Cardiff. On top of just looking visually bla, it also is just filled with nothing except a shit ton of boring fake BOTW puzzles that are so short and dull that they feel more like busy work then anything else. On top of all that you also have the traditional bandit camps and meaningless collectibles that feel so haphazardly scattered around the map you’d wonder if the devs really have any thought outside of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Which honestly begs the question “why am I even bothering with all these bandit camps and other enemies?”. It’s not for roleplaying reasons since why would your average Hogwarts student even be bothering with stuff outside of their school work, and even then why are there so many dangerous dark wizards so close to a school full of kids???. I know that’s a nitpick of if this game wants to be an RPG and wants me to roleplay as my own character. I really shouldn’t be questioning the world around me to the point where I’m being taken out of it.

On the topic of the game wanting to be like an RPG let’s talk about its “RPG systems”. This game isn’t an RPG. It has aspirations with its clothing system giving you better buffet and it’s exp and leveling system; but just like almost every other AAA game it’s so fucking shallow and annoying to use it make you wonder more of why they even bothered. Like surely no one actually likes these systems right? People don’t actually think this is a deeply rewarding system to get sucked into right? I don’t know, maybe I’ve just been spoiled on actual RPGs so now I know what makes a good RPG and what doesn't but personally this shit just annoys me to no end. Since I’m talking about the game’s systems I’ll also briefly talk about the game’s combat, and in all honesty it’s just meh. From all the videos I’ve seen of the combat it looked very slow and not very engaging, and after giving it a thorough breakdown it’s not NOT engaging. All your attacks have good impact to them and combowing attacks together can feel pretty satisfying in the midst of combat; but after you really get a good grip of the combat it just gets really samey and stops evolving , becoming subpar for the rest of the game. In comparison to an older game with a similar combo filled combat system, Arkham Knight’s freeflow combat is really engaging from beginning to end because the game changes up its combat flow to keep the player on their toes. Here it just sorta gives up halfway through.

Finally I wanna talk about the game’s story and characters. Looking at the game from purely a story standpoint outside of the weirdly insured anti-semitism littered throughout the entire game. The game’s story is beyond boring and forgettable. None of the characters really sound like real people, I refuse to believe they had an actual voice director on this project because every piece of dialog sounds like it was done in one take. On top of the general story beats being shit and unengaging none of the characters you meet along your journey really feel like characters, rather they feel like pretty generic archetypes that don’t do much outside of just “being your friends” or “being your teacher/mentor”. The villains of the game are also just as one note and uninteresting, speaking of that I feel like I should bring up that anti-semitism undertones. I’m not gonna say much on the topic mostly since I don’t feel comfortable confronting it; I’m not Jewish nor do I know a lot about Jewish culture outside of a handful of holiday and the general background so I don’t really feel like I’m a well educated enough in the topic to properly dissect it in a genuine way, all I’m gonna say on the topic is regardless if you try to ignore it or just brush it off as “oh the devs probably didn’t know” no they probably did; because the general Goblin look the series has is a very well know Jewish stereotype that has been around for decades, and the Goblins in the Harry Potter books have been seen as Jewish stereotype for about as long as the movies and books have been around, and if the devs claim they at least a handful of them know about the backlash about them. It’s either that or they're a bunch of pinheads who refuse to do research on topics and just go with whatever chuds say on twitter. Another problem with the anti-semitism undertones is just how one note the evil Goblin really is. Outside of his motive to freeing Goblins from wizard oppression he will actively kill his own people just because they don’t wanna fight in his revolution or even use literally every single kind of evil underhanded means to get what he wants, which is equality??? The game makes the whole Goblin Revolution storyline feel so one note that it feels more like an in-universe piece of wizard propaganda rather than a real struggle of morals and slavery.

In conclusion it’s pretty much everything I honestly thought it was gonna be. While I do feel like most of my time was wasted I’m also glad I’ve finally gotten this game out of my system and can move on to other games that I actually like playing outside of the occasional crap game I like to rag on.

Hogwarts Legacy: About as charming as a Harry Potter game could be, it's certain to satiate fans of the series and strong enough on its own to satisfy even those - myself included - who never got very into The Wizarding World. It's not perfect, but it's good. TL;DR at the end.

The setting is masterfully done thanks to a very talented art team: you're in the world of magic and there's simply no doubt about it. This game is overloaded with details, like lively and imaginative animations, that keep the charade up from start to finish. It's easily the strongest aspect of this game.
Not quite as strong, but still better than expected, is its plot. The introduction is enticing and deadly, the ending is explosive, theatrical, and emotional. The entire middle is... well, it's there. Certain characters you meet or learn about in the story are pretty interesting and probably deserved more focus, but unfortunately, a good portion of this game is just going through the open world motions. I cared way more about Sebastian's saga than whatever that boring, boorish Ranrok was up to.

The way you progress is pretty smart from a design perspective, with a book filled with various challenges that'll give you experience upon completion. This'll get you doing the chores you'd otherwise ignore for the chance at another talent point, which you'll definitely want if you're playing on Hard like I did. Before you get all four rows of spells and can fill them, the combat may infuriate you for a while, but in a pretty good way. Eventually, like all of these games of course, you'll be a Magic Elder God slinging death from your wand's tip and drowning in health potions you no longer come close to needing.
On your ascension to godhood, you'll zip around Hogwarts and the surrounding countryside via Floo Flames (the statue talks to you every time you travel and you'll wish painful death upon her; of course only after beating the game do I find a mod to shut her up) killing wolves, wizards, trolls, and goblins galore. There're side quests in addition to the challenges that'll help flesh out the world and have you meeting some real whacky kooksters. The conversations in this game reminded me of Horizon: Zero Dawn's system where you're basically just rushing to get through it because it's painfully robotic and fails to make you give a shit about what they're saying. Sure, you can ask for more details about the person or their quest, but that would mean talking to them for longer. Is it worth it? Never.

Honestly, and I feel silly typing this, I think one of the biggest issues with the game may be there's just too much here. The entire Room of Requirement probably didn't need to exist and stopping by always felt like a chore, and as the room expands to house more items and creatures, the chore got longer in duration as the game went on. Someone may love stuffing it with furniture and covering the walls with pictures, but I never felt inclined: the room had a purpose, get in and get out, it wasn't fun to hang out there.
An entire new section of map opens up at a certain point and by the time it does, you'll probably just sigh as you were happy having the old one figured out; now, with your max-upgraded broom, you can remove the fog of war over this new chunk in mere minutes. There are far too many “treasure vaults” with only a couple design variations and they almost always house junk to clutter your inventory. Garbage gear to sell later for pennies isn't “treasure”, everything under Legendary is a waste of time.
You will pick hundreds of monotonous locks and advancing the skill requires finding stupid statues only acquirable at night (you can shift the day/night cycle any time, but... why?). Merlin Trials are about as complex as a shape sorter and you have to watch their 'building' animation every time you complete one; these are tied to expanding your inventory so you're going to do them. After all, don't you want to carry more “treasure”?

Overall, though, it's hard to deny that this game is a real triumph for the Harry Potter franchise. I shit-talked a lot of it, but really, the game is quite solid. The pleasant mood of the world is infectious. Snobbish students with quests telling you “I'd go myself, but I don't want to,” will have you laugh and hearing Sebastian say “Very well,” when you propose goblin slaughter rocks. Big props to them for letting you learn Unforgivable curses. The combat's learning curve is a pretty good one before the inevitable “Now I am become Death” point. There's a student offering lore quizzes for the military-grade Harry Potter nerds. Professor Fig is instantly a ride-or-die homie.

I didn't really care about wizards and witches and this game entertained me for ~40 hours, so I can only imagine fans of Harry Potter liking it even more. This thing made over a billion dollars, so we're getting sequels, and I'm looking forward to them. It's not the best, but it's better than what I would have imagined a Harry Potter game could be and the groundwork is now there for improving in the future. I recommend it.

TL;DR Play it, it's pretty good.

You can have any view you like about the real world issues surrounding the game, but it doesn't stop the game itself from being great, Hogwarts is incredible and the story was fun the whole way through. The stiff facial animations and lack of development for a lot of the side characters holds it back a bit, as well as the repetivie side content but it's not nearly enough to stop this game from being fantastic.

The universe this game takes place in doesn’t save it from being a subpar game. Wish the game was like the first trailer has promised, but instead the whole open world is so stiff, static and inanimate. The story was bla and the game even failed to hit my nostalgic memories.

Best thing in the game is when one of the armors beat the crap out of the other armor, kinda made me laugh a bit.

Idk, kinda expected more. Not a total mess, though.

There's no way to actually talk about this fucking game because if you say you like it you're "doing it for political reasons" and if you say you dislike it you're "doing it for political reasons" so please believe me that I'm talking from the heart when I this game is just so default. It exists to be a HD remaster of the "Hogwarts Roleplay" Roblox map and that's it.

Where to begin with such a contested release? By saying I just found out that this is the same studio that made Dragon Ball Z Sagas. Do with that information what you will.

Exploring Hogwarts and the lands outside are probably the best thing about it. Hogwarts has a large amount of activities and simple puzzles to do with the main story trials having more difficult ones for at least someone as puzzle inept as me, conversations and flavor encounters to experience such as the humming knight, and more secrets than you could shake your wand at. Outside its a lot of nice vistas such as green hills, sparsely forested areas, the rather dreary coast and the forbidden forest with hamlets dotting your way down the roads. You'll find your fair share of enemy encounters outside of the settlements along with various simple Merlin trials and wildlife you can capture for your vivarium for resources. Unfortunately the Merlin trials have about as much variety as the korok puzzles in botw. You have about 7 or 8 versions and things are just placed more spaced out to "change it up". I don't go "wow" often but when I was riding the hippogriff over the water, it was definitely a beautiful site.

The game has a gear and loot system which I grow more tired of seeing in games by the day, but its not gear vomit levels like Nioh were you're getting 30 pieces of gear per encounter with .00000000001% parameter increases on them. Its inventory space does not condone itself to it enough. I don't know the exact number of slots you start with but it can't be much more than 25 and it maxed out at 40. I had to go to Hogsmead regularly to sell my stuff for paltry amounts of money, unless you're on playstation and do its exclusive quest at the time of writing this for an extra 10% selling bonus, like you get 60-200 a piece where things on average are a lot more than that to buy. You can upgrade your gear but it doesn't do much stats wise, the traits are really what matters when it comes to that which you have to find in chests or as rewards from challenges. You can transmog anything into any style of gear you've picked up or unlocked from challenges. I just wore the knights armor for the majority of my time. Not that I liked how my character turned out anyway. You can only choose from presets for the face with no option for actual editing from what I saw and I hated every single one. I'll also never understand not having a raw color picker for customization as its not like they were limiting themselves to "natural" hair colors here. The room of requirement, your personal resource farming center for stuff to craft potions and upgrade gear if you don't want to explore though you can't grow everything such as those damn horklumps, unfortunately doles things out in real time and does not progress while the game is off. Things can take between a few seconds to 30 minutes with the latter seemingly being exclusively for animal breeding. Placing items in the RoR also takes a specific resource called Moonstone that you can either generate yourself at a maximum of 30 a time every 10 minutes, if you place all 3 generators, or find outside while exploring which do refresh but I don't know how long that takes to happen. I spent a lot of time in the vivarium with the magical creatures, and you can find shinies of them in the wild. I haven't found many but I got a couple shiny birds which had shiny kids and a shiny giant toad. My amount of progression per session went down drastically once it unlocked but I knew this would happen and was looking forward to it. Nifflers are precious, must be petted and given all the love.

The story is easily its weakest aspect. Its was just so bland the entire time, and most of the side quests weren't much better. Honestly the only thing worth a damn writing wise was Sebastian's questline. The devs must have been slythrin sorted cuz they have so much more work put into them than the gryffindor or hufflepuff's and ravenlcaw's might as well not exist cuz you blink and miss him. I feel like the game also was intended to have companions follow you while you explore the world. Several times now have I strolled on up to a goblin or bandit camp and my character said something along the lines of "Theres a lot of them, and I'm without my friends" or "This will be tough since I'm alone". It must have been cut deep in development. Your main character is just a bland self insert with choices that lean towards the "good thing" or a little bit rude to get some extra money from quests but outside of that they're nothing. The vocal pitch you can adjust at the time of writing this is terrible as well. Move it anywhere from the middle and you're talking out of a tin can. The whole premise about ancient magic just never lived up to what it could have cuz this "ancient magic" just amounted to 5 to 6 finishers I was able to do outside of seeing what the painting people did with it when they were alive.

The combat wasn't asking much of me outside of color recognition and enemy awareness. Its kind of stiff and twitchy with not a lot of enemy variety and can be a bit hectic. Goblins have their several variants, dark wizards have theirs with just varying degrees of aggressiveness with maybe one unique spell to their name, spiders, wolves, big frogs and suits of armor of 3 sizes are what you'll run into outside of students in the dueling room. The enemy tracking is also absurd where the enemies will snap the distance between you, we're talking like 30 feet in a blink. Reminded me of Dark Souls' 2 absurd tracking. In terms of spells you have 5 damage types with one being exploration/puzzle focused (Control, Force, Damage, Utility, Curses) to choose from in the list of 27 and will need to memorize colors for shield breaking. "The game only has 27 spells! Skyrim has 100!" Yes it does and it is less than I expected I will agree but they are spells with vastly different properties and combo potential. Lift them up, slam them down, set them a blaze, freeze in place, stun after countering (with a perfect guard system), curse them for bonus damage and damage all cursed targets at one time to name some. How many of skyrim's spells are just strength progression of the 5 levels from novice to master and offer little else? I understand the mainstream is full on size queens and plenty of you want any reason to tear this game down but actually think about something other than size for once. Instead of having an arbitrary slot on incendio level 2, you just use the talent tree to give it its added ring of fire effect. Having to change spell loadouts mid combat is also kind of cumbersome as you need to hold down the cast button and then hit the corresponding dpad button to change. Better memorize all 4 loadouts of your 4 set spells once you unlock them. Odds are you're gonna find one combo that works and stick with it but you'll be hard pressed to actually be able to land it all unless you're fighting one on one.

I do wish the basic casting was more than a 4 hit where most of your damage from it comes from the final hit. You also have other items like chinese chomping cabbage (which are surprisingly strong), mandrakes, venemous tentacula and various potions to use during combat. Using the unforgivable curses was fun, and the devs almost didn't puss out on Avada Kedavra. That one shots anything and everything even with a shield including every boss enemy that I used it on with the exception of the final boss and a specific beast. There are multiple sectioned life bar enemies but I didn't run into any other than the final boss after getting the spell so I do not know how it interacts with them and if you have the "effects all cursed enemies" talent, it kills everyone afflicted. Sure it has a lengthy cooldown but there's plenty of talents and potions to reduce it. Speaking of the talent tree, you cannot get all talents from it unfortunately so plan accordingly. Leveling speed also drops hard at higher levels, requiring near 100% completion of all story, side quests, challenges and collectables to get to the max level of 40. Theres A LOT of collectables here, 1126 according to many. While its not even half of DK64, that still a lot especially since its required to get to max level, nevermind just as a completion percentage.

The flying controls seem to be a point of contention for a lot of people. Took me a bit to get used to especially since they aren't inverted out of the gate. The left stick controls your left and right turning while the right stick controls your up and down while the triggers are a speed up and a limited boost on top of the gear shift L3 click. This means you only have access to the x axis of the camera and can make things like the time trials more annoying to reorient should you miss a ring or trying to look and see what all the commotion is under you as you fly through the lands. I don't think they are awful by any means, I've gotten very used to them and can effortlessly do what I set out to but I do think either the triggers should have stayed where they are and the verticality be placed on the shoulder buttons or vice versa.

I had heard and seen video claiming the game was buggy and full of performance issues but I didn't run into much 0f anything. Other than the loading in after fast traveling, the frame rate was stable the whole time. In terms of glitches, I didn't get the quest locking or chest one. Other than clothing physics related ones that happened maybe once a session. I got stuck between a ruin wall and a cliffside and wasn't able to open the menus so I had to restart the game, but the game autosaves often so I had plenty of close saves to choose form and only lost like 30 seconds. I played unpatched on PS5 as well so nothing was fixed. So much when I played Scarlet, I either got lucky and rarely saw any issues or people are blowing it out of proportion.

TLDR: While it might not come off that way, I generally a fun time. Getting to run around a fully realized Hogwarts brought back memories of playing Chamber of Secrets on the PS2. This game right now is what I remember Chamber of Secrets being, just with a nondescript bland main character cuz self inserts and whatnot instead of loosely following a movie plot. The combat could have used more enemy variety, the story and other characters needed Sebastian levels of care, but the general act of exploring the world, uncovering secrets, petting your magical creatures and unleashing a killing curse on your foes surpasses that. Its not a 10/10 but certainly not a 1/10, probably a 6 or so maybe 7 if I'm feeling generous. Peeves is lucky he's already a poltergeist or he'd be on the receiving end of a Avada.

EDIT: I am dropping the score by half a star. This single player game would not let me even start it without downloading its newest patch at the time of writing this. There is no good reason to force an update in a purely single player title unless it fixes a gamebreaking bug. This update made the game run worse. I had literal slideshows and puzzle room not visually updating so I was just walking through blocks despite having little to no issues whatsoever on the unpatched game. I get stopping multiplayer connectivity without it but I have never seen a single player game just full on stop me without a patch before. Usually I can play while it downloads or just delete the update and play on my current version. I pray this isn't a sign of things to come. Might just never connect my stuff the internet from now on unless I'm buying a digital title and see how far I can get.

I’m not going to write a long review about this game, and know that the rating I give is purely based on the video game and my time with it.

I love this game. I grew up a massive Harry Potter fan and for a brand new story to be introduced into the franchise and to be a playable as a video game was an absolute treat. It is so much fun to experience this world from your own viewpoint, and I kept finding myself exploring just for the heck of it, ignoring any quests that I had. Avalanche nailed the fan service as well, not being in your face like they very well could have been.

This is a very good, fun video game, and I had such a fun time playing it with my wonderful wife.

Putting JK Rowling and transphobia and the game's neo-nazi creative director aside, let's just talk about the quality of the game itself, eh?

Because one of the big things I see regarding discourse about this game is its development, the people behind it, etc. And while I personally don't support it due to the morality issues that the development entailed, I think it's even more important to note that even if this was developed like any other game with any other team, it's simply not a good game. By any stretch of the imagination. I feel like many gamers have just wrapped themselves up in this mass hysteria to "own the libs" without stopping to even think if the game that they're circlejerking just because the trans community protested about is even something worth circlejerking over, which in this case it isn't. A laughably bad story, bland sidequests, a dull and monotone open world, unredeemable characters, clunky combat, and convoluted systems show that this isn't the wizarding game you've always dreamed of. No, it's just another middle-of-the-pack shovelware generic open-world RPG with the Harry Potter brand slapped on top. If you hadn't told me this was developed by WB games, I would have thought this was the next fucking Ubisoft game. It's an egregious waste of time on all fronts possible, and not worth your time in the slightest. Open your eyes from the realm of AAA kitsch and play something more artistic instead.

Overall Rating: 1/5 (Dumpster Fire)

How can i say that? Is the best gift to a Harry Potter's Fan

It knows how to use the good things in the universe to deliver good things, but the vices of the open world drag him down.
I haven't had any nasty bugs, the combat is interesting, the world is beautiful. The missions are quite varied. The story is a bit mixed, but the missions in it are well organized.
But I got it better than what I was told it would be and it's suitable for those who like an open world like me and already face a lot of Ubisoft games.
Sabe usar o bom do universo pra entregar coisas boas mas os vícios de open world puxam ele pra baixo.
Eu não tive nenhum bug feio, o combate é interessante, o mundo é bonito. As missões sao bem variadas. A história é meio qualquer coisa mas as missões nela são bem ajeitadas.
Mas eu achei melhor do que me venderam que seria e é competente pra quem gosta dum open world tipo eu e ja leva muito Ubisoft game na cara.

Easily one of the best games ever. It's still early but Hogwarts Legacy is currently the frontrunner for Game of The Year. The combat is incredible, the story is solid, and the world is phenomenal. I love everything about this game. I'm not a Harry Potter fan and I likely never will be but creating my own wizard and playing through the world has been amazing. The combat reminds me of The Witcher 3 (my favorite game of all time) with a relatively deep and challenging system especially on a higher difficulty. I highly recommend this game. It's so hard to put down once you pick it up.

An above average open world adventure that had me hooked for the first two thirds, however it became a little 2 much of a good thing and I burned out towards the end.

puta decepção isso aqui. perderam uma oportunidade de ouro de fazer um jogo extremamente memorável e com uma história muito boa, pq a lore de harry potter dá brecha pra isso. ao invés, fizeram uma ambientação fantástica com uma hogwarts INCRÍVEL que no fim das contas não serve pra nada. é um explorar apenas por explorar. em hollow knight, por exemplo, você é movido pela curiosidade (igual aqui) mas é sempre recompensado em uma obra muito interessante com áreas novas, inimigos novos, história nova, itens novos, enfim. em hogwarts legacy a sua curiosidade te leva a apenas algo do tipo "uau, igual no livro!" ou "que interessante esse personagem novo nigrous black que encontrei explorando um armazém, a jk realmente não é problemática!".
combate legal e ambientação espetacular a troco de nada. isso é hogwarts legacy: um jogo que falha em se sustentar sozinho e só funciona caso você tenha um conhecimento prévio de harry potter. e ao escrever isso parece que tô descrevendo um filme da marvel. muito decepcionante

I am never touching this game, not because of the controversy surrounding it, but simply because I watched a friend play through most of it and it looks like one of the most bland, soulless and casualized open-world "RPG" experiences since fucking Skyrim and I know it'll be a waste of money and I'll hate it.

Slap one of the biggest names in fiction on something like Skyrim and it's just guaranteed to be a hit with the most casual, entry level gamers so no wonder it's selling like crazy, this wasn't made for people who actually enjoy gaming. It exudes nearly every trope in modern gaming that is simply popular because people who have never played a game before in their lives eat that shit up, bland open world, checklist collectathon, MMO elements like glam and gear level, the most barebone RPG elements "choices matter!", ffs you don't even get experience for fighting enemies, just from completing "challenges" Excuse me for coming across as a gatekeeper, but this is WHY RPGs weren't meant to be made for everyone. RPGs have always been meant for the most hardcore fantasy nerds since the earliest days of D&D so making it appeal to the casual market might make a best selling game due to appealing to more people, but it will also alienate your core demographic and make the final product just come off as corporate and soulless.

Also if that isn't bad enough the combat in this game is just as shallow as everything else, no matter what spells you use or what enemy you fight every encounter ends up feeling the same, there's no depth at all and you will get insanely bored of it because it just becomes repetitive after the initial awe wears off.

Legit the only redeeming quality of the game is that it captures the lore and setting of the Wizarding World™ very well and I'm sure for hardcore HP fans who aren't big gamers that'll be enough for them to think the game is amazing, but for the rest of us? There's really just nothing here you haven't seen done before over the past decade of gaming.

This review contains spoilers


Melhor jogo já feito sobre o universo de Harry Potter, sem sombra de dúvidas.

Possui um começo bastante lento, só pra desbloquear a vassoura tu leva umas 4h de gameplay pra mais. O ritmo aumenta conforme a história se desenvolve, está que é bastante simples mas se encaixa perfeitamente com o contexto já visto nos filmes.

Os gráficos são lindos demais! Capricharam de verdade na ambientação e nos cenários mágicos, principalmente dentro do castelo onde é nítido a atenção aos detalhes, tiveram bastante carinho na hora da criação.

A exploração é satisfatória porém repetitiva, mesmo contendo uma variedade considerável de atividades a serem feitas: Provas de Merlim, borboletas, balões, mapas de astronomia, fonte de magia ancestral, captura de criaturas, enigmas, salas secretas, baús, páginas flutuantes e outras coisas.

O combate é simplista porém divertido. O sistema das cores deixa tudo mais dinâmico pois te incentiva a utilizar combos para criar ataques mais poderosos. Lançar um Avada Kedavra para finalizar todos os inimigos amaldiçoados é satisfatório demais.

Conclusão: Um game feito especialmente para agradar entusiastas da saga (mesmo cometendo o crime de não incluir o Quadribol). Por outro lado, o game não apresenta nada que já não tenha sido visto em jogos do gênero antes, gostaria que tivesse um maior peso nas escolhas feitas durante a história.


You want a good Avalanche Software sandbox game, play Toy Story 3: The Video Game instead. I can almost 100% guarantee you Buzz Lightyear won't call you slurs.

Snape kills Anakin Skywalker

I'm not a huge Harry Potter nerd but I started a new game on my GFs account to optimize the settings for her since she's playing on a low end rig.

Surprisingly, the game runs well with the Medium preset on a GTX 1060, i5-9100F. Put some things on high and it's still mostly a stable 60 FPS. Medium is still pretty, but I wish the TAA wasn't mandatory. It makes things blurry a bit.

As I've said, I'm not into HP that much, atleast I wasn't until this game. I only wanted to play a bit to mess with the settings but ended up being glued to the screen for 2 hours more than I wanted. There's rarely a game where I enjoy exploration as much as here. The environments are captivating and the NPCs are interesting. My character is dressed like an idiot and I love it. So, thanks Avalanche for giving a depressed guy a bit of unexpected joy.

A magical experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life... From roaming the halls of Hogwarts, to the streets of Hogsmeade, to the trails of the Forbidden Forest and the skies of Poidsear Coast, Hogwarts Legacy delivered on almost every aspect.

A tale of a game with great combat, beautiful world and superb world building marred by the usual suspects of AAA development: bad open world activities, bloated nonsensical gear system and a predictable storyline.

While i enjoyed my time a lot with it due to the incredible recreation of Hogwarts and the Wizarding World, it was also impossible to not notice the wasted potential in some places, specially after the beginning of the game seeing how good playing inside the castle is.

This game was boring as hell ngl

Long story short. Games super mid, to the point of just being bland. It's an "RPG" with no skill builds, boring side quests, shitty voice acting, crappy story, etc etc etc. I could go on and explain in great detail as to why these things are the way they are, but the game's mediocrity doesn't deserve any more of my time.

As a preface, I would not have ever purchased this game, I was given a copy of it in order to do parts of my job and decided to then play it in my own time out of curiosity. If you are interested in playing this game then I implore you; I don't ever condone piracy of new, readily available games, but I believe you have a moral imperative to pirate this game. Support the quality of the product without financially supporting a game that lines the pockets of a transphobe and touts the disturbing rhetoric that this game does. I am a huge supporter of trans rights, trans rights are the social issue that I care about the most and it is awful that the creator of an integral part of the childhoods of much of the consumer base in the western world aggressively and blindly spouts hate towards transgender individuals. However, I would never tell someone not to play a game (simply not to spend money on it), but as I will get into in the review proper it will become apparent that the text of this game reflects none of JKs trans ideologies, likely as they weren't present in the original books, but it does spout some equally damaging and at times horrifying messaging.

Hogwarts legacy was controversial well before it's release, and whilst the team at portkey games and avalanche software did everything they could to distance themselves from the game, JK does still get royalties, but what of the game itself? is it any good to actually play?
Avalanche have almost exclusively made tie-in games, with their biggest endeavor being Disney Infinity, a game I am personally a fan of, but could not sing its praises. Most of Avalanche's library consists of games like Cars 3 the game or Bolt the game, generic and uninteresting cash grabs made by cynics who think gaming is a novelty, so surely hogwarts legacy is just another pit-stop on the Avalanche tour of mediocrity, right?
Well, somehow, they managed to pull it out of the bag. This game at no point reinvents the wheel, every gameplay system you can see having been taken from other places, but every system the game employs is really good, from the fun and engaging combat (despite some bullet sponge enemies and lack of enemy variety), to the farming sim/home builder room of requirement, which links out to a pokemon arceus style beast catching system. Every one of the systems, mechanics and minigames is really good, never great mind you, but a game chock full of really good and varied systems and activities that are all consistently really good is not something to turn your nose up at. Sure, there's a criminal lack of enemy variety and some elements (like the owl post) feel a tad superfluous, these end up being minor qualms in the face of a grand and great beast. The closest comparison I can give to the experience of playing this game is playing the witcher 3; with it's beautiful, expansive and detailed world bursting with things to do, where you just want to sit and watch all the crazy little things play out (especially in the castle) before heading out to a minigame to beat a high score or beat some bandits in a mission. This is a good game in the gameplay, in fact I am almost relieved that I am now in the post game as I no longer have to engage with the frankly concerning writing that carries this game's narrative.

A little bit after this game was announced, and after JK had begun her descent into her concerning obsession with stranger's genitals, it was uncovered that the lead designer of the game had, at one point, run an 'anti-sjw' channel on youtube, but hey, he's not writing the game, who cares, right? Well, this should have been our first red flag; fool me once, shame on you. A few months go by once again and the game hires Greg Ellis, who has ammassed enough controversy of his own, some of it in relation to supporting Rowling, over the years. Fool me twice...
No, we should not have ignored these warning signs. It has already been pointed out that, within the text, the Goblins of the Wizarding World are extremely antisemetic, and here that is dialed up to 11.
It's all well and good that you have a super diverse cast of characters, in fact that's great, there's every kind of person here you can imagine, there's even a prominent trans woman who is never needlessly clocked and deadnamed and demands respect around her; but what's the point of all of that if the plot of your game is that the hook nosed bankers who control the economy, based on a historically known antisemetic symbol, decide to rise up against the fact they are treated as slaves and are upset that their cultural artefacts have been stolen and locked away from them for hundreds of years, and they are treated unequivocably as the villains.
There are so many opportunities presented to this game where it could turn things around, the only 'good goblins' want nothing to do with the rebellion, no one ever questions if maybe stealing another race's cultural artefacts and putting them in places enchanted so goblins can't enter could be bad, no one ever even suggests that enslaving an entire race and treating them as lesser could be bad. Moreover, the general stance of this game is that rising up against those in power is inherently a bad thing to do, as the player if you choose dialogue options that go against doing as your teachers say you are told things like 'I wouldn't have expected that from you', all but telling you that you are behaving out of character. It even employs some familliar right wing rhetoric, of course the people rising up to try and justifiably gain what is theirs just want to 'wipe out all of wizard kind', this kind of rhetoric is sadly all too familliar from the real world politics of 2023, especially following certain protests in the last few years.
More concerning, still, is the treatment of life within this game. It's a strange thing, when you are punished for using the 'unforgivable' killing curse with a mere 'I'd rather you didn't do that', and then are allowed to use the explosion spell to kill someone, or burn someone to death slowly, and no one bats an eye. Let me be clear, there is no hyperbole in play here, this isn't Spider-Man or Arkham where in-universe you're just knocking people out. Over the course of this game you murder dozens of innocent humans, and you are congratulated for it. At first I believed this to be some kind of huge oversight on behalf of the developers, but toward the end of the game I was getting a little bored of the boss battle with rockwood and decided to use the killing curse on him. He exploded into a cloud of dust, never to be seen again. Shortly after professor fig confronted me about it, I expected a harsh telling-off for my callousness and the coldness with which I dispatched a named character. Instead I was told that he was a dangerous man, and I did what I had to, I did the right thing. And this was right next to another boss that I merely incapacitated and had arrested. I was told that my erasure of this man's life, a human life, was the right thing to do. And this was in and among the slaughter of hundreds of goblins over the course of the game.

So, to review; this game, based on a children's series and likely being played largely by children and young people, presents an oppressed group rising up against subjugation and the stealing of cultural artefacts as a threat to 'our kind', and tells you that you are free to indiscriminately murder these people, as well as humans; in fact if you think it is the right thing to do you are always justified in killing human beings. What am I to do with this plot? How can one ignore the frankly disturbing rhetoric on display here?

I'm going to have to stop here, I have other things to do with my day, but I do think that, despite it all, I will come back to this game. As I mentioned earlier, now that I'm in the post game I don't have to encounter the horrifying messaging of this game anymore.
The bottom line is that this is a good game, it's really fun, has so much to do, and is really visually pleasing, I would even go as far as recommending it, but please, I beg you, do not spend money on this game, not a cent. Rowling has said that every penny from this game will go to anti-trans causes and the racist rhetoric on display in the actual game is frankly disgusting. Pirate this game, steal it digitally, There are many multitudes of places where you can acquire this game without funding the people who made it. Think about what you're consuming. You can support high quality products without supporting awful people and awful ideologies.
This game should be an 8/10, but I simply can't bring myself to do it.

J.K. Rolling in her grave after finding out there's trans people in her game

This is a magical adventure that I feel like stays true to the Wizarding World!

Man I had a great time with Hogwart Legacy. I loved exploring the world with my wand as this game offers many things to distract me. I ALMOST never found a door I couldn’t go through (unless the door was locked which I’ll talk about later). Graphics hold up well and make this world look amazing and I’m proud to see it, the accuracy of how Hogwarts looks like from the films is unbelievable and fascinating. Unfortunately I wasn’t interested enough to do everything I could in the game and really only played until I was satisfied. I absolutely love the flexibility of the clothing you can wear. There are all kinds of different looking clothes that look so cool and if you want to keep a certain outfit but maybe you don’t want to sacrifice stats you can change your appearance while still having the same stats as before. Flying around in this game is a hell of a lot of fun but I do have to admit the controls for flying feel a bit off to me. Speaking of which, THERE’S NO QUIDDITCH! Massive missed opportunity that Avalanche missed out on. Throughout the game you’ll get assignments which give you a variety of tasks to complete in exchange to learn a new spell. I loved this idea because it really did encourage me to get more spells to use either for combat or to solve puzzles. However, some of these assignments were a slog to do and it felt more like chore to do rather than actual fun. In this world you’ll encounter puzzles. I definitely recommend do them since you get really good loot or by completing challenges you can unlock clothing or expand your inventory to hold more loot. I also recommend selling most of your loot for money. Early on in the game money is actually pretty tough to come by at least not until you learn a spell called “Alohomora” which unlocks doors. Unlocking these doors make you do a short mini game which is SUPER easy to do, I honestly do wish it offered more of a challenge. ALSO, I wish there was a proper system to sell potions for money. The Room of Requirement is a cool idea and love how the devs handled it. Definitely felt like my own place to customize to my liking and loved catching Fantastic Beasts to groom and take care of them and many of them look awesome or very cute. The world is feels alive in a believable way. If you look around and listen there’s tons of people going about their business and you’ll something silly, funny or interesting. By all means though it didn’t feel totally immersive like that. There’s all kinds of places to see in this open world RPG than just Hogwarts. Being able to explore Hogmead or The Forbidden forest was an absolute pleasure and many more places to see. The music is exactly the type of music you would hear from a Harry Potter film. As for the combat, it so damn cool! I honestly had a blast with combat as it was challenging at times but I wouldn’t say it was all that tough since I didn’t lose as often as I though I would’ve. I loved using all kinds of different spells or methods to take down my enemies. I could also throw harmful plants that help defeat my enemies. The RPG elements are kinda disappointing. The skill trees feel like an after thought that you can fill out pretty easily. And man oh man I have to say this, they definitely should’ve added damentors and the Patronus Charm. Yet another missed opportunity the devs should’ve taken advantage of since it would’ve made combat a lot more fun. And before I start talking about the story I just want to give props to Avalanche. I played on PS5 and I encountered NO BUGS at all during my experience with this game. The only performance issue I had was the fact there was a loading time on some doors to load in the world. For me it kinda broke the immersion I had. Other than that, gameplay wise it felt like an almost flawless experience.

Story was pretty good! I at least thought it was decent and enjoyable by all means I don’t think the story was amazing or life changing, not by a long shot. I love the idea being able to use ancient magic to uncover a mystery. There are all sorts of interesting characters but some are just meh and unimportant. The reason I say that is because you’ll encounter many side quests and many of them had very generic or boring story telling or plot that made no sense. But the friendships you can build are worth the time and I don’t mean that like a life sim type of relationship. I love how as I progressed the story the season would change which was so cool to see. As for the main character, I was a little disappointed. I also was disappointed with how little my choices impacted me and the story but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the story regardless. The main character YOU create felt so bland and generic. Now of course you can give your character personality depending on your choices but I wish we had more depth and better character development to better know our character other than just being special to use ancient magic.

While this adventure did at times feel underwhelming for me I had a great time. I must also confess that I did expect better from this game from a few aspects. Very light RPG but I think that’s great for anyone who doesn’t like complex RPGs. And this game is definitely a must for Harry Potter fans. This will be a magical adventure to remember for sure. I can see myself playing Hogwarts Legacy in the near future.

Everything is magical and the points don't matter.

Hogwarts legacy is an open world role playing game Where you create your own witch or wizard and attend the Hogwarts school. I'm not a big Harry potter fan, I never read any of the Harry potter books, but I have seen the movies (Harry potter weekend on TV) So i won't know some of the references the game offers. The idea that you can attend a school and learn magic to fight enemies and solve puzzles is a fun concept. I kind of hoped the game would be like Bully Academy (another school like game) but sadly you can't lift students in the air for their lunch money.

The world of Hogwarts is huge, and I haven't seen everything that the game offers. The game has fast travel, so you won't get lost and a navigator to get to your main quest objective. The school is big, but it never looked the same in areas or felt like you're running in circles. You can also fly on a broom to get other places as well.

You can also craft in the game to make healing potions or give you an advantage in combat. The combat will take time to get used to. You will need one type of spell if the enemies use shields, and you'll need to defend yourself from attacks. You'll have to level up and find better gear to stand against strong opponents cause strength comes from the costume (Why else would we run around in color undies?) You'll also gain skill points to level up your magic. Instead of lifting one enemy you can lift up multiple.

There are a few nitpicks and flaws of the game like popup of objects when you enter an area, characters repeating the same dialogue and the talent spells you can learn to upgrade magic is small. You can't reset your skill points as well so you will need to make another character if you want to focus on other talents. A major flaw of Hogwarts legacy is that if you go around the Hogwarts castle you may fall off the map and may lead to an unfair death or fly underneath and see everything below.

You're going to be very busy in this game. You can design your own base, do side quests to learn new spells, catch and raise different kinds of animals and possibly more dlc in the future. It's worth the 70-dollar asking price and if you're a Harry Potter fan you're going to love this game. If you're not a fan of the series Give it a try in the future. What Harry potter games lets you become the bad guy in the series?