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in the past

Unintuitive, tedious, jank…

I can’t say those are inaccurate descriptions of House Flipper, but manually installing a radiator in an imaginary stranger’s bathroom was a nice change of pace after Elden Ring, Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course, and Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods 1+2.

The best way I can describe House Flipper is that the title “Home Renovation Simulator 2018” would be closer to the quality level you’re getting here. It has tons of low-budge quirks but makes up for it in relative freedom and a bit of charm.

How could I resist fixing up the home of Walter White, or setting up an office in Kame House from Dragonball? The more referential houses take a while to save up for but I’d say the game is worth a try for that alone, so long as you have GamePass and are okay with a game that asks you to find the fun in mopping hardwood floors.

Why can't it just be this fun in real life man

oh god how did 5 hours go by that fast

i lived, i laughed, i loved. i love house simulator

Was never one for “comfort games” or games where you complete menial tasks, but I really enjoyed the time I spent with House Flipper. It was a super casual cruise through home improvement, making me feel like my very own renovation expert.

The game invites you to two different pathways of objectives. One is where you respond to emails and complete jobs for people wanting some form of renovation for their homes (painting, cleaning, repairs, installation, demolition, carpentry, etc. and usually some combination of these things), and the other, much more eponymous path, is buying houses, renovating them, and making a profit selling them to buyers. And unfortunately, even considering which of these the devs chose to name the game after, I much preferred the hired jobs, as they felt much more variable. These emails can contain little stories that are sometimes funny, sad, happy, bittersweet, or somewhere in between, and fit nicely with the houses that reflect the context behind them in visual storytelling. However, the discrepancies between email and job can also be entertaining. Some college student emailing the player being like “ummm, i made a wittle mess >x< pwease clean it up (^_^*” and going to the place to find mountains of garbage and cockroaches is genuinely hilarious, whether the juxtaposition was intentional or not. As for the house flipping side of the game, making a profit from buying and selling houses, feels way too same-y and arduous, even when there is a bit of strategy that goes into it, lying in having different ideals when renovating their homes to accommodate the needs of possible customers monitoring the house’s renovation (there’s about 10 total). For example, one of the possible buyers is a 20-year-old college student, so you must keep in mind things a college student would need in a home and the extent of those things, like how you’re probably not going to install a sauna in there. But other customers may want a sauna, so you must keep that in mind. A lot of these mechanics end up being kind of moot, as you just design the house whatever way you want and give it to whoever offers the most money for it, but the intent is there, at least. There should be some sort of incentive to want to renovate/sell to certain customers besides, like, achievements. Anyhoo, both of these pathways did feel a little short in content but fit together pretty nicely.

As for the gameplay itself, it’s pretty menial, but it clearly understands that and gives the player some creative freedom in how to go about completing tasks. A lot of the actions vary in their tedium and satisfaction which brings enough variety to outings that they don’t all feel too samey. I always get excited whenever I can demolish walls and satisfyingly watch all the bits crumble down, but scream inside whenever I have to mount another fucking sink. That Swedish guy who made me mount like 4 sinks in his new house (also including a shower, a couple of radiators, a couple of toilets, and a washing machine) can go to fucking hell. The game slowly weans you onto upgrades which make you think “Ok? So I can do these things we’re all acknowledging as menial yet the bulk of the game, but faster now?” and then you realize how well the game immerses you into playing Da House Master since you so easily give in to these upgrades. I don’t know what it is, cause it’s certainly neither the music nor the graphics, maybe it just taps into the deep human urge to just squash down our negative thoughts by cleaning. In that case, ggwp House Flipper. No matter how ugly and ridiculous people’s requests were (like the Swedish guy wanted his whole painted white, that’s weird), I would be there to fulfill them.

The payment you get for completing some of the houses is super inconsistent in some cases, and I’m feeling like some of the missions were scaled way differently. If some guy pays me $10k to clean his garage and move some things around, then you think this teacher hiring me to turn an old 6-7 room office complex into a kindergarten would be paying me at least like, six figures, right? Nope, $25k. Keep in mind that the profit you get from these jobs require you to deduct the amount you spent on furnishings, fixtures, paint, decorations, etc etc etc (which come from your own in-game bank account) from the money you get for completing the job. What was WAY worse was the mission where I had to spend at least an hour completely renovating this guy’s 12 room winter getaway (it was a big reference to the music video for Last Christmas by Wham!) and I only got paid $7k for it, which was easily a net loss due to how much the client wanted to spend on new decorations. At least it was a nice locale. The worst part was I didn’t even know it was a Wham! reference until I was re-reading the letter and seeing the signage “Mikey George” and picking up on stuff like “Unfortunately, the events of last Christmas spoiled it for me” and “This year though, I’ve met someone special”. Bummer.

As for sound, the ambience of the surrounding neighborhoods is pretty quiet and simple but fine. More could probably be done to feel like I’m not operating on a house in an abandoned neighborhood, but whatever. But for music, it has this illusory nature at first of being relaxing and wholesome but starts to get irritating the more you hear it, more so when I think to myself “What would I be listening to if I were cleaning right now?” as well as “Why do I feel like this is music from an inspiring NowThis video?” which led me to turn it off and turn on whatever music I had for the background. I recommend Kiss Of Life by Sade as an absolute S+ tier cleaning song, the whole Love Deluxe album is fantastic as well, but I could’ve been listening to anything playing this. Some randoms in my shuffle included Ski Mask the Slump God, Necrophagist, Donny Benet, The National, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, Compton’s Most Wanted, Machine Girl, Madvillain, LCD Soundsystem…this has nothing to do with the game. Moving on…

There’s not much to be said about the graphics and art style, as the game was made in Unity, so. The lighting can be pretty good in some cases when you’re in a house during the night, bathing the walls in light to see your work from a new perspective. In other cases, the lightning can make 0 sense, like being in a dark closed basement with 0 lights on, I don’t feel like I should be able to see everything perfectly for no reason. Most of these problems lie in the limitations of Unity so I’d like to see a hypothetical House Flipper 2 be built off of something else that’s capable of much more, maybe like UE4 or something.

I’m genuinely and unironically disappointed you can’t seem to make your own house, as, while a good few of the houses/missions are inspired by houses in pop culture (TV shows, movies, other games, anime, fucking MUSIC VIDEOS), I really wanted to remake my own pop culture houses like the mansion from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, or even just my own real-life place. That would be meta. But being a bit more genuine, despite being able to buy a new house, set it as your new office, and renovate it to your heart’s content, I’m sad you can’t construct your own floor plan for your own house, or at least select one from a series of templates. Speaking of, my final hours with the game consisted of buying the “MAKE HOUSE” which was an obvious nod to Master Roshi’s house from DBZ, and renovating it for just myself, making the great discovery that you can import your own pictures into the game to turn into paintings. It was quite cathartic to do the renovation for myself after ~25 hours of renovation for other people. I’ll probably keep the game installed so I can go visit my island home from time to time. Thus it shall be my base of operations if I cop any of the DLCs.

One of my favorite things recently has been looking for similar assets and props between games made on the Unity engine/toolbox. There’s a cabinet I noticed that also makes an appearance in both House Party and Phasmophobia, so my headcanon is now that not only do these games take place in the same universe, but they’re actually a trilogy, starting with HF, then HP, then Phas. Obviously, there are three different protagonists and the time between the games doesn’t matter but could be thousands of years (a la Dark Souls). The first installment sees the “Flipper of Houses” renovating and selling a house to Madison and Ashley from House Party, the second installment shows, through the eyes of the “Bearer of Debauchery” the party at that house that incited an indescribable, well-known event/disaster, and the third installment shows paranormal explorers, headed by the “Hunter of Souls”, investigating the house for any supernatural clues on what really happened that night.

But yeah, this review hasn’t been amazingly positive or anything so I’m kind of at a bit of an impasse as to why I liked it as much as I did. I think it understood exactly what it was coupled with the fact that, as I alluded to earlier, it scratches that primal cleaning itch. Despite its casual nature, I don’t think this game will be for everyone, for that reason. And if you don’t have that itch, I’m gonna assume you live in filth, you dirty motherfucker. I’m kidding.

Anyways, not sure if I see myself checking out any of the DLCs, but I’ll keep them on pricewatch. It’s entertaining that HGTV collaborated with them for one. For the price I paid and the time I spent, the game was relaxing and fun. Enough to write 1700 words about it, I guess.

Turns out this isn't my type of game.

its so addicting!!

and then you beat all the missions..

Fun but title lied, couldn't flip the house over

Very relaxing but sometimes the repeating chores can get boring or anoying


This game gave me everything I wanted - generic cleaning and painting for hours on end. It's exactly what I've been looking for and it's so good to wind down with. My only complaints are that some things needed for completion are utterly obscure and not explained anywhere - like tiny light fixtures that you have to be standing directly under and completely lined up with the exact pixel to even get the command to fix it, with no prompts of hints telling you that it's what you're looking for. It's small things like that which make this feel even less complete than it feels like otherwise, but it's still a great experience if you can get around that.

vou logar mesmo tendo só começado pq ja vi que é um jogo gigantesco interminável mas amei mto minhas primeiras jogadinhas, ele ser em primeira pessoa e vc fazer tudo com as mãos cada processo ao invés de ser terceira pessoa de longe isométrico meio the sims dá um sabor mto mais satisfying e gostosinho e deixa as coisas menos impessoais e distanciadas

First hours was funny, but I couldn't keep playing because it was constantly giving me headaches because of its First Person View.

I filled every single inch of my house with cement.

I haven't finished the game (even if I had been enjoying my time with it) but I do kind of want to give everyone a buyer beware in the event that anyone wants to buy the physical version. I do like my physical editions, so I did, indeed, buy physical!

I'm not entirely sure why this is the case, but it does not seem like if you buy the base physical version, you cannot actually buy the DLC on the Switch eShop. Like, if you buy the DLC it will not be compatible with the game that's actually on the cart. I think it might be because the physical edition of the game and the digital version have different publishers? I did a little recon and saw that this had happened to other people, as well, even if it was a little hard to find.

So uhhh yeah. Weird shit. I think there are physical versions that DO include the DLC, at least. But I would like to do my part to keep anyone from making my House Flipper mistake. I ended up selling the cart and buying the digital version later.

Love it, something to do when bored or stressed. I find this game to be quite cathartic, something about completely renovating a house into your own vision does things for me.
Can the console version please catch up with the PC version, I BEG!

Jogo bom para relaxar, mas excelente para te estressar quando as coisas começam a bugar ou você não consegue achar onde pintou errado. Depois de 4 horas você cansa de fazer as mesmas coisas, fora que apenas algumas habilidades que você aprimora são eficientes.

if youre like me and only boot up the sims because building houses are fun, you will love this game. my one complaint is very subjective but also is enough to diminish how much i like it: the game is so fucking ugly. that shouldnt matter but to me it does. i dont like decorating my houses nearly as much as just sandboxing in the sims because the overall furniture is ugly and the textures are this weird uncanny realism (the wood in particular is offensive). this is not constructive, which is something i try to be when i leave negative reviews but thats really the only reason i dont play this game. i like the indepth house plans and the ui and the feeling of really building up each house you buy/renovate, it's just... ugly.

Does what it says on the tin. Sometimes it's just the thing I need.

Super fun and chill game, albeit a bit janky at times and it can get repetitive. Hopefully the next one improves upon it.

finished all the main houses, just have to get the dlcs to do the rest!

This game's very very fun and therapeutic. For some reason, I absolutely loved doing chores and running jobs for people, it felt really rewarding.
Personally I'm a total sucker for Simulation games with light RPG elements (Euro Truck Sim2 does this too!). There's stuff to unlock to make your life easier, which encouraged me to play it more.
Slightly docked points because of incosistency. There's a huge difference between what the game was at the start, and what the latest content is. It's a bit jarring at times, and I personally liked the game without the DLC more.
Still, incredibly fun and definitely recommended if you want to relax a little!

What a fun, relaxing game to play! It was not crazy deep, it didn't have a compelling story, the controls are jank, but it still is just so enjoyable to do all the tasks. The only real issue I have with this game (I don't mind jank at all, it can be quite entertaining) is how glitched out the trophies were.

It almost works as something to play on mute while listening to podcasts but it just feels so lazy, like the makers put in the bare minimum amount of effort and didn't care about quality to any degree

This game can be very glitchy, especially on the contracts. For example, you can painted the whole room but the game still says you have 2% left. It gets really annoying when you (stupidly) trust what the game is saying and look everywhere to find the speck of paint you missed. It wants you to do the house in a very specific order or else it’s going to glitch out and you have to exit out of the level and go back in, which can take maybe up to 5 minutes in itself in waiting time (at least on the Xbox One) to fix it. I switched off the cockroaches, yet I find myself switching it back on, so it registers that I vacuumed up all the glass, which can be very hard to see. What’s the point of that option if you have to switch it back and forth for it to actually work?

This game also got me very frustrated when it wouldn’t tell me what walls to break down! It doesn’t tell you anything about the minimap color coding, or which color it is that it wants you to break down, so I ended up breaking a lot of the house down just to find which wall it wanted (this happened to other people because it’s one of the many things the game doesn’t tell you!). Well anyway, after confusedly tearing the house down, my Xbox one controller died and I needed to get batteries, which just so happened to be in my basement. So I started walking down the stairs and I slipped. I don’t know why, but I just slipped. I I thankfully caught myself, but I still had two very scraped elbows for like a week. I blame this game for making me angry.

You would think this is a relaxing game on the surface, which it is, until it either breaks in a way which is not your fault, or doesn’t communicate something as in WHICH WALLS TO DEMOLISH AND THEN YOU FALL DOWN THE STAIRS.

I spent so much time decorating a home in a contract (a waste of time and money I now know, because doing extra work and decoration isn’t acknowledged in this game), and for some reason it was glitching out with the walls. I looked it up and apparently so many people had issues with this aunt’s house level, so much so that it had to patched, since people were having trouble with the radiator installation. It got patched, but this level is still broken for me, 3 years later, and my issue is completely different with the walls saying I didn’t demolish them, even though I did and I didn’t rebuild them after. So, I decided to exit out of the level and go back in, and when I came back it turned out I had to get rid of the majority of the decorations I now placed to 100% the level.

Part of me has a lot of fun renovating houses, but all of these stupid glitches that happen because I don’t do rooms in a specific order (seriously, the solutions people had to come up with for the aunt’s house and other levels are renovating the rooms in a very specific order- so you can 100% the level, without it breaking)!!! I also read that people think they did the bare minimum in making this game and I think I agree. They made a game where you can renovate houses, but it also has many glitches, you have to buy expensive dlc just to get more furniture (the base game should make it where you unlock more furniture as you level up!) doing anything extra after finishing the checklist of requirements is literally just a waste of money, you can’t change the roof, you can’t expand the house except by rebuilding rooms if you want more space, there’s no options for windows, no outdoor furniture whatsoever in the base game, I could (clearly) go on and on. It very likely didn’t happen this way (because making games is extremely difficult and time consuming), but it does feel like the bare minimum of effort went into this - there’s such a lack of polish to this game which really undermines all the fun aspects, which they must’ve spent so much time working on!!! Sorry this is a rant but I just got fed up with this game today when Chang Choi wouldn’t buy my home (which I specifically catered to him) because I installed a freaking toilet. He apparently liked the house less than Mr. Futuristic Bachelorpad when I installed a TOILET. I ended up having to delete decorations for him to enjoy having a toilet and a shower in his bathroom.

P.S. I guess I have a personal vendetta against this game now? My poor elbows…

Thought I was gonna live out my Joanna Gaines dreams. But nay nay.

Played this on the Switch and after about 4 hours there was... Just nothing left to do? It became so repetitive and the catalog is so limited I spent a good while searching around like hello?? This can't be all?

Alas. It was all.

I think the PC version has more going on but?? For me this was a miss.

Anyway besties if you need me I'll be watching HGTV <3


Another approximate simulator to add to the pile. The Home Alone and Castle scenarios were a fun diversion, but the bulk of the game is just Sims without the Sims.

There is a weird lighting bug where lights are only on when you're actually in the room. It created a jarring effect while moving throughout a home.

I also see that Game Pass tax on the DLC. Shame.

really wish there were more variations in colours and furniture types, but i still dunked tens of hours into this, and you'll get a lot out of it