Reviews from

in the past

🎮 Platform: PC
⌚ Time to finish - 5h
🏆Trophy completion - 54% - 2 trophies bugged out so I should be more like 75%
🤬Difficulty - Hard! Would have taken HOURS more had I not used a guide. I was stuck so much and the game gives very little clues and no map. I was always lost. I hate being lost in games...
🌄Graphics – fine its pixel art.
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – Enjoyed the music and the characters in game saying quirky things. The game has a unique atmosphere as it breaks the "4th wall".
📚 Main Story / Characters – Story was typical world ending, robots becoming sentient, main char on a save the world mission... sorry did not connect.... but there are some interesting 4th wall things they do that are completely atypical. Those were pretty cool. Really the game is about experiencing those. I wish I wasn't always so lost that it took forever to get to those moments.
🤺 Combat – none
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – buggy. I did not get 2 trophies that i did.
🚗 Movement/Physics – fine
📣 Voice acting – none
🥇 Best thing about the game - 4th wall things they do. Haven't seen other games do it.
👎 Worst thing about the game - being lost and not enough clues given. For a puzzle, exploration game, they lack some basic things to point you in the right direction.
💡Final Thoughts:

I guess if you enjoy being lost and trial and error on what to do next, you are probably fine with this game. If you hate being lost, this game is not for you. I only gave it a 2 stars because I used a guide to get me past. If I did not use a guide this would have been a 1 star game.

I think people are Overweighting the 4th wall stuff, and the emotional connection you build to the main character Niko, which does happen. IMO game play itself is not very interesting, run around in circles everywhere, trial and error things, run around some more and hope story moves forward since you have no CLUE what to do next. Sure sometimes subtle cues are given but its not enough. The map is dark a lot so its hard to see where you are going.

I can't help think if this game should have been made the way Limbo/Inside were made, it would have been a much better way to tell their story. I get RPG maker probably has some limitations.

OneShot was definitely worse than I expected going into it. The main story is quite interesting, and the 4th-wall breaks are something I've never seen any other videogame do. But, the gameplay is just such a drag to me. This can mainly be attributed to plain and indiscriminable areas that are annoying to navigate, as well as 'hidden' checkpoints the player must reach before being able to progress. What I mean by this, is having to talk to specific characters before being able to obtain certain items or perform certain actions. It makes the game longer than it should be.

In addition, one of the 4th-wall breaks did not function properly for me, which made me have to look up the solution. Kind of a bummer, since that is the main interesting mechanic of the game.

I don't think OneShot is a bad game at all, it just wasn't as capturing as I would have hoped.

funny little video game cat does irreparable emotional damage to my psyche

man this was beautiful as fuck. idk what it is that got me so insanely attached and invested in not only niko, but the world and its characters. I'm not usually the type of guy to get like that, especially in a short 3-6 hour game but something was so endearing about these characters. highly recommend this one for a pretty short but wonderful story, there's some pretty clever and interesting puzzle ideas here as well. go in as blind as you can and enjoy the ride!

probably the only time ive ever had a choice of "save one or save everyone else" and felt conflicted about picking either decision.

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OneShot fans will witness the heat death of the Universe and be like: 😔

Edit: Just got to the final ending. I'll... just be... in a corner... absolutely not crying...

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I really enjoyed my experience with OneShot. I was lucky enough to play the game blind and so the reveal at the beginning where the game knew my name genuinely shocked me and had me engaged pretty quickly. This game does meta stuff really well, its super impressive how attached you become to Niko even though the game emphasizes that other characters aren't real and you know damn well Niko isn't any different. The little puzzles it has you do on your PC are also really interesting even if the one fucked up my Rainmeter live Wallpaper.

The only thing really keeping me from considering OneShot to be one of my all time favorites is that I never really cared about any of the side characters. The game kind of lost me at the end of the Solstice route when it started to focus on the relationship between the creator and the world machine. It wasn't bad or anything but I was invested in OneShot because of the relationship between me, Niko, and the game...and all of that other stuff didn't capture my attention as much. The ending of Solstice was still emotional (seriously how did they make them walk off the window like that??) but I almost prefer the original ending just because it did a really good job capturing the essence of was so special about OneShot to me.

Uma experiência única e incrível.

First tip: play it on window mode, T R U S T M E

Gosh, where do I start... I swear I'll try not to give you spoilers if you never played OneShot before

I got curious cause I saw a video about "games you can only play once" (You see what they did here? oneshot lol). The guy was talking about the first one that was free and all, and then I found out this was the "definitive edition" on steam, and I was really excited about the idea of just having one chance to do the right thing

Then, I also discovered that people liked this game a lot because it is ✨u n i q u e ✨, and it really is. The game itself is the break of the fourth wall. When I was around 20 min in the game I was like "is that why people like it? Just because of the main character calling you by the name that is written on your OS?"

Man... I was so so so much wrong!!! Everything is amazing. First, you start exploring the first part of the world, finding items, solving puzzles with these items, talking to the few characters you find to get to know more about the world you're in and all is so well made... Then these files start popping out in your computer, and you get more and more involved.

And here I stop talking about the "first playthrough", cause I will let the rest to you find out on your own BUT, here is the second tip (just read it if you finished the game at least once):

When you think you've finished the game, you didn't. When you think you've finished it again? You didn't.

"But, Felix, do I have to replay it all over again, the same way, just to get that other final?"

NO! It's a 99% different playthrough, I swear. It's almost entirely new, with an ending you coudn't reach before beating it for the first time, cause that save you had to erase, wasn't really the save...

Last tip: get some tissues.

I'm honestly considering if this is one of my favorite games...

Niko eatin a fat fuckin stack of pancakes

this game was something
I haven't played any game that brakes the 4th wall in this brilliant way
you are literally one of the main characters in the game
So if you want something nice and short, you have to play Oneshot
Also please do the solstice route (true ending route) after completing the game, It's only 2 hours long and worth it

Uma jornada super imersiva, com o uso da quebra da quarta parede te faz criar um laço com o Niko, assim a tornando em uma jornada entre "amigos".
A experiência com esse jogo é única, e até difícil de explicar com palavras, mas a cada momento jogando você se sente mais dentro daquele mundo.
O final é muito bom, com escolhas extremamente difíceis de serem tomadas, então é necessário ser bem racional, ou sentimental se preferir.
Desde que joguei pela primeira vez, se tornou um dos meus jogos 2D favoritos, eu recomendo a qualquer um

the less you know the better. play it

I just want Niko to be happy.

EU TE AMO NIKO, simplesmente perfeito, me apeguei tanto a esse jogo que no final chorei, a quebra de quarta parede do jogo é um dos bagulho mais genial que já vi num game, usar isso pra puzzles é incrível.
Os personagens são maravilhosos, literalmente todos são perfeitos não tem um que eu não amei. Os cenários, as musicas, a historia é TAO BEM FEITO e da pra ver o carinho em cada coisa do game que isso faz esse ser um dos melhores jogos que já joguei.
uma obra prima.

Niko asking me what it's like in my world and then looking out my window and seeing the city streets covered in snow gave me a feeling no game has ever given me before

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"One shot is never enough
I just wait for us to go in circles" - The Strokes, (Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus - The New Abnormal)

Honestly, your first step into OneShot doesn't lead you to expect much of it. A simple adventure puzzle game with a simple premise and simple gameplay. Find something that doesn't work, talk to some characters for information, find some doo dads, combine them until you get the Required Doo Dad™, then proceed with the story. But as you dive deeper into the story, something else happen, a weird text box says your name, documents are put on your computer, your homescreen is changed to solve a puzzle. OneShot seems simple, but it's main strength is how it wows you by taking actions that you wouldn't expect. OneShot is a wonder both in narrative, and puzzles. The scene where I used the clover program to figure out which door you need to go through genuinely made me excited. This wonderful little game, is one I'm glad to have experienced. It can be said that Niko not only brightened up the world for the characters of OneShot, they brightened up my world.


Man, now this is the game that uses the medium of video games as a means of storytelling the absolute best. I really don't want to spoil anything, so I'll go as absolutely barebones as I can. You, the player, are God. It's your job to guide the messiah, a child named Niko, through their quest to restore a lightbulb known as the world's Sun to its rightful place to save it. However, your guidance will have to rely on use of your computer such as utilizing files to help progress the puzzles (so play in windowed mode for maximum convenience).

The genuine bond with Niko the player develops makes or breaks this game. They're a very charming and enjoyable character with their naive and childish worldview clashing with the dour and near apocalyptic surroundings. Guiding them through everything and seeing their interactions with the world and its inhabitants invests you, the player, into both Niko and the world. To spoil as least as possible, this is the most important thing the game does to build up towards its climax.

The paid version comes with a new area compared to the first game and a..."postgame." Let's call it that. While the experience is still great without these, I feel the paid version adds to the experience notably enough to make this by far the definitive version.

This game made me cry four or five different times. I love this game so much. I genuinely think it's a more solid game than Undertale which also goes for a personal meta experience. I feel like the interesting ways OneShot uses itself as a game is so, so interesting and warrant a playthrough even if this kind of game isn't your thing.

I wish the game was longer though. I want the game to be longer so, so bad. I wish some characters had some more time to shine which makes some characters feel kind of forgettable even though they're important. Still, some of that is intentional and some of that is this game being made by like two or three people.

I heavily recommend this game. Go play it. Now. You can beat it in a day, now go.

how many cat-people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Okay dude ik indie games breaking the fourth wall are a dime a dozen but this one is at least emotionally engaging. I want to support the little kitten kid leave me alone

Tudo nesse jogo é especial, ambientação, música, Personagens, temas, História de aceitar você como é mesmo que os outros te julguem, o jogo que melhor quebra a 4th parede que já vi sendo vital para os temas do jogo e o Final mágico além da Niko tá no meu top 10 Personagens Favoritos dos games.

Oh the joys of being a cat boy/girl's intrusive thoughts

such a cute and fun lil thing with some of the coolest meta shit i've ever seen in a game - the ending stretch really is that good, too. don't want to say too much, this game is short and it's cheap - just go play it and find out for yourself!! now!!!!!

edit, 1 week later: just played through the alternate route and wow. it most certainly has its flaws but what it adds is really quite impactful - made me feel wrong for acting like i had beaten the game after my first playthrough. play it also!!!


Beautiful game. Masterpiece.

This game really meant something to me back in the day, though I know its puzzles are quite simple and it's graphics may not be the best. The story was something that really came to me at the perfect time in my life, this game may not be for everyone but it was definitely for me.

Logo depois de terminar este game, vim aqui contar minha experiencia com OneShot. Um bom jogo! Um jogo fofo e divertido com uma história peculiar e uma quebra de quarta parede muito bem feita. Nunca tinha visto nada sobre esse jogo, porém, me arrependo de não ter jogado ele na epoca em que saiu. De certa forma vamos para a review:

Jogabilidade[3/5]: Simples. Não queria dar uma nota baixa, porém tenho q ser acertivo dentro daquilo que é mostrado dentro do jogo. A gameplay se baseia em andar pra lá e para cá procurando itens e juntando eles para desbloquear novos caminhos. Nesse meio tempo você acaba conhecendo histórias novas, pessoas novas e etc, porém acho q isso encaixa mais no requisito gameplay. A jogabiliadade não é de todo o meu agrado, o que eu quero dizer é que não curto essa jogabilidade, mas eu entendo que esse não é objetivo a ser alcançado por OneShot.

Dificuldade[4/5]: Gostei da dificuldade dos puzzles. Não é nem muito difícil e nem fácil. A satisfação de resolver os principais puzzles é muito grande, porém os puzzles de construção de item não foram os meus favoritos, nunca gosto desse tipo de mecânica, mas é aquilo, é meu gosto pessoal e entendo porque tem isso no jogo, mas na minha opinião e gosto é um ponto a menos.

Direção de arte[5/5]: Gráficos simples. No início eu acho bem feio, mas entendo as limitações da engine do RPG Maker, no fim o jogo tem seu charme e bom, acredito que teria gostado mais se fosse feito seila, talvez em um outro estilo ou outra engine. Mas isso pouco importa, é a identidade do jogo. No início eu estava pensando em dar uma nota menor, mas eu mudei de ideia. A identidade visual é muito graciosa, os sprites são MUITO LINDOS, e os quadros de animações tbm são muito lindos. No fim eu curti muito a qualidade visual desse jogo, então acho q é nota máxima aqui!

História[5/5]: A melhor parte desse jogo com TODA a certeza absoluta! A história é marcante, melancólica, dramática e aconchegante. Os personagens são bem carismáticos da sua prórpia forma. Todos eles marcantes e muito bem escritos. No fim eu simplesmente amei terminar esse jogo! A construção da sua história é definitivamente algo a se admirar. As reviravoltar, os dialógos... Tudo é muito bem construído dentro da ideia que o jogo quer passar. No fim é com certeza o que faz as pessoas jogarem esse jogo com certeza!

Trilha sonora[5/5]: Muito boa. Acrescenta muito na identidade visual do jogo, e faz até os cenários ficarem mais memóraveis e bonitos. A meláncolia, o desastre e a tranquilidade transmitida pela trilha sonora nos diversos pontos do jogo é magnífica. É do tipo de música que fica na sua cabeça até quando você termina o jogo. Marcante e linda!

Gameplay[4/5]: Elenco de personagens marcantes, looping de gameplay um pouco exaustivo, porém se salva na parte de interação com os personagens e no descobrimento do mundo, e além disso dos puzzles encontrados no meio do caminho. A resolução de puzzles é definitivamente marcante nesse jogo e a interação com o player é a identidade visual dele. Um dos melhores protagonistas que eu já vi em um jogo indie! Esse jogo é definitivamente um peróla e acredito que será muito dificil existir algo do mesmo nível novamente. Jogo lindo e perfeito!

Conclusão[4.333/5]: Uma experiência marcante! Recomendo mesmo você que não curte muito indie, jogar esse jogo. Eu gosto dos indies pois eles gostam de utilizar de mecânicas não muito convencionais e misturar isso na história. A liberdade criativa desse jogo demonstra isso perfeitamente, e claro, deveria ser a porta de entrada para qualquer um que queira ter uma experiência diferente no mundo dos videos jogos. Amei! Esse jogo com certeza estará sempre em minhas memórias. Na real, essa história inteira. Muito obrigado por ler até aqui. Desejo um ótimo dia para você!