Reviews from

in the past

Game is alright and iconic yadda yadda. There was an arcade near my friends house and he had this tiny little Asian mom the sweetest lady ever and when she put a quarter in that machine she went BEAST MODE AND DESTROYED EVERY OTHER HIGH SCORE THERE i actually shit myself a little

the ideal arcade game. most versions fucking suck though and the fact the NES version has been preserved in any way proves the lack of God's existence (i am slightly overreacting)

Stars someone who breaks into houses while high on crack by his own admission and peer pressures people into doing drugs. Not a good influence for kids!

Someone made a three hour review on fucking Pac-Man. How much cocaine does one have to take to do such a thing.

The first pac-man game is super iconic and one of the most revolutionary games ever, but nowadays it's just pac-man. With so many other better games to play Pac-Man is not going to be something you sink 100s of hours into.

Pac-Man is a truly nuanced commentary on capitalism. The objective of eating all the dots is a reference to the excessive consumption the system demands and the fact that the game never ends signifies how hollow this endless consumption really is. Not only that but the central conflict between Pac-Man and the ghosts represents the working class in-fighting that the bourgeoisie will orchestrate to distract us from our true enemy. Toru Iwatani could write Das Kapital but Karl Marx could never create the true anti-capitalist masterpiece that is Pac-Man.

If you do not like this game you do not like video games

The finest example of the maze genre at the time of its release. Adding the dots (thanks Head-On) and fruit as a constant carrot on a stick to chase, coupled with the unpredictable behavior of the ghosts requires your attention at a level that only a few of the vertical shooters could equal. Simple, but iconic designs and sound effects round it out.

(Originally published in this blog entry in March 2022)

When we think about Pac-Man, one of its indelible images involves the eponymous character running away from some colorful ghosts and later him being the one that chases them after getting a Power Pellet in order to eliminate them. Because of this, Pac-Man is usually cited as the first game with power-ups. However, the ghosts have a shorter duration of vulnerability after each level, and once you reach the twenty-first screen, those Power Pellets have no impact on them, and instead ghosts are faster, which represents how little actually mattered to director Toru Iwatani to entrance the player with the satisfaction of overcoming enemies they were previously weak to.
Pac-Man is a maze game where the player has to obtain all pellets and avoid ghosts that pursue the player to get to the next screen. Before its release, mazes in videogames were more closely associated with role-playing games such as Oubliette and Beneath Apple Manor, two great games of their generation that broadened the understanding of navigation in dungeons as social spaces or as a source of horror. However, the maze in Pac-Man is seen from a top-down perspective, while every element from role-playing games is absent. This is due to Iwatani's mechanical understanding of games, a consequence of his background as an engineer, and his interest in the development of pinball machines (which initially led to his first video game, Gee Bee, to have similar rules to pinball), where the immediate legibility of objectives is of paramount importance, and the abstraction of sensations is conveyed mechanically.

This element is precisely what differentiates Pac-Man from previous representations of a maze: Its economy in language, and its mechanization and legibility of simple components. If labyrinthis in role-playing games derive their strength from draining the player's resources, Pac-Man replaces this with the constant chase, where the game demands attention to avoid defeat and tests the mental fortitude of the player. By making the avatar move automatically in the direction it is facing, the implication of the player with the events on screen is bolstered, since not paying attention leads to not making decisions such as turning on bifurcations, or deciding between avoiding enemies and getting pellets on time. Through these resources, Iwatani blends the action derived from the chase and avoiding enemies on time with the labyrinthine construction of spaces in a way that seems natural, almost obvious and easy.

It is this feeling of ease that led Pac-Man to have numerous successors in its generation, but the fundamental difference between Pac-Man and other maze chase games is the depth in the movement speed. The avatar goes faster when it is not consuming pellets, can turn corners faster than the enemies, and can get through the lateral tunnels faster as well. Through this alongside the increasing speed of the enemies after each level leads to frequent situations where a player about to be caught escapes by very little from the enemies, in dodges at the last second, through which the player has to utilize the maze layout and search for appropriate places to gain more speed while being aware of their position in the screen. This element is Iwatani's true finding with Pac-Man: The pleasure of the maze, and this quality is what gives it true significance above superficial elements such as having the first mascot character or being the first game with cutscenes, and makes it, four decades and many sequels and variants after its release, still resonate with firmness.

did you know pac man was originally called puck man? not because he looked like a hockey puck because pakku pakku means flap your mouth which is what p

the google version is better

im not surprised that Insanely Important Respected Fun But Early video games like this and donkey kong have weird ass rating trends and averages considering that mfs on here with their "objective rating scale" are gonna look at this like "ah but how does the pacman arcade cabinet compare to Dark Souls"

Arcade Week: Day #6

There’s a reason why people changed it from puck-man to fuck-man and trust me, it wasn’t to laugh…actually now that I think about it…

You’ve all heard of him, whether it be on a tv show, a song, a book, you have most likely heard of the video game icon that is: pac-man. Created by Toru Iwatani after having quite a few drinks and thinking a pizza with a slice missing…or at least that’s my head canon of the events. Nonetheless, he ended up creating a game that was groundbreaking and the next step towards getting girls into video games, or at least that’s what some people think. Anyway let’s get into the gameplay already or else it’s gonna make me hungry.

You play as a yellow pizza looking guy who has to eat tiny pellets to get to the next level and progress. However, there are 4 ghosts to try and stop you with the most adorable names: Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and the most imaginative of the names: Clyde. However to try and prevent these ghosts from potentially killing you, you can eat these big pellets known as power pellets. This turns the ghosts blue and makes them look like Charlie Brown. If you eat multiple blue ghosts in succession, you get more points! You can also get bonus items which increase your high score after eating a certain number of pellets, these include things such as fruit and a…key?

Overall, pac-man is a really fun arcade game which, like quite a few, has surprisingly stood the test of time. Pac-man is still widely known today with all sorts of sequels and spin-offs following after the originals success. Even a Ms. Pac- man but that’s a story for another day.

Fun little game, nice intermissions, Clyde, anyone fancy going out and having a key to eat?

Pretty cool, the microtransactions are unbearable tho

I hate this yellow faced Mickey Mouse-eyed motherfucker so goddamn motherfucking much. He has caused so much grievances for my goddamn family with his smug shitty face that screams "I just took a huge massive steaming shit on your lawn and you can do nothing about it because I peed on the pile of shit and then stepped on it so then it'd stick even more and it's gonna storm in 5 minutes you fucking idiot shit licker". Good god, I just want to punch him so bad and the ghosts aren't any better either. All of them looking so fucking stupid and smug and Blinky, the red ghost "did" my mom while whistling "Doin Your Mom" by Fatty Spins. After that traumatic experience, the other weird shit-eating motherfucking ghost bitches then tried to mug me. I just wanna run them over with my lawn mower and as for Pac-Man, I wanna put my fist in his stupid fucking mouth instead of those weird white dots fuck this game fuck Pac-Man and fuck the ghosts and I want my money back.

My therapist says "it's just a game"; well I think it's war. I will see them in court.

(in all seriousness i think this game is super annoying and find pac-man super punchable)


Why are you looking at reviews for Pac-Man.

what do pac man pellets taste like

I mean... it's fucking Pac-Man. The gameplay is super addicting, the sound and music is iconic, and the little cutscenes in between levels are pretty cute. Do I need to say anything else?

Game #8

É Pac-Man, o primeiro, só isso

In the name of Zaratustra, why the hell does Pac Man look like that, is he STONED???

Not to much to say about this one, its a revolutionary arcade game and its still pretty fun.

Been playing for as long as I can remember. Respect this man. Also played on Google when that happened back in like 2010.

It can get kind of old after a while but it's overall excellent, and I really don't know what else there is to say, everything has already been said